So Hard

So Hard

Sungyeol closed his tired, puffy eyes as he tried to drift off to sleep. His body felt so tired to point where he just couldn't function anymore. Oh so tired. 

Slowly, he felt tears fall from his eyes and he let out a quiet sob. Never in his life had he felt so distressed before. Never had he cried over a girl. And never had he ever cried so much, not even after his grandmother passed away.

"Yunhee," Her name slipped out of his mouth and he felt his heart ache in so many ways that he's never imagined before.  His sobs got louder and he head to use his shirt sleeve to cover up the sounds of his cries. 

He felt his eyes burn and he felt so hurt that he couldn't feel anything at the moment. Sungyeol opened his eyes and stared blankly at the ceiling and just placed a smile on his face, making himself hurt even more than before. 

Our love was so good. Our love was the only thing that kept us together. The love that I've held for you has been nothing but perfect. 

Sungyeol still had love for her. He still had hope that she'd return to him soon. He did and he always will have that love for her. 

Grabbing his cell phone off of his night stand and with trembling fingers. he pressed on her name in his contacts. 

After a few moments with the line ringing, he heard her beautiful voice. 

"Hi Sungyeol," She greeted. 

"Can we go and get a cup of coffee?" He asked her. 

"We can," She replied. "The old place?" 

"Twenty minutes?" 

"I'll see you then," She told him quietly before hanging up the phone. 

Taking in deep even breaths, he was able to calm his heart down and to maintain his cool before getting off of his bed and making his way out of his room and into the bathroom to clean himself up. 

Ten minutes later, he came out of the bathroom with a fresh face and less swollen eyes than before. He looked more alive than before, that was a fact. Sungyeol had a tiny amount of color on his cheeks that made him look healthy and his eyes were still big, just not a lot but his nose was red from blowing his nose so much. 

He made his way down the hallway and into the big and empty space filled with nothing but his furniture that Yunhee had picked out for their apartment that they used to share together. Silently, he made his way to the counter and grabbed his wallet and keys and went to put on his shoes before leaving the apartment to go to their favorite coffee shop, Inspirit Cafe. 

Sungyeol arrived with five minutes to spare. Entering the small and hidden cafe, a wave of nostalgic* hit him as he made his way to their usual table where they would often meet up at and chat or just to kill time. 

A waitress made her way over towards him and gave him a smile. 

"Hello, how can I help you?" She asked. 

Sungyeol smiled at her and took note that she was the one that always asked them the question. "The usual please." 

"Is she coming also or is it just you?" 

"She's coming," He answered. 

Quickly jotting down the order, she made her way over to the counter to grab him the pastries. 

The door to the cafe rang and Sungyeol looked in the direction of it and saw Yunhee walk over towards him with small graceful steps. She sat down in front of him and gave him a small smile. 

"Hi," He greeted awkwardly. 

"Hello," Yunhee smiled at him. "What is it that you wanted to talk about?" She asked him. 

"Why'd you leave me?" Sungyeol looked at her with sad eyes. 

Swallowing the lump in , she answered: "Because I just couldn't love you anymore." 

The waitress came back with their drinks, black coffee and green tea, and two red velvet cake slices. "Enjoy," She said before walking off to continue her job. 

"You never loved me, huh?" He asked her. 

"I never really loved you Sungyeol," Tears started to spill from her eyes. "I never truly loved you." 

"Why didn't you love me?" 

"I only wanted to make you hurt," She replied. 

Sungyeol looked at her and closed his eyes for a moment, allowing his mind to process her words. Reopening his eyes, he was able to look her in the eye. "I, honestly, only wanted to break your walls so that you could love." He let out a dry laugh. "But in the process, I fell in love with you." 

"You wrecked me, Lee Sungyeol," She began to cry hysterically. "You hit me so hard that I fell down." 

"I wrecked you?!" Sungyeol was beyond frustated at her words. "You're the one who wrecked me. You've hurt me. You've made me suffer, you've made me like this." 

"I never meant to start a war," She softly said. "I just wanted you to let me in so I can make you so miserable." 

"What have I done to you?" 

"I fell in love with you." 

Sunyeol looked at her and swallowed the lump in his throat. 

"You don't hurt the ones you love. You never hurt the ones you love." 

Sungyeol stood up and took his wallet out of his pocket and tossed a twenty dollar bill on the table before leaving the cafe. 

It hurts. It hurts so much. I never knew love would hit me so hard. 

Storming into the apartment, he threw his phone and wallet on the counter before going into the livin room and breaking everything. The old picture frames that were now empty and the old half empty bookshelf that sat in the comer of the room. 

"Screw everything!" He shouted as he tossed the books to the side. "Screw love. Screw her. Screw life." Sungyeol sanked down on his knees and began to sob. He covered his face with his hands, trying to block his cries.

"Love has never felt so hard before.



I'm in my phone so I'll edit it tomorrow. Okay? Goodnight. I hope you enjoyed the one shot! Until next time loves. 

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Looking forward for this new oneshot story ;))