Second part


"Will you take, Do Kyungsoo, as your husband?"

"I do."

"Will you take, __________, as your wife?"

"I do."

"I now pronounce you, husband and wife!"

At the  time he removed the veil, both of our lips collided. It was the start of our forever.

But our forever will be shorten, for my countdown has started once again.


"Push!" A huge grunt came out from my mouth, giving effort to my own muscles to push as I was told.

"Come on jagiya, you can do this" Kyungsoo, wearing surgical clothes, was beside me, gripping my hand so hard.

Few more minutes according to the clock on the wall, and it's almost midnight. Few more minutes and I'll leave Kyungsoo and Soomin alone.

I have to give all of my strength just for Soomin. Don't worry Soomin, you'll see the world soon.

"It's almost there miss! Give me a last huge push and we're done!"

Gathering all of my last strength and breath, I gave a huge push and the last image I saw is Kyungsoo's smile.

My vision turned black and all I hear is a baby's cry.


It was miracle that day. I felt my own surroundings and I heard beeping sounds from my surroundings. I opened my eyes and all I see was white. I was sure I was in heaven but I was surprised to see a sleeping figure beside me. I tried waking the figure, thinking that the figure wouldn't feel me but he might have felt me pushing the figure.

The figure faced me, and I can't help to notice his red eyes and dark circles below his eyes. Soon, a warm smile appear from him.


"Kyungsoo, are you..?"

I was engulfed by his sudden embrace to me. I don't know if he's happy or sad but he was in a sobbing mess while rubbing my back. "You're okay."

"How long was I..?"

"A year, you lost a lot of blood. It was a miracle that you still survived."

"Oh..thank God."

I was supposed to die....was it? What happened?

I checked my hand, and the tattoo was already gone. They let me live.

Thank you so much and I could live with my family.


"Kyungsoo, why did you lie to me?" We had our second wedding anniversary date so Soomin wasn't with us tonight. Everything was supposed to be okay....but this happened. We were already below the bus stop's roof because it was about to rain until he had to tell me he's actually dying. What's worse is, he's been hiding it for a year.

"I don't wanna wor--"

"Don't give the same excuse when you left me! I was hoping you'll be more honest with me when you got back but no, you had to keep it to yourself that you're actually dying!" I never got angry at him, at all. It's just that, I just wish I don't deserve this situation at all. I just woke up a year ago....and this happens.

"What if I don't want to see you sad again? That's why I had to hide it from you. If I told you, you would run to your ex-boyfriend who lied as well! You seem comfortable with him more when you talk to your problems, don't you?!" He bursted out to me. We only disagree on some stuff but he never raised his voice at me. This, for the both of us, was the first.

To tell you the truth, Joonmyeon and I are back to being close friends. No love was exchanged between us, we are just friends who talk out our problems with.

"What the, why the heck did you change the subject? Why bring up Joonmyeon's name in this argument?!"

"He's your first love! You loved him first before you love me! You are my first, and I was your second. I wanted to be your first in everything!" He pointed to himself.

"Well I'm sorry. Did we ever attend in the same high school? No. Did I love Joonmyeon first? No, he initiated it. Not me. I admit I fell in love with him, but that was after he asked me to her girlfriend. But why I never got back to him when I had a chance? One, I fell in love with you before you asked me out. Two, though both of your actions towards me are the same, I loved every single thing you do to me because you loved me because of who I am. And three, if I lost all of my love for you before, then I probably have died two years ago!"

No one was around us, no noise from the bus or the people passing by, just the rain. I never knew I could say that, since I was silent most of the time. In fact, this was our first fight together.

"If you aren't satisfied with that, then I'll go to Joonmyeon so I could clear out my mind. Happy anniversary D.O." Without bothering to open my umbrella, I decided to run, with the heavy rain already drenching me. I didn't mind, my face was about to be drench in tears anyway.

My legs couldn't take too much running so my knees collapsed, almost letting my whole body fall in the grass.

Just when I thought everything is perfect, he had to break out the news to me.

Without giving a second look, at stared at the patch of flowers beside to where I was kneeling. It was raining, yet the Daffodils had shelter to not make them wet.

Then I heard wet footsteps coming and I knew it was Kyungsoo, just by the shoes he was wearing.

"Those daffodils...they still look pretty even if it rains right?" He said, while looking to my direction.

"Kyungsoo, what kind is it?" I asked, ignoring his last question.


"Your sickness."

He sighed and he crouched down next to me. "Ewing's Sarcoma. The doctor said it was a rare disease since it happens on the bones. I can still sing, but little by little, I won't be able to dance or to walk properly."

I manage to sit down properly after gaining a little bit of energy and let my eyes focused at the rain, and not Kyungsoo explaining his sickness to me. I already heard enough. "Oh, I se--."

I was silenced when his lips covered mine. It was totally unexpected coming from him, why the heck would he silence me?

"I don't wanna talk about it. I'll take theraphy don't worry. All I want is to be with you, Soomin and the members. Can we just pretend that I'm not sick and just spend our lives like we always do?" He looked me, and from his eyes, I could already see that he was about to cry.


"Don't go to him! He's my bestfriend but it still kills me if you spend more time with him than me."

I love him, he loves me. That's what it matters to us the most.


It was awkward for us to stay by ourselves, all alone when the members have schedule while she doesn't. The only thing that could keep our conversation running is when Soomin wants to play with me.

Like for example, tonight to be exact. All of the members but me, had a schedule at late night. And She, Soomin and I are staying in the living room because Soomin wanted to finish the movie she is watching. Soomin sat on my lap the whole evening even when the members are still here.

"Samchon, can you tie my hair?" Soomin asked and she gave me her ponytail that she uses as her bracelet.

"Okay Soomin-ah, do you want it at the back or at the front?" 

"Front please!" She showed her cheeky smile and she changed her place so she could face me while I tie her hair.

While I was tying her hair, I saw _______ slipping in and out of sleep at the opposite end of the couch. "_______-ah.."

She woke up, as if an alarm woke her up and faced me while she was rubbing her eyes. "Hmm?"

"If you want to sleep, you can. I can take care of Soomin."

"'s alright. I'll just grab some coffee." She didn't look at me when she stood up from the couch and she just went at the kitchen.

"Joonma, are you and umma fighting??" She asked after I was done tying her hair.

"No, what makes you say that?"

"Because you guys don't talk that much." 

It froze me, because it was true. But I didn't mind. It's okay if it hurts.

"Me and umma are friends so there is nothing to worry?about okay?" I smiled.

"Okay!" She gave another smile.

The movie was done so I sent her to her room and do what everyone does to Soomin before bedtime. I opened the nightlight, as she goes to bed, I tucked her blanket in and gave her a goodnight kiss.

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mintprincess #1
Chapter 2: i don't get the ending :'( asdkfjadslfkhadlf *flips the table
K-Popaddict-fangirl #2
Wah!! Can't wait! Can't wait!! :D
will kyungsoo come back???? i hope so :D
ohhhhhohoho so excited~
laysmyoxygen #5
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^