Prologue: 3 years later Spring: Chapter 1

A Letter To My 16 Year Old Me


“Yoona are you okay?” Yuri said while patting Yoona’s shoulders gently.

“Ah- Of course I’m fine… Although I can’t believe it’s the last day here at Yonsei High.” Yoona said feeling a little hurt inside.

“A lot has happened since the first day during our first year here” Leeteuk said reminiscing.

“Yeah and we all became friends so suddenly” Eunhyuk followed on. “Remember the second day of school, Donghae transferred?”

“He was the hunk! Every girl in the class had their eyes focused suddenly at the front because of Donghae” Leeteuk chuckled.

“Well he was the best looking guy at our class…” Yuri carried on.

“So you’re saying I’m not the best looking?” Leeteuk asked subtly.

“Yoona thought that too anyway… right Yoona?” Yuri insisted.

“Eh… Maybe I did Leeteuk…” Yoona said admittedly.

“It was obvious that you liked him anyway” Leeteuk exclaimed.

“It’s just too bad that… he’s gone now…” Yoona said while her face turned dull. “It’s my entire fault that Donghae’s not here anymore…”

“NO! Don’t say that! We still didn’t exactly know why. Don’t put it upon you” Yuri said.

Yoona, Yuri, Leeteuk and Eunhyuk all gathered around the pit and each one of them placed a letter with it saying what they want to do when they grow up.

“Have we got all the letters we want to put into the pit?” Yuri said. “Whoa. Yoona and Leeteuk, both of your letters seems so thick. So many things you want to happen in the future?”

“You could say that…” Yoona said while looking at Leeteuk.

“Geez. You two should just go out already. Anyway Yoona, Leeteuk has been waiting for you since the first day he met you.” Eunhyuk announced.

“GA! Eunhyuk!” Leeteuk shouted while he tried to stop Eunhyuk from talking anymore.

“Then we’ll start going out then.” Yoona said bluntly.

“Eh?” All three said at the same time.

“Congratulations Leeteuk! Your unrequited love paid off!” Eunhyuk teased.

“Stop talking Eunhyuk!” Leeteuk said while blushing.

“I’m glad for you Yoona.” Yuri smiled. “Okay! I’m going to seal the letters into the box now and bury it. Any last words?”

“I just wished Donghae was here with us right now.” Leeteuk said seriously.

All four of them, took a moment of silence as they stood there reminiscing their days when all five of them were all together. The gush of winds as the sun goes slowly down. The orange lights shining through their faces with shades of the trees…

Yuri poured chunks of dirt into the pit and buried it deeply.

Yoona stared as Yuri lastly covered it to the top. She slowly closed her eyes and thought “I just wish in my other life… I won’t make the same mistakes… That the things I could’ve done would’ve saved him today. This letter… I wish it reaches to you, Yoona from 3 years ago.”

They all said their farewells to each other and went separate ways except Leeteuk and Yoona who walked together home. The two were quiet and didn’t say anything until Yoona stopped walking suddenly.

“Anything wrong?” Leeteuk asked.

“Your letter was as thick as mine… Mind if I knew anything you wrote in there?” Yoona said while her head looking at the ground.

“I just… Want a better future to be happy for.” Leeteuk started.

“A better future…? What do you mean by that?”

“A future where everyone was happier… Especially the person who I wanted to make happy the most…” Leeteuk walked towards Yoona and placed his palms upon Yoona’s cheeks. He looked deeply in her eyes showing despair, and utter disappointment upon him.


“I know I can’t bring up a past that is already gone, but hopefully… I can change the past, for a better future.” Leeteuk said and then suddenly hugged Yoona tightly.

“Leeteuk… You…”

“I know I can’t make you happy as much as Donghae but… Just in this lifetime, I’ll take care of you… Hopefully in the other lifetime… That letter I wrote will help the me who was so ignorant 3 years ago.”

Leeteuk slowly pushed Yoona away. Suddenly  Yoona placed her hands on Leeteuks arms and looked into his eyes.

“Don’t put yourself down on this. It wasn’t your fault. I- I was the one who could’ve saved him… Since I was such a coward, I let him go so quickly.” Yoona said getting teared up. “I just wish that… Donghae would be saved by the me in my other lifetime… That this sort of myth is actually true. That if a letter was buried on that spot… It can reach yourself from the first year you were at this school, but for now…” Yoona started to cry in tears.

“Leeteuk… “ Yoona sobbed. “Help me forget about Donghae. I don’t mind not remembering him in this lifetime if it will get me happier in the future… At least- At least in the other lifetime, he’ll be saved…”

Leeteuk gently patted Yoonas head and wrapped his arms around Yoona.

“Yoona… Let’s get married.” Leeteuk said straightforwardly.

Yoona stopped sobbing. She looked at Leeteuk in shock. “Married? Isn’t that a bit too sudden?”

“Not now, but in the future. I let Donghae passed for you, but him just leaving like that... I can’t accept. Especially when he’s made you cry so much already.”

Leeteuk leaned towards Yoona’s lips and they both shared a sweet kiss.

“Just in this lifetime… Let me be the one for you Yoona…”

At the street where they stood there, Yoona thought that she had to put Donghae behind her now… She had to lock away all the memories of her and Donghae did together because… In this lifetime… He’s never coming back… ever.



I’m sorry that it wasn’t long enough, but I hope you get the idea of the story :)

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