


The following day occurred and Taeyeon flinched, feeling blinded by the bright shining light from the Sun. She couldn’t sleep at all last night. The event kept reoccurring inside her brain. She could still feel Tiffany’s lips on hers, kissing her so passionately yet filled by lust, a moderate amount that was of course. Taeyeon kept tossing and turning the whole night. She blamed herself for not disliking the taste of Tiffany’s lips moving against hers. She knew it was wrong but it seemed that her heart disagreed with her brain. So it was what Tiffany meant by the second choice? ‘Other is rejected by your heart but your logic tells you it’s the safest way possible?’ Damn now that Taeyeon felt the same way.


Taeyeon got up from her bed, feeling weak and dizzy. She hadn’t slept for more than 24 hours so surely she wasn’t as vivid as she used to. She put on her slippers and dragged her body lazily to the bedroom door. Taeyeon rubbed her eyes and went to the living room to just sit on the couch or maybe earned an hour or two to sleep, that if she could. Taeyeon raised her eyebrows seeing a paper lying on the coffee table. She hit her forehead for forgetting that she had left Tiffany alone inside the apartment last night. It would be her fault if somehow the younger girl left just when the rain still fell. Taeyeon reached out her arm and took the paper.


Taeyeon-ah, I’m sorry for my reckless action last night. I know it was too sudden and maybe you were shocked by it. I’m sorry too for kissing you without your permission. Honestly? I don’t feel regret at all. At least I had a chance to follow what my heart told me even though the outcome is painful. I’m sorry for ruining our friendship. I know we can’t be the same like when I haven’t kissed you. I like you, Taeyeon-ah and yes in that way. Thank you for everything and I wish you are happy even when I know your happiness isn’t with me. God bless you~”


Taeyeon could feel the hurt Tiffany might feel right now. She reread the notes and heaved a sigh. It was wrong, Tiffany’s feeling for her was wrong. She knew it and she was sure Tiffany knew it too. So why? Why Tiffany insisted to say it out loud? Why did she still try to kiss her? And why too she didn’t feel angry nor did she feel angry with Tiffany? Instead, she felt guilty and terrible for ruining everything. Taeyeon leaned back to the back rest and sighed again. This was wrong. Tiffany’s feelings were wrong and worst was her happy feelings for knowing that Tiffany liked her that way was wrong too.


Taeyeon kept the notes and put it inside her jeans pocket. She hadn’t had a chance to change her attire last night so she still wore the same clothes she wore when she had a practice. Taeyeon lifted her body and took the towel before walking inside the bathroom. Bathing would make her mind clearer and she thought she needed cold shower to make her stop thinking about the particular eye smile girl.


Taeyeon came out feeling refreshed and nice. She dried her hairs with towel when her mind was replaying the kiss and the confession she read from the notes. This day gonna be the longest day ever or so Taeyeon thought. She grabbed her cell phone from the dressing table and roamed her fingers to search for Tiffany’s name. She tapped on her name and typed some words just to erase it again. She didn’t know what to say to Tiffany. Should she say sorry? But she didn’t do anything wrong. Tiffany was the one who kissed her. Should she ask whether Tiffany was okay last night? But she would know in any moment when they met in church, right? Should she ask Tiffany to have breakfast together and pretend that everything is alright? Taeyeon knew she couldn’t do that. She canceled her plan to send Tiffany message and put back the phone on the table.


Taeyeon didn’t meet Tiffany that afternoon. Disappointment was detected easily on her face and she couldn’t sing as fervently as usual. She managed to have great emotion when it came to sad songs but when she had to dance and jump; Taeyeon couldn’t do all that. Pastor asked her what’s wrong and she too didn’t have an answer to that. She couldn’t say she missed Tiffany, could she? It would be too bizarre and she didn’t want Father to be suspicious with her. Well, Taeyeon couldn’t blame him even if he did feel suspicious since his suspiciousness could be proven to be true.



A week passed since that incident and Taeyeon hadn’t received any call or message from Tiffany. It seemed like Tiffany was lost and had gone to nowhere. Taeyeon was desperate to be the one to contact Tiffany first but her conviction wouldn’t let her. She wasn’t wrong in this matter. Tiffany’s forbidden feeling for her was wrong no matter what. The bible said it all even not directly, since it stated more to gay people, not lesbian ones. She couldn’t even concentrate when she’s at work and she blamed her heart for it. Yes, she had known by now that she actually had the same feelings as what Tiffany had for her. It was a mistake and that’s one of the reasons why she didn’t try to contact Tiffany no matter how much she missed her.


Taeyeon didn’t know how she could end up in front of Tiffany’s house instead of her apartment. Did she take the wrong bus? Did she daydream? Did she sleep on her way home? What she knew was that she missed Tiffany. Badly. She climbed the stairs to Tiffany’s front door and had her hand on air. She was reluctant to knock on the door. She hadn’t prepared proper words to say. She didn’t know what to do once she met Tiffany later. Should she go home then? At least by that, she would have more time to contemplate and rethink it all over. She braced herself and knocked on the door.


“Wait up~”A girl voice could be heard from inside and it was Tiffany. Taeyeon knew it and she could even detect her familiar voice miles away and decided whether it was Tiffany’s voice or not.


“Sorry for taking too- Taeyeon?” Tiffany gasped. She was about to close the door when a hand forbad her.


“Can I come in?” Taeyeon looked at Tiffany deeply. The feelings of longing and desperate reflected from Taeyeon’s eyes.


“Sure.” Tiffany gave up. She walked inside, leaving the door opened slightly so Taeyeon could come in.


“Where is your grandma?” Taeyeon draped her coat on the couch. She then sat on the living room, waiting for Tiffany to come back from the kitchen.


“I haven’t gone for groceries so I hope you don’t mind with mineral water and grandma isn’t here. She visits uncle and won’t go home for 3 days.” Tiffany placed the glass on the table.


It’s been a week since the last time she saw Taeyeon and she had to admit that it was the most excruciating, shattering, annoying week she had to pass. She missed Taeyeon badly that the only thing she wanted to do after done with college was going to Taeyeon’s apartment and cuddle with Taeyeon. She never once cuddling with Taeyeon but she knew the feeling would be great. She tried to distract her mind from Taeyeon by hanging out with friends more outside the campus. She answered yes to any guy who asked her out; as long as it could divert her mind from thinking about Taeyeon too much. Those activities would at least postpone her brain from thinking of Taeyeon until night came. At night, she would have nothing to do to avert her brain from Taeyeon so she could only helplessly let her heart guide her back to Taeyeon. She would reread the messages, recalled the memories when they were still close, and such. Tears were the only friends she had when night came and before it turned to morning.


“It’s fine. How are you, Fany?” Taeyeon scooted further so she could leave some space for Tiffany.


“I’m good myself. Why are you here, Tae?” Tiffany sat on another couch, made Taeyeon left with disappointment.


“Is that easy to forget me, Fany-ah?” Taeyeon gulped hard. List of hopes she had written in mind was erased one by one. The situation and awkward atmosphere never once crossed her mind. She thought it would be easy; she was sure Tiffany would still have feelings for her; it was only a week anyway. Could it be that her intuition betrayed her? was it possible that Tiffany didn’t like her anymore? Taeyeon gulped again.


“What do you mean, Tae?” Tiffany melted at the sight of Taeyeon’s soft gaze. She was afraid the walls she had built firm and strong would be crushed in one glance. It was hard to get rid of Taeyeon, even until now she still couldn’t do that. She would reply her admirers’ messages, pretending that it was Taeyeon’s message that she replied to. She would pretend that the guy she was talking to on phone was Taeyeon; she even deliberately only received call from guys with Tae as first syllable like, Taeyang, Taecyon, Taejoon, Taesuk, whoever it was as long as she could call him Tae. Crazy? Yeah, she too realized that.


“I have been thinking for the past week about you, me, about us. I’ve read the notes you left too by the way.” Taeyeon started. She lifted up her head to look at Tiffany. She exhaled in relief when she found Tiffany staring back at her.


“I know it’s wrong but I can’t forget you since that night and I think… no! I’m sure that I like you too.. In that way I mean.” Taeyeon reluctantly said. She had hard time to do it though and decided to make it short and straightforward.


Tiffany’s phone on the table vibrated. The screen glowed and a guy’s name popped out from the screen. It was read as ‘Taeyang’. Tiffany looked at Taeyeon and caught the shorter woman had her eyes on her phone. Tiffany held back curses and took her cell phone. She put her phone under the cushion and sat on it.


“I’m too late, aren’t I? It’s okay, I- I can understand it. It’s my fault after all. I will excuse myself then.” Taeyeon abruptly stood up. She needed to get out from the house as quickly as possible if she didn’t want to be caught crying by Tiffany.


“Taeyeon-ah, wait!!” Tiffany reacted soon. She tried to run after Taeyeon, making sure she could catch Taeyeon before she left the house.


“Taetae, wait~ Hear me out first, please?” Tiffany hugged Taeyeon from behind, stopping her from moving further. Tiffany clutched her hands around Taeyeon tighter, pulling her back to her own body.


“It’s not like what you see. I still like you by the way. The feelings won’t go away no matter how much I’ve tried.” Tiffany continued. Taeyeon’s hand was already on the door knob. She only needed to push her hand down and the door would be opened.


“Don’t leave~” Tiffany continued. Feeling wetness on her back made Taeyeon changed her mind. Her logic shut down and it left only her heart remained to control her body.


“Let’s talk inside.” Taeyeon aborted her plan. She removed Tiffany’s hands away from her waist and walked inside, didn’t even look back to see whether Tiffany followed her or not.


Tiffany explained her ways and efforts to erase Taeyeon from her heart. She elaborated her stupid ways in searching for guys with Tae as the first syllable so she could call him Tae, no matter what his second name syllable was. Tiffany too told her that Taeyeon was unforgettable and that it was her first time to experience such feelings that it frightened her. Tiffany was never in love so she wasn’t sure what she had for Taeyeon was love or not. Nevertheless since she was sure her feelings for Taeyeon was unrequited, she did ways she shouldn’t have done. Taeyeon paid attention fully to Tiffany and nodded her head once in a while.


“Do you like any of them? Whichever Tae it is?” Taeyeon asked after Tiffany has done with her speech and explanation.


“Yes.” Tiffany answered almost immediately.


“It’s Taeyeon.” Tiffany added before Taeyeon misunderstood.


“Cheesy~” Taeyeon commented and smiled.


“So, Taeyeon-ah~ Don’t you want to give a proper definition about what we are now?” Tiffany held Taeyeon’s hand and placed it on her lap.


“Humm.. What do you want us to be named?” Taeyeon scooted closer. She tapped her hand on her shoulder and Tiffany understood the gesture. Tiffany laid her head on Taeyeon’s shoulder.


“I don’t know. Lovers? Wifes? Anything you have in mind?” Tiffany blushed, feeling embarrassed for giving names for what they were now.


“Before that, I wanna make sure that from today onwards, you will avoid those guys! You are forbidden to have distance less than 5 meters from them. No calls must be answered and you are also disallowed to reply their messages, unless it related to study matter. Am I clear, Fany-ah?” Taeyeon took the glass and emptied it. She felt her anger crept up again remembering how guys were trying to flirt with her girl. Her girl? Taeyeon smiled. It felt nice to be able to call Tiffany as hers.


“And why should I do that? You’re not my lover so I don’t have obligation to do as you please, right?” Tiffany detached her hand from Taeyeon’s and crossed her hands on her chest, pretended to be angry.


“Ah yes you are right. So, Tiffany Hwang, will you be mine? Taeyeon’s girlfriend and Taeyeon’s only? Because you’re not allowed to have another Tae in your life aside of me once you say yes.” Taeyeon held Tiffany’s hand and kneeled before her.


“Why are you so sure that I will say yes to you by the way?” Tiffany teased Taeyeon more.


“Oh come on, Fany-ah. I like you and you like me. What else matters? You only have to say yes and we’ll be official.” Taeyeon grumbled. She kept her balance so she wouldn’t fall on her .


“So you can proceed with your plan to encage me and make me obey each and every request you mentioned earlier? Hmm… Sneaky Tae… Taeyang? Taecyon?” Tiffany bit her lips hard to contain her laugh.


“Yah!! Fine! Let’s pretend I didn’t confess and I too will search whoever Tiff out there~ Another Tiffany or Tiffyna I don’t care. Hmmph~” Taeyeon intended to get up when a pushed forced her to fall right on her .


“I never said no to your confession, Taetae. Of course it’s a yes! I want to be your girlfriend~” Tiffany wrapped her arms loosely around Taeyeon’s neck. She sat on Taeyeon’s lap and kissed the latter’s cheek.


“Meh. I don’t have any mood longer to ask you to-“


“Oh shut up and kiss me!” Tiffany shut Taeyeon’s lips with her lips. She started the kiss slowly, enjoying the feeling of Taeyeon’s lips against hers. It felt right. This felt right. Everything went back to its perfect place. The kiss grew more intense that Taeyeon had to pull away before she wouldn’t be able to control herself anymore.


“What’s wrong?” Tiffany asked breathlessly. She changed her target to Taeyeon’s neck. The collarbone was so distinct and the neckline was too tempting to be ignored. Tiffany on a particular spot on Taeyeon’s neck.


“Fany-ah, don’t you think we go too fast?” Taeyeon asked. Her movements however adverse from her words. She tilted her head sideways, giving more space for Tiffany to continue doing what she’s doing now.


“What do you mean by too fast? I’ve liked you since the first time I landed my eyes on you, Taetae. Now, how long would that be, huh? 3 months? 4 months? And kissing is the only thing you can offer me? Meh, you’re so lame~” Tiffany mocked Taeyeon. She felt Taeyeon tried to stand up with her being carried by Taeyeon on air.


“Ah, so now you admit that you’ve been my fan since forever. That explains why you never once let me out of your sight since the night we spent together.” Taeyeon walked with Tiffany on her arms, directing to Tiffany’s bedroom.


“Yaah! That’s not that!” Tiffany averted her gaze. She was shy for being exposed about her intention and the fact that she had liked Taeyeon much longer than the time Taeyeon had liked her.


“No advocacy allowed, Miss Hwang~” Taeyeon threw Tiffany’s body gently to the bed.


“So tell me your wish.” Taeyeon crawled toward Tiffany who already lay on her back.


“Come here, my girlfriend~” Tiffany pulled Taeyeon’s face down by the neck. She kissed Taeyeon again, more passionately this time. She Taeyeon’s lips, asking the older one to part her lips. Taeyeon complied and let Tiffany’s tongue sneakily slipped into .  Their tongues entangled perfectly. Taeyeon roamed her tongue around Tiffany’s mouth, from the roof of to the basement one. Feeling out of breath, they left each other’s lips.


“Fany-ah, you’re a great kisser. Did you kiss a lot?” Taeyeon plopped her body beside Tiffany.


“It’s because I have a great teacher to teach me that.” Tiffany in reflex snuggled closer to Taeyeon, resting her head on Taeyeon’s warm and broad chest.


“Who’s the teacher?! You told me you have no ex! So it means that I’m your first, right? Except if you-“


“Yah! What do you take me for?! Of course you are my first!! You took my first kiss, remember?” Tiffany slapped Taeyeon’s chest.


“Ouuww~~ I’m so sorry. I’m just kidding, you know.” Taeyeon smiled sheepishly.


“Not funny! And I thought tonight would be romantic. Thank you for ruining this, Kim Taeyeon.” Tiffany turned her body sideways, giving her back view to Taeyeon.


“I’m sorry, Fany-ah. I know it’s not funny and I’m so sorry for that. I promise I will take comedy course to make me funnier in your eyes. I will even do stand-up comedy to entertain you better. Don’t be mad at me please? We’re just official today~” Taeyeon moved closer, hugging Tiffany from behind.


“What animals do you like? Bunny? I will wear bunny ears just like what you see in Playboy magazine and add the bunny tails too if you want me to. If you like elephant then I won’t mind wearing strap on so it will look like elephant long nose. What else do you like? Tiger? I swear I will make you roar as loud as tiger on bed right here right now if you allow me to. Cat? I can also make you mewl and roar at the same time you know. Monkey? Hey, it will be okay of you want to scratch my back when I’m doing business with you-“


“You ert! Why do you compare every animal and make them look like erted ones when in fact it’s your brain which thinks that dirty thoughts!” Tiffany turned around, letting Taeyeon still hugged her, from upfront this time.


“Hehehe… You’re not mad anymore?” Taeyeon grinned widely. She leaned in to kiss Tiffany’s forehead.


“How can I when I have a dork as my lover?” Tiffany’s head moved on its own and stopped when she had captured her target. She kissed Taeyeon hard and wildly. She amorously grazed Taeyeon’s abs, making Taeyeon moaned a bit. Tiffany took it as a chance to entered Taeyeon’s mouth again.


“Na ah, not this time, Fany~” Taeyeon’s next action startled Tiffany. Taeyeon made a move and landed on top of Tiffany. She continued kissing her girlfriend below. She held her ground and left her one hand on Tiffany’s neck whiles the other on Tiffany’s waist.


“Fany-ah~” Taeyeon gasped. Tiffany’s hands on her scalp didn’t let her to pull away too far from Tiffany’s reach.


“Humm??” Tiffany lingered her lips on Taeyeon and sometimes showered Taeyeon’s lips with numerous pecks.


“Are you sure about this?” Taeyeon stopped every movement on her hand. She looked down to see some of Tiffany’s buttons on her pajamas had been opened, making it possible for Taeyeon to look what’s underneath the pajama shirt.


“Are you?” Tiffany asked back. Her eyes filled with lust and expectation.


“I am but I don’t want you to regret this in the morning. We can take things slowly if you want.” Taeyeon gently caressed Tiffany’s cheek with her palm.


“I’m sorry.” Tiffany avoided Taeyeon’s gaze, feeling guilty for crushing the moment.


“It’s alright.” Taeyeon understood. She removed her body from Tiffany and lay beside her. She hugged Tiffany’s waist and dragged her closer to her body.


“I’m just nervous. People say first time will be hurt and I’m not ready to experience that. I’m so sorry, Taetae. You’d still want me by then, right?” Tiffany asked with hope.


“What are you saying? Of course I’d still want you.” Taeyeon said with redden face. She cleared to avert Tiffany’s attention.


“And I don’t really know how it feels. I’m still a myself for your information.” Taeyeon blushed harder.


“Thanks’ God!” Tiffany stated not so softly.


“Yah!” Taeyeon uttered a word of protest.


“What? I’m just happy knowing it would be our first times. At least, we will face it together. Is that wrong?” Tiffany inserted her hand inside Taeyeon’s shirt and rubbed the flat stomach.


“Now who’s the ert one?” Taeyeon chuckled.


“You infected me that sickness.” Tiffany defended herself.


“I didn’t say I would mind though.” Taeyeon palmed Tiffany’s face before lowering down her face to kiss the girl again.


“Fany-ah, I know it would be too fast and I’m okay if you can’t say it back to me but I need to say it. I can’t hold back any longer.” Taeyeon sat up, followed by Tiffany.


“What is it, Taeyeon-ah?” Tiffany frowned. She was afraid Taeyeon would feel regret about this whole relationship just when they started it not more than 3 hours ago. Was it because she rejected Taeyeon just now? Was it because she’s not ready to give her all to Taeyeon since could only give her soul and her heart, not her body?


“I think I love you.” Taeyeon quickly said it. She then buried her head under the pillow, feeling frightened if somehow Tiffany didn’t feel the same way. Tiffany blinked her eyes once, twice, to make sure it wasn’t a dream.


“Taeyeon-ah, I love you too.” Tiffany whispered tenderly inside Taeyeon’s ear.


“Are you sure? I mean, you just said you loved me too, right? I didn’t mishear it, right?” Taeyeon discarded the pillow, throwing it to God knew where.


“Uhm.. You didn’t hear it wrongly.” Tiffany reassured.


“Say it again.” Taeyeon demanded cutely.


“I love you”




“I love you.”


“Who do you love?”


“I love you, Kim Taeyeon.”


“Please repeat.”


“Aish you dork!” Tiffany shut Taeyeon with her lips. Taeyeon gladly replied as eagerly as Tiffany. She wrapped her hands tightly around Tiffany’s waist and helped her to locate her body onto her lap. Taeyeon led Tiffany’s hands to land on her neck.


“I love you, Taeyeon-ah.” Tiffany confessed for the umpteenth time.


“I love you too, Fany. I’m happy that you are mine. Sorry that this donkey took too long to realize her feelings.” Taeyeon unwrapped her hands.


“It’s okay. What’s important now is that you are mine as I am yours.” Tiffany smiled.


“What’s next then?” Taeyeon turned around, propping her chin with her palm.


“Can we think about that later? I don’t want to trouble myself with others. I want to use this time to think about you only. As long as I have you, I know we can overcome anything.” Tiffany traced Taeyeon’s eyebrow with her index finger.


“What about your grandma? I know it will be hard to convince her since she would attack me with verses after verses from bible. If she could reject a nice guy, then I’m sure she’s more than capable to kick me right on my face.” Taeyeon wrinkled her eyebrows.


“Are you afraid of my grandma, Taetae?” Tiffany took the liberty to erase the wrinkles away from Taeyeon’s face by kissing Taeyeon’s eyebrows.


“Who doesn’t?” Taeyeon stated in a matter of fact.


“Does it mean you are willing to leave me if my grandma forbids you from dating me? You won’t even try to win me from granny? You’re not willing to fight for us?” Tiffany sadly asked. Disappointment and gloomy expression were clearly mirrored on Tiffany’s face.


“Of course not. I will try to convince her with your words.” Taeyeon took the hand and kissed if gently.


“My words?” Tiffany asked wonderingly.


“Love never fails, Taetae. It means love isn’t a failure since it never fails. No matter with whom you fall in love with, you will never be judged because of that. You know, ‘Hatred stirs up dissension but love covers all wrongs.’” Taeyeon tried to mimic Tiffany’s voice but failed miserably.


“Yah! I didn’t sound like that!” Tiffany argued playfully.


“Of course not. Your voice is more beautiful than mine.” Taeyeon smooched Tiffany’s lips for a few seconds.


“I will give my best effort to convince your family, Fany-ah. Don’t worry; I won’t let you go just like that. It’s hard to find love nowadays and I won’t let it slip away from my grasp once I find it. Thanks’ God I find it in you.” Taeyeon continued.


“You know what, Tae. I used to think of you as the trial sent from above. I mean you are a woman, a very attractive one that is. It’s wrong and I knew it from the start but I unable to control my heart from beating loudly, calling up for your name every time I think of you, moreover when I see you lively like now.” Tiffany took Taeyeon’s hand and put it on her chest, the area where her heart was located.


“Can you feel it? The heart rate is unreadable. It beats so randomly that I’m afraid I would have a heart disease. It turned out that it’s caused by love; the thing which I never experienced before I met you.” Tiffany smiled warmly.


“Now I know that you’re not a trial. You are my fate with full of risks I’m willing to take just so we can be together. Meeting you isn’t a coincidence but it’s my fate which already written in my destiny. Everything happens for a reason, Taeyeon-ah and I’m sure there’s a deeper meaning behind our meeting.” Tiffany looked sideways and found Taeyeon was already crying.


“Thank you, Fany-ah. I promise I will try my best to convince them that we are indeed fated to be together. I also believe that it’s not mere coincidence because it was too unbelievable and I don’t know. I just knew it. I just knew you are destined to be mine as I am to be yours. I don’t know how rough and hard the pavement in front of us will be but I know we can walk on it together; as long as we have each other, then nothing else matters.” Taeyeon intertwined her hand with Tiffany and brought it closer to . She kissed Tiffany’s hand genuinely while closing her eyes.


“Let’s give a chance on us. I’m sure we can last forever.” Tiffany admired Taeyeon’s face and saw Taeyeon’s every detail which could only make her deeper for the latter.


“Let’s do that. I love you, Fany-ah.” Taeyeon leaned in.


“I love you too.” Tiffany replied and closed the gap between her and Taeyeon.


Tiffany smiled silently, feeling relieved and happy at the same time. Just as Taeyeon said, she knew they would still have a long way to go filled with many obstacles and trials but she knew as long as she didn’t let go of Taeyeon’s hand, they could face it together. For now, they would keep their relationship as secret but when the appropriate time had come, they would tell Tiffany’s family about them. Whatever the result would be; they let God decided on it. Just like bible said on Matthias 6:34, ‘Therefore don’t be anxious for tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Each day’s own evil is sufficient’. That’s what they would exactly do. Yesterday was a history and tomorrow would be a mystery. They were happy with what they were now and that’s the most important thing for now.



And that's the end of the story!! Yeaaay~~

So tell me, does the ending is to your expectation? Or you prefer a sad ending instead?

Fiuh~ That's a relief to have another story completed. So it leaves me 4 stories more to go.. Any of you here read my other stories? Kekeke.. I hope so..

I'm planning to complete another story of mine right after this. Let's pray I can do that before Friday came >.<

Again, I want to say sorry if somehow this story offend your belief in any way. This story purely based on my imagination and it's fiction so please understand it. I don't mean to allude you too,, so again I'm so sorry T.T

Don't forget to put your comment bellow okay? Because that's what makes me keep writing and updating.. Your comments is my energy and the source of my idea.. More comments means more energy XD

Thank you for everything and I'll see you in the next story!! I love you :*

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NekoLS #1
Chapter 4: Glad they are so brave to fell in love and be with eaxh other
But as matter fact i also will be scare of our miyoungie's protective grandmotherr
Mihyun101 #2
Chapter 3: I
Mihyun101 #3
Chapter 3: Uwu
Chiyomika #4
Still come back to this story every once in a while. Really love this story :)
Chapter 4: Thank you, it's wonderful story, No words can explain how I feel ..!!
Please sequel if you can, We are looking forward to read more ^_^

You're an amazing writer ;)
Fighting ♥
Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Finally I've got to read the ending. I was so nervous that this will have a sad endings x3
I salute taeny for their bravery and the byuntae is just so cute ❤
Thanks for writing this story author-shi^^
iheartaeny #7
Chapter 1: I really like your stories. Really! Seriously!! You're really amaizing. You know that? Thank you for the wonderful stories author. Hope you write more stories, coz you really good at it. No! You're the best author.
Chapter 4: Manse!!! I just finshed reading this fic!!!
Chapter 5: daebak story ^^
Chapter 4: another story that i love, happy endings are my favorite ^_^