Chapter 2

A Twist in Our Story


"Inuyasha? Hey Inuyasha, I have come to deliver some food to you." A bowl full of rice and another filled with roasted fish was served on a wooden tray as it was placed on the grass at the foot of Kagome's grave. "Inuyasha? Don't you want to come down from here once in a while? You haven't been moving too much didn't you? It would be great to stretch your legs once in a while."

I paused to see if at least there were any response from him this time but after a moment of silence, I let out a sigh.

"Well then, I will put the food here then as usual." I turned to take my leave but I turned back to face Inuyasha again. "By the way, in case you have forgotten, Miroku's and Sango's wedding would be tomorrow. I don't know if you would come but all of us would appreciate it if you do."

I paused and again, silence. Anger boiled inside me and without thinking, I threw my fire magic on his head. As it hits his head, I waited for a reaction but he just tilted his head towards me.

"Oh, come on, Inuyasha! At least hit me back or something like how you used to!" I let out a loud grunt and stomped away, shouting, "You're a lost cause, Inuyasha! Just choose to drown yourself in the past Inuyasha. I bet you won't even come down tomorrow. You're such a horrible friend!"

That fool, Inuyasha, he had never been the same ever since Kagome's death. All he had ever done for the past eight months that had passed was sitting by Kagome's grave and mourn. I understand his pain but I don't understand why he did the things he did to himself. He never did come down to the village after that day. He had not even moved from that spot and the only time I did saw him was when he was at the Bone Eater's Well, resting his arms and chin on the edge of the well, staring at the bottom of the well like those times he would wait for Kagome when she went back to her time. He was acting so ridiculous and if wasn't for the reason he was grieving, I would smack that dog demon's head and laugh it off.

"You're back, Shippo. Have you sent the food to Inuyasha? How is he?" Sango inquired the moment I stepped in the hut.

"Yeah, I have sent it to him and of course, he's the same as always. Still sitting there like a zombie." I sighed at my own words. It's weird without Kagome, even now, what was not normal had become a norm and that is to see Inuyasha sitting so still unlike eight months ago in which he would keep nagging at us to keep going on our journey whenever we took a break. Well, another thing would be that you could hit him as much as you want and he would never fight back anymore.

"So, have you..?" Sango's voice brought me back to the present as I nodded to her question.

"I have reminded him of your wedding but I'm not sure if he had taken that information to his faraway mind."

Sango just nodded and gave out a sad smile, "You know, I don't think I would mind him not coming to the wedding. After all, though he is still grieving over the death of Kagome, here we are holding out a joyous event.

"It's not wrong, Sango. It's just him not getting over Kagome's death."

"But having this wedding will make it look like I'm over Kagome's death, in which, I'm not. Kagome was my best friend; she's even like a sister to me. So to lose her is like losing Kohaku and I don't think I could ever get over losing her. Still, here I am holding out a wedding tomorrow. I'm such a hypocrite."

"Sango, Kagome was like a mother to me when I have none so I do grieve over her too but that doesn't mean I should mourn like how Inuyasha is doing now. You should know Kagome as well as I do, Sango. Kagome would feel guilty if she see us still mourning over her after eight months of her death. She would feel bad, it's like we are making it look like it's her fault for all the sadness we are feeling right now. It's not like she had let us down, it's just that her death was inevitable." My voice trembled as tears start falling down. Breathing in to calm myself down, I then continued, "I believe it is time for us to move on but we should let her know that she would always be in our hearts. I'm sure she would want to see you happy during your wedding ceremony, not feeling guilty or sad over her death."

Sango was silenced for a moment. Looking up to me, her eyes were already teary as she sniffed back her tears. "Wow, Shippo, for a kid like you, you think more maturely than I do. Anyway, you're right Shippo. I don't want Kagome to see us in this state and not rest in peace so I promise to be happy on her behalf for my wedding day."

Surprising me with a hug, I just hugged back and smile.

"But before that, I think I should send my prayers to her. I'm going to ask her for her blessings too."

I just managed a nod as she hugged me tighter.

"Already two-timing me before the day of our wedding, huh, Sango?" Miroku stepped into the hut.

"I'm not like you, you lecherous monk. Shippo and I were just talking about our dear lat Kagome."

"Oh, that explains the tears on both of your faces," his face turned solemn as he walked towards Sango.

"So I was planning to send her some prayers and also ask her for her blessings for our wedding."

"That's a good idea. I would like to come too."

"To her grave then?"

"I would prefer going to her shrine. With that, we won't hurt Inuyasha's feeling accidentally if he knows the reason behind our prayers."

"You're right. So you coming along, Shippo?"

"Yeah, I would like to visit her shrine too anyway." With that, all of us started heading to the shrine.

Kagome's Shrine, it was built a week directly after her death. It was like a memorial for all the sacrifices she had for us and possibly the whole world and future. The shrine was like a medium-sized hut that was located at the tallest hill of the village in which you would see it being covered by all sorts of fresh fragrant flowers on the outside. Several children were already seen watering the flowers when we arrived and the moment they saw us, we were greeted with a bow. Going inside of the shrine was a different matter. All the things that could be found inside were all Kagome's belongings, neatly placed inside the shrine. On the left, Kagome's backpack was placed, along with the medical kit she used to brought for us, some food wrappers from her time and also the bento pack that we had eaten with her for the last time, all cleaned up and untouched since her passing. On the right, the long bow and quiver that Kagome used for battle was hung beside two sets of her weird clothes and the miko's uniform that she would wear whenever her own clothes were dirty.

Seeing all of her stuffs, do bring nostalgia. It seems like it was only moments ago when she had stood by us fighting and laughing together. After having our fill of nostalgia, all three of us started stepping up the middle pedestal where on top of the table, covered in glass, was Kagome's torn, blood-soaked uniform that she had worn during her death. The villagers had apparently preserved it, claiming that it would be a waste to burn away the holy blood of their beautiful strongest priestess that had blessed all of us with peace from her sacrifice. But that wasn't all, hung above the preserved uniform the damned jewel that had taken away Kagome's life. Though I claimed it to be damned, it was the thing that shone out the brightest, lighting up the whole shrine with its light, proving that Kagome had really purified the Jewel. Partly of me believes that there's a possibility that the bright light was Kagome's light, others believe it too and that's the very reason it was placed among Kagome's belongings.

"Let's pray for her now, together." Sango stepped up to the pedestal and so does Miroku.

Breaking away from my thoughts, I quickly jumped up to Sango's shoulder and put my hands together.

"Dear Kagome," Sango started, "I'm sorry to have not realized how we could possibly have hurt you for mourning for eight months after your passing but thanks to Shippo, I had finally began to get over that. For now, I would start by smiling more. I would also like to ask you for your blessings for my wedding with Miroku tomorrow so please bless all us with your light."

Sango stopped as she shut her eyes closed, continuing her prayers silently. Once she opened her eyes again, I took the chance to continue. "And Kagome, though you're not with us now, you would always be in our hearts. We all love you and I'm definitely sure that idiotic Inuyasha would say this to you too. Do not worry about us, and do rest in peace."

With that all of us, closed our eyes continuing our prayers, hoping that it would at least reach to Kagome somewhere I believe to be heaven.

Thanks so much for reading! Do comment and Subscribe! It would make me update even more faster! ^-^


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soulbladerz #1
Wow.... This story is just so sad... TT^TT and yet it is so interesting I want to read more!!! Please continue the story and update more!!! Nya~! X3
its okay I like sad stories...just like in ch 2... Shippo is indeed a great him I'm worried about Inu yasha, is there some way they can do to revive kagome? about Sangu and miroku's wedding,I'll be waiting to see that...
akichanz #3
@aquamarine_ Yeah! Another Inuyasha lover to share my feelings with! Inuyasha had been my fav ever since years ago! :D<br />
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I would also try my very best to update this soon. Anyway, thanks so much for reading and commenting. It does mean a lot to me. Hope you would bear with me till the end. ^-^
akichanz #4
@sayuriMa I'm glad that you remember most of it. :) I will try to use as little characters as possible so that I could show more of InuxKag.<br />
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Sorry if it's a bit too sad cos' I would just want people to see how hard it is for Inuyasha. Dx I must warn you though there will be more angst as the story builds up but still I promise the ending won't end with that. <br />
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Anyway, I must thank you for reading and commenting. It really means a lot to me. Hope you would bear with me till the end of the story. ^-^
keep updating.......... i always love inu yasha.......... specially the team up inuyasha and kagome......... nice plot by the way.^_^<br />
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can't wait for more..........i just finish watching inuyasha the final act....recently......that's why it's so addicting.....
Its been a while since I watched Inu Yasha.. but I manage to remember all of the characters you mentioned... The mood of the story was sad... It seems real to me...