The Disaster! T^T

마지막 희망 아카데미 (Final Hope Academy) [Registration: OPEN] (For both teachers|students)




While Nezumi was going home, she saw many police and an ambulance, She saw KAORI/MAKI being hold by the doctors to the ambulance... Kaori has many blood (O.O)...

Nezumi: What happened here?

Doctor: This girl has been bumped real hard by that truck over there (points >).

Nezumi: WHAT!!?? MAKI! School hasn't started yet! We haven't planned anything fot the school yet!!! WAE???

Doctor: Sorry but, we will have to examine her... Would you like to come?

Nezumi: Of course! Let's go!

The ambulance go to the Hospital faster that you can say "Ambilical Cord" correct (Try saying it fast).

After a while this has happened...


Doctor: Time of death 1:00 P.M.

Nezumi: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Doctor: Sorry, but we did our best (T.T)


A new Registrant came to the Principal Office....

???: *Knocks* Ohayou!

Principal: COME IN COME IN!

???: Ummm... I have a bad news for you sir. Something that is VERY big...

Principal: What is it?

???: The Vice President of the Student Council which is Kiyomizu Kaori Fujimaki has been declared as dead at the time of 1:00 P.M. at the Hospital near the river bank of Shibuya.

Principal: WHAT!? You must be kidding...

???:  I'm not kidding sir, if I must be kidding, I may have very short sentences that I will tell you. And there is an exact location and time of where and when she died...

Principal: YOU ARE KIDDING?! Why... Why!?

Principal: No no no no no no. _____ that's a very bad joke to tell...

???: Ahhhh.... Just come with me....

Goes to the Hospital near the River Bank...

Principal: NO! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING! It's a bad dream *Continues*

???: I have come here to investigate... And I am, Uchida Akira Eri. (O.O)

Nezumi: A...Aki?

Eri: Nezu??????

Nezumi: *rubs eyes* a...Aki?

Eri: Yes yes yes... I'm UCHIDA AKIRA ERI.. (XD) Nezumi. Don't be blind

Nezumi: *wipes tears* Aki, our Vice President in Final Hope Academy has been bumped by a truck at exactly 12: 50 pm and has been declared dead on 1:00 pm...I didn't want to look but I had courage to look because I want to help catch the culprit who has done this to our Vice.

Aki: Hmmm hmmm hmmm... (~.^) I know what to do.

Nezumi: What??? What can we do to catch that bad person?

Aki: I just saw this truck that have blood on it's front. After the truck!!!

Both of them go down stairs.

Nezumi: There! *points the truck escaping away*

Aki run faster than the truck.... *She's an athlete*

Aki: HALT! Who goes there? Oh my bad...


Aki: *Sigh* *Kicks the truck* This truck needs to be done.

Driver: !!! Stop the heck up!

Aki: *Calls Nezumi* Ehhh... Nezu-chan, come here NOW.

Nezumi: Coming! what happened?

Aki: As what happened now, the driver isn't moving just saying "HELL! HELL!" It's a bad habit.

Nezumi: I'm here! Yes it is a word with some bad matters...

Aki: Please LEAVE the truck and COME with US. D-O Y-o-u u-n-d-e-r-s-t-a-n-d?

Driver: Yes yes yes yes yes! HELL !!!  **** (This is a bad word)

Aki: Argggg.... *Get's his hands with handcuffs...*



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i miss this... </3
Hi, author! Just wanna tell you that this was fatieynmanmanhani. This is my new username! :D
haha its okay~<br />
i was like wait...
Rainie12 #5
It was me hahaha just forgot!
lol who wrote the last chapter? dongjun isnt my partner anymore! i told rainie, we're making mr SC treasurer gouki my partner <3<br />
and this was funny~ loved the pun <3
Rainie12 #7
WE are in the middle of examinig and memorizing the characters, once we know it all, we can start easily ne?
awwww maki-chan <3