
Trifle ( foolish hearts )
Date:  oct 10, 2013 / 7:50am
Chapter:  2
Title:  Don't love
Notes:  le whut? u_________u
Credit:  < a tori creation >
don't love, separation comes quick to follow

"Pay up" Soojung had spread her palms infront of Ahyoung's face. She had a mischievous grin on her lips as her other hand still held the same drink. The other girl just gazed at her as if forgetting something important. "Yah! Pay up. I won you lost" Soojung added with a slight scowl pretending to be irritated and that's when Ahyoung had finally remembered.

"What the ? You actually broke up with him?" She frowned as she rumaged through her bag in search for her wallet.

The shorter girl had a smirk plastered on her face. Why would this friend doubt her? She was incapable of loving so breaking up was no problem for her. Although Myungsoo was quite a thrill for her, an ice prince who caught his interest the first time he met her was really something fun to bet about for Soojung and Ahyoung. They both loved to play around, which made them feel close since they were able to almost understand each other.

"Soojung... Ahyoung... You should really stop with games like this" Another one of their friends spoke up. She was the smart and quiet one. It was always a wonder to others how could someone very opposite to Soojung and Ahyoung be in their small circle of friends but then again, looking at Soojung and her bestfriend Bomi, that's more of a mystery. "One day you'd get karma for doing all that. Stop while it's early"

Back then, both of them would get annoyed at her constant soft nagging even though they knew she had a point. Why wouldn't she? This girl, Junhee, was on scholarship after all. She had the brains and often, she was one they seek when they couldn't find logic in an arguement or someone who would knock some sense into them. Despite being soft spoken and utterly shy, Junhee seemed to have no problems in telling the two her ideas and points about their misbehaviours.

Again, they weren't paying attention to the words of their smartest friend.



Tao's mind wasn't in class, instead of doing what he usually does when he hears gossip, it was different today. Everything revolved around Myungsoo's break down and this Soojung girl who brok e his heart. It had been like that for a week.

Glancing at Myungsoo, the guy looked colder, he looked miserable. Tao raised an eyebrow as he shook his head focusing back on the lesson. I thought this guy promised to get the girl back? He thought. Did He hear it wrong? Or maybe Myungsoo was just any of those other guys who claim they love and yet give up easily.


Soojung had changed her number in attempt to make Myungsoo stop from calling but the guy was persistent for the first two days and finally Soojung had reached her limit of patience. She blew up and had said everything she wanted to, how much she's feeling irritated with his actions and all she received from Myungsoo was an "I'll wait" before he reticulantly hung up the phone.

"Maybe you should really stop with these games Jung" Bomi said in a light tone as she continued to do her homework glancing at her friend as she talked.

The other only shook her head. "I need as much money as I can. You know that and besides, it's fun anyway" Soojung answered as she sprawled herself on Bomi's bed heaving a sigh. That was their difference. Soojung did not have to pay her tuition fee because her mother's sister works as a professor in the university and decided that she does not have a child of her own, she had taken Soojung to one of the best school as her scholar but the rest of the bills, they had to pay on their own.

And Bomi? Her father decided to enroll her to make up for every mistake he had done but still, he couldn't love this daughter. She was, after all not a legal child of his. Bomi's father had kept her a secret for 19 years.

Bomi shook her head, afraid of what may happen to her dearest friend "Junhee's right. Karma's a you know" Soojung only nodded, this Bomi was quiet, she was different from what other's usually see. She's not the noisy and annoying Bomi they all saw her. This was the Bomi only Soojung knew of.

"I have part time in an hour. I should get going now" Not wanting to hear any more of these nagging from her games, Soojung had dismissed herself and went to her destination.


"Sir." Sehun gave a nod as he opened the passenger door for his master. Tao only nodded as he silently took his seat. This was something new. A week from and girls. He almost laughed at himself. Checking his clock it was only minutes before 5pm and he didn't want to go home just yet.

"Hongdae" He had said just right after Sehun got in as well. Tao didn't know why but he just felt like being out on the streets, wanting a lively atmosphere. He had been alone for the past month, neither of his parents checking up on him as if only calling to know if he's still alive.

Like always, the other just nodded completely following orders. During the silent car ride Tao had spoken up, this was another request which didn't really give much surprise to Sehun it was just that the name Tao gave was something he didn't entirely expect.

"Find something about that Soojung girl"


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I have everything laid out except for how the two would make the deal OTL


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Chapter 4: Update
yoon_bm #2
Chapter 4: you really need to update this
This one is so damn nice
Chapter 1: I agree with keketotomato, Myungsoo is always portrayed as cool, cold, it's kind of weird reading him crying here, haha. By the way the layout is so cute :o
Chapter 1: even though i honestly ship myungsoo and bomi. it's funny to see krystal breaking up with myungsoo here. LOLS. he seems so soft and delicate. Tao really fits the role. XD
I don't normally subscribe before I read at least one chapter, but this story gets me curious aaaand it has Bomi and Krystal soooo~ I hope you update soon! Fighting!