Chapter 1

Shall i Kidnap you?

Note : for this chapter, mostly in Hyesung pov. sorry being late. i'm fall asleep. hope this wont dissapointed. Thanx for reading..


Chapter I


All of a sudden, today, in our college sports equipment storeroom, I was a prisoner. AGAIN! Somehow, it’s already the umpteenth time that this happens. And the culprit! The villain, that captive me is no other than own my best friend. ERIC! Someone that I really trust and someone that I can rely on. I don’t know what was on his mind for doing this again and again and again until I lost count how many time this thing always happen. But, the worst part is, I don’t even know why I’m willing to do it. To be his prisoner! Aaaarrrggghhhh…!!! I think I’m going crazy. Wait! Maybe I already am.


“Eung? What?”

“Remove this rope! You don’t have to tie me like this?” I showed him my hands that tied.

“pssstt..” he put his index finger in front his lip with grin. “I’m the Director here. Just sit and wait there, Ok!” he ended it with a wink.

“YAH! YOU!! You stupid no Brain!!!!!!” I strangle him with my hands that tied.

“Arggh.. ahk.. Hye.. Hyesung-ah it hurts..” He managed to release himself from me. “Here he come.”

Eric get ready himself and pick the kendo stick that he put not far from him. Outside, I can see Junjin already came. And his expression.. well.. ready to kill Eric like always. How long this time will last? Last time.. no longer than 5 minutes.

“If you not surrender in a second, I will beat you again like last time!” said Jinie with his killing aura. And yet no respond from Eric. “Times UP!”

“YYYAAAHHH!!! What was that?!?! I even haven’t prepared myself yet! I just took my weapon!” Eric run in a rush to face Junjin. Surely he bit panicked. I walk to follow him out. “You.. You.. Blonde Demon! I do not want to be branded as kidnappers recidivists.”

This babo. Kidnapper recidivist? What was that? As I come outside, lot of people already gather around the storeroom. They seems as interesting as yesterday. And some of them are girls, who stunned with Junjin. Whose not?

“Today is the day of your defeat! Get ready, Chong Jae!” Eric griped the kendo stick tightly in and ready to attack.

Oh God, why he had to insult him more with calling Junjin with that name.

“Fine. As you wish then. Let’s not waste anymore time. Quick attack!”


Eric make the first move. Both of them running to each other while lift their kendo stick. Unfortunately for Eric, he don’t know Kendo, while as Junjin, he already learn this martial art almost half a year. When Eric close with Junjin, he dodge a bit to other side. Then make slight turn to smack Eric’s head with his own Kendo stick.


And.. That’s it. The duel for today, Ended with another victory for Junjin, and as always another Lose for Eric. Everyone clapped for Junjin for a while, and then boo-ing at Eric who collapsed after receive Junjin’s Attack.

“This is really ridiculous.”Junjin commented as he watching Eric prone on the ground. “Hyesung hyung, let’s go home.” Poor Eric.

This thing already become common thing in my Campus. In fact, hell it become one of their favorite show! Kidnapping hostage rescue drama. Staring, Me, Eric, and Junjin. I bet there’s also someone who made bet for this. This drama becoming a routine that happens almost every day. And that’s so damn embarrassing me! Why? I’m the victim here, as the fact that I am also boy! Though already use to it, still embarrassing. And because it happened often, I get forgotten when this thing started.

“Eric hyung really absurd. Absolutely. Haah…”

“I know. He is.” I smiled at Junjin tired face. “And you know it too, rite?”

“Yeah.” Junjin chuckling. “So, what are we going to eat tonight? I’m hungry.” My brother so cute, yet so scary sometime.

Eric always challenged Junjin to duel, that in fact Junjin are the best fighter in our neighborhood and also in our campus. He managed to learn almost all martial art that he think interesting and cool. And lately, Junjin interested in Kendo. He said it was cool. The weapon and the uniform. About me? I manage to learn about Taekwondo. My last grade was Dan 5.

But, as you know, of course Junjin refused all of those challenged. Never called him Eric if he’s not stubborn enough for this. He found another way to challenged Junjin. By using ME! Yes, me! Shin Hye Sung. Eric knows that Junjin being overly protected bout me. So he uses this to keep challenge Junjin to duel. How? Oh come on you know how, using me as hostage. Make me as a target for prisoner of that drama he made.

As soon as we arrived at home and changing our clothes, both of us ended in kitchen. Make something audible enough to eat. We decide to made something as easier as possible and as fast as it can.


“What’s wrong hyung?”

“We run out of salt. I’ll go buy for a while.”

“Wait up hyung. Let me go with you. It’s dangerous of you go out by yourself.”

“No, it’s Ok, Jin-ah. I can go by myself. Besides, its not that far.”

“Still,” Junjin gripped my arm. “I go with you.” He look me with his pleading eyes.

“Fine then. If so, better if we eat out there.”

Again like this. Junjin would never let me go alone. Sometimes it confused me. Who is the older brother and who is the younger one. And I’m also a man! I know how to protect myself. Well except that if I’m surrounded with many people ready to attack me. Other than that, I’m fine.

I guess I know why Junjin become like this. Maybe because of that Thing Junjin becoming like this. And maybe because of it too, he start to learn any martial arts that drawing his attention. Even though I prefer him dancing. He’s damn great dancer! It’s a pity if he neglected it away. But, that’s long enough. I can protect myself better this time.


* ^ ~^ *  ^ ~ ^ *  ^~^ *


The day after tomorrow. Guess where I am and with who. YES! AGAIN in college sports equipment storeroom with no other than my best friend. Beloved best friend, Eric.

“EH? Today.. What?” He put some necklace on me. Looks like dog necklace.

“Yippie.. yay.. yay yay.. woohoooo.. Today would be.. SM version! Aren’t you excited, Hyesungie?” He grinned like an idiot.

SM Version he said? SM as it as that?! IS HE CRAZY?!?! NO WAY! “YOU STUPID NO BRAAAIIIINNN!!!” I punch him bit hard.

“Ugh.. Auch.. It hurts, Syung-ah.” He his check. Well, its definitely red rite now. “Hix.. you and Junjin definitely are brother. You and him really look alike. As Hyung as Dongsaeng.”

“It’s your own fault. You are also too far this time. And stop that sulking face. You deserve it.” He keep look at me with his look that almost look like abandon puppy. “Why are you challenging Junjin again, anyway? Aren’t you tired of it?” I stare at him waiting him answering my question. And he just stare me with his blank face.

“Because….. want to win?” he still stare at me with his blank face, but now he tilt his head lil bit

“Don’t ask me? You are the one who challenge him.” This guy is unbelievable. “Ah, a phone call.” I took my smartphone to see whose calling. This number.. It’s Him. What should I do? How can he know my number?


- Eric P.O.V

What’s wrong with Hyesungie? Who is calling? Why he suddenly in daze like that? “Hey, Syung-ah, you drop your phone.” What happen with him? “who’s calling? Is it OK, if you’re not answering the phone?” Hyesungie look… scared, his face looks so pale. I never see him this scared before. “Hey..”

BRRAAKKK! The door’s open with the harsh way. Its Junjin. Did he smashed the door?

“Don’t Answer it!” Junjin snatched Hyesungie phone that I just managed to get. He reject the call and turn it off.


“Hyesung hyung, let’s go home. He calls me too.” Junjin drag the still on daze state Hyesungie with him.

“Ah, Jin-ah.” Hyesung awake from his daze state. “Sorry, Eric-ah. Let’s call it a day. Bye.” Hyesung bid good bye to me. Is he trembling? I’m stunned in where I’m standing.

“Wa-wait, Hyesung-ah! Jin-ah!” I end up following them going home. Well cant be said following too, since it’s also road to my house. We’re neighbor anyway. “Yah, Jin-ah, what’s wrong” I can see if Junjin also panicked too. Never saw him this panicked before.

“It’s none of your business, Hyung. Just go home!” did he scolded me?

“Of course it’s my business. The duel, we even not start it yet. Besides, if you forgot it, this is also my way home. So.. Yah! Don’t suddenly stop.” I bump on Junjin’s back because he suddenly stop.

There’s not far from us, stand a lil short man. Seems he waiting for them. As I’m about to ask to Junjin, whether he knows this guy or not, what I saw in Junjin’s face more shocked me. I never see him this pale and shocked also scared before. Or was it angry rather than scared? So do Hyesungie. He became more trembling than before. Who is this guy?

“Min… MinWoo hyung…..” his voice sound shaky. So it’s his name.

“Hyesung-ah…. Jin-ah… I.. I just want to talk.” The guy named Minwoo speak. “Here. I bought some cake too..” he try to approach them.

“STOP! DON’T COME ANY CLOSER!” Junjin yelled at him with his raging face. “We’re both now happy without you. Don’t bother us again. LEAVE US ALONE!” Junjin shout at him. The first time I saw him this angry. “Let’s go, Hyesung hyung.” Junjin drag Hyesung away.

“Bu-But.. Jin-ah wait. Chong Jae!” Junjin don’t care.

“Hey.. Hey.. Wait up! Don’t leave me alone here.” I follow them.

“Wait.. Listen to my explanation first.. Jin-ah!” the short guy named Minwoo call them. But again being ignored.


- T.B.C -

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Chapter 2: Hehehehe why can't eric do it with a normal way? Well I do like how he kidnap hyesung and challenge Junjin just to prove he is worth but why? It is because his 4D mind?well anyway funny, crazy and good story
feelgyo #2
Chapter 2: I'm sorry for my late subs (I made my acc just few days ago) I read it before I made my acc. This story is funny already just by looking at the foreword xD eric thanks for the story author-nim ^^
Chapter 2: awww this is cute <3
Chapter 2: hahahaha so cute and funny! thanks for this!
rinonori #6
Chapter 2: Hahahaha... love it. So messed up and that makes funny :D tq
angelica94 #7
Chapter 1: oh! i saw this manga and by the way i loved... now ricsung
i hope there is something short for romance. :D
Chapter 1: interesting.... I wanna know what happenned between jinsyung and Minwoo