Chapter 2

Fighting For What I Believe In!
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Im backkkk!!! hehe Sorry for having you to wait for me to update... well enjoy this chapter? And tell me how it is?



      Hajoo's POV.       As we boraded the 13 hour flight to SK. i thought of the time i was in the hospital...       FLASHBACK...       I have been in the hospital for a couple of weeks now.  After the first few, (more like 2 weeks) I was doing things I would usually do    every day like nothing have ever happened. I was only in there because they wanted to make sure I was going to be okay for later on and to do some tests on me.   "So when are we going?" i had asked Tiffany while sitting on the hospital bed.  Tiffany was reading some AFF stories on her I-pad not paying    attention to me, so i asked again "Hey, when are we leaving?" Still noting.     On the other hand Tiffany was smiling like a dummy while also having a  spaz attack about her story. "OMG, HongKi is SO HOT!" "I LUBE HIM!!!"   Still in dream land, i grabbed an pillow and threw it at her and    making her stop in her tracks and turn to me ever so coldly, glaring at me with a 'What The Fuq' look. "Why-did-you-do-that?" She clenched her    teeth while speaking to me.  I simply just played dumb and replied with "What? I didn't do anything..." In return, I got body slammed flat on the    hospital bed. "mmmmmuhmmmmauammm!!!!!" I screamed into Tiffany. "WHAT?" "AHHHHHHH!!" "Sorry I can't understand scream language..."    This went on until the doctor came in for a check up. "Ahh! HEY! Get off of her!" The doc yelled wide eyes and threw Tiffany off me and    across the room and checked if i was doing okay. "For a doc your VERY storng!" Tiffany said while rubbing her when she was thrown off of    me just now. He jus
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Niola12 #1
Chapter 8: please contiune the story :O you are amazing!!!! fighting :)
Chapter 3: Like all the other cheesy comments^^~
Chapter 3: Anyway~ You're amazing~~~~~~~
Chapter 3: I'm a horrible person heh sorry schiane for making you do all the work ><
Chapter 7: This story is amazing *^*
Biggie thumbs up!! Ma friend, I like your story so please continue soon 'cause it would kill me to wait for too long <3<3<3
Chapter 3: Wahhhh okies!
Chapter 2: Okay!! Its ok
Chapter 1: Omg !! Let's move to South Korea !!!!!! Yes yes yes !!!! But wae???