Our Bus Stop

Our Bus Stop

It was morning. Xiumin's ordinary morning. He was walking to the bus stop down the street, coffee in one hand and bag in the other. Today he was running a little late. I should power walk, he thought.

So he did, but his power walk slowly became power run, and before he knew it he was running as fast as lightning. He ran to the crosswalk, the streetlight turned yellow. I can make it, Xiumin thought. He dashed across the street, making every car hit their brakes. Xiumin was now running and bowing to apologize, and when he was a few feet away from the other side, a speedy white Mercedes Benz made a right. The driver hit the brakes in time, and ran out the car to see if Xiumin was okay.

Xiumin, his coffee spilled, looked up, and shielded his eyes from the brightness above him. He saw a handsome man reaching his hand out.

"You okay?" he said. Xiumin sat up."Thank goodness. Hey, I'm Kris."

Xiumin pushed Kris' hand away and got up himself. He brushed the dirt off his suit and picked up his bag. "I'm fine." 

"You sure?" Kris said."I can take you to the hospital."

"I said im fine." Xiumin said."If you'll excuse me, Kris, i have work to go to."

"Work? I'll take you there." Kris said. 

"No."Xiumin said."I take the bus. I don't need you to drive me anywhere."

"Bus? What bus? That one?" Kris said as he pointed to the bus that was driving away. Xiumin started off running to the bus.

"You know you can make it if you hop in." Kris said and Xiumin decided to get in Kris' car. Kris started driving, speeding, until he was way past the bus.

"Hey!" Xiumin yelled. "You totally passed it. Whats your issue?"

"Looks like you have no choice but to let me take you." Kris said. Xiumin did not like how this was going and pouted. Cute, Kris thought and flashed his gummy smile. He the radio and Officially Missing You came on. He started to sing along, making Xiumin's eyes start to to shut, and he fell asleep. Kris turned to see him asleep and smiled at his cuteness.




Xiumin woke up after what seemed like hours. He looked around to see that the sky was already turning red. He was still in Kris' car and they were on a bridge.  He quickly took off his seatbelt and ran out the car and saw Kris sitting on the header. Kris turned around when he hear the car door shut behind him.

"You're awake."

"Yeah, where the hell are we?" Xiumin said.

"A bridge." he said. "You know bridges?"

"Yes i know what a bridge is." Xiumin said."Why the hell are we on a bridge?"

"I don't know. You never gave me the address. So i drove here. Isn't it pretty?"

Can this day get any worse? Xiumin thought.

Can this day get any better? Kris thought.

"Look" Xiumin said."Can you just take me back?"

Kris got off the header and started walking towards Xiumin. Xiu started to back up until his back was against the car. Kris put both hands on the car and stared into his eyes. "How bout i take you to my home?"

Xiumin, startled by his answer,crawled under through Kris' arm and started walking away."You know what, I'm just gonna walk back home." Kris followed him and said "i'd be glad to take you uhm...you haven't told me your name."

"I'm not going to."

Kris bent down and looked at Xiumin's nametag."Ah, Xiumin."

Dammit, Xiumin thought. "I'm going," He started walking away to the bridge, not very sure where he was going. He just wanted to get away. He turned around to see that Kris was slowly driving behind him. He rolled down his window.

"You gettin tired? Hop in."

Xiumin started running, and this lasted for about half an hour. Kris still following. Xiumin was tired and sweaty and he gave up. Kris rolled his window down. "Hop in. Or you want me to carry you in?"

Xiumin quickly got up and went in the car. , he thought. "Just take me to the bus stop." he said."I don't trust giving you my address." Kris drove him there and an hour later he dropped him off at the bus stop.

"See you again!" Kris said. How about no, Xiumin thought.




It was the next day, and Xiumin stepped into the bus. The bus took off and the driver suddenly hit the brakes, shocking everyone on the bus. A car had parked right in front of the bus, blocking its way. A white Mercedes Benz. Kris stepped out of the car. What is he doing, Xiumin thought, but he decided to get off the bus. The bus swerved to the other lane, the driver sweared at them, and drove away.

"I'll take you to work." he said. Xiumin, not wanting to cause any more trouble, got in. He told Kris the address of his workplace.

"Why can't you just let me take the bus?" Xiumin calmly asked. He was too tired to yell.

"Buses are gross." Kris said."Its all stuffy."

"Well we don't all have Mercedes Benzes like you." he said. Kris continued to drive. He was liking this way too much.




It's been a few weeks now, and Kris has been taking Xiumin to work everyday. Xiumin seemed different today though. He was not wearing his nametag or his  unform.

"Whats wrong?" Kris asked.

"What's wrong? You're whats wrong. Ever since you've been driving me, my boss fired me for coming late all the time." Xiumin madly walked past Kris.

"Whoa whoa whoa what?" he said."Fired you?"

"Yes. Are you freaking deaf?" Xiumin angrily started walking, faster. Kris was following him. It was about five more minutes. Xiumin sat down on a bench at a park. Kris seated himself next to him. He's pissed, Kris thought.

"Your boss fired you cause he was jealuos of your looks." he said. Xiumin couldn't help but smile a little. Then he stopped immediately.

"I just don't like people." he said.

"I'm a person. You don't like me?" Kris said.

"I don't dislike you. I hate you." he got up and left. Kris got up too but stopped. "Don't follow me." Xiumin said.

Since then, Kris waited at the bus stop every day but Xiumin never came once. 

Until one day, Xiumin had to go back to that workplace because he forgot to take his USB stick when he packed his stuff. When he got on the bus, people were screaming and pointing at one man. He was sleeping. His long legs took up two seats. He's on a bus, Xiumin thought. He decided to slap Kris' calf, waking him up. Kris smiled a bit, and sat up so Xiumin could sit.

"I thought buses were gross." Xiumin said.

"They were, but since you ride on it, its not anymore."

"Have you been sleeping here the whole time?"

"Maybe." he said."I felt you might come today."

Xiumin felt a little touched, grabbed Kris' hand and said "lets get outta here." The two got out of the bus and got into Kris' car. Kris tried to hide his smile.

"Where do you want to go?" Kris asked.

"The bridge."

Kris was surprised to hear that, but he was happy as ever and drove there. When they got there, Kris curiously asked."Why do you want to go here?"

"I don't know."he answered."Its pretty." The two sat there saying nothing, the wind blowing fresh air on them

"Remember when we first met here?" Kris asked.


"And you slept in there." He pointed to his car.


"And you were so mad."


"And remember when i went like this" Kris pushed Xiumin against the car and pinned him the way they did when they first met.

"But we didn't do this." Xiumin said.

"Do what?" Kris asked. Xiumin wrapped his arms around Kris' body and embraced him.

Kris was smiling like crazy. He was liking this. "We didn't do this either." he said and grabbed Xiumin's head and kissed his forehead.

"Or this." Xiumin said and got on his toes and pressed his lips onto Kris'.

The End


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Chapter 1: Awhhh, so cuteee. I loved this! :D Thanks for writing this~ ^_^
bananaicecream #2
Chapter 1: oh wow. feisty xiumin and i-dont-know-from-where-the-confident kris are good! the story is cute
you did a wonderful job :D please write more krismin if you can
i love this pairing sfm ;A;
Chapter 1: Aaww~ cute <3 finally! A happy KrisMin fic! <3
Chapter 1: Omo.....it was so cute, hope more xiumin and kris ff. Thank for this story:)
Chapter 1: Omg! I gotta celebrate this! There are people other than me who ship XiuKris! *^*
Chapter 1: WAHAHAHA IM A FREAAAAAKKKㅠㅠㅠㅠ ㅅ ㅠㅠㅠ this is so freaking cute♡♡♡
xiuhanfans #8
Chapter 1: this is perfect ;A;
thank you for the crazy kris~he's lucky he has the look~
xiuris is love ;A;
xiububbles #9
Chapter 1: ugly sobbing at this perfections
omg i need yew to write more xiuris
*throws candies*
my otp is gettin adorable day by day