03 I am not Cinderella, those shoes wouldn't fit me

Not His Juliet


03 I am not Cinderella, those shoes wouldn't fit me

The next morning, he appeared outside my house, “What took you so long?” He asked, looking pissed off as he came over to me and grabbed me by my wrist and shoved me into the car roughly.

He sat on the driver's seat, I looked at him as he fastened his seat belt and started the engine, “What are you doing?” I asked.

“As your boyfriend from now on, I am sending you back and forth from home to school.” He said as he kept his eyes on the road ahead.

I made a guess, “Have you told your wife about us?” I asked.

“It's time to prove it to her.” He said.

“But I am not even prepared! How could you just tell her that you have a girlfriend and expect me to act like one when I don't even know you.” I said.

His tone remained calm, “You don't have to know me, just act along when I need you to do so.” He said and the car soon entered the school campus.

He got down the car and opened the car door for me, “Get down.” He said.

I stepped out and the locked the car and held my hand as we walk into the campus.

Many eyes were on us as we walked along, he sent me to my classroom, “Get in, I will come over to get you during lunch break.” He said close to my ears and then left.

The moment I stepped into class, I swear I am in great danger of getting killed by Kim Jong In's fan girls anytime.

Amber stared at me as I sat down beside her, “What's going on?” She asked.

“I will explain it to you once everything is over.” I said and the teacher walked in just at the right time.

Lunch break commenced as the school alarm rang, Kim Jong In really did appear, I walked out of class and followed him.

Once the coast was clear, he sat down on the chair whereby we were once again in an empty classroom, “I brought sandwich.” And he took a lunch box out and handed it over to me.

I opened the box, “You made this yourself?” I asked.

“Why are you asking?” He asked.

I sat down and took one slice of it up, “Just couldn't imagine a guy like you would cook.” I said.

He leaned closer to me, “Why? Do you prefer a guy who cooks as a boyfriend?” He looked into my eyes, those eyes are beautiful..

I turned away, he leaned back against his chair once again, “I am saying this again, whatever you do, just don't fall in love with me.” He said.

“Who would?” I turned my back against him and had a bite on the sandwich.

How is it possible that a guy could make better sandwiches than me..

“How's the sandwich?” He asked.

“It .” I said.


And we finished food.

He sent me back to class, and before I walked into the classroom, he held me back, “Jae Yoon, you have something on your lips.” He said and used a finger to remove the bread crumb.

He smiled, “How old are you already?” He asked and then he left.

The whole class was staring at me when Kim Jong In left.


“Han Jae Yoon, if you don't come clear with me, I am so going to break my friendship with you.” She said and demanded an explanation.

I held her hand and calmed her down, “I will explain to you soon, I promise.” I said.

Amber showed slight disappointment in her eyes, “Sorry Amber, just not now. Please.” I said.

She nodded, “You better give me a good explanation.” She said.

I nodded and assured her.

Kim Jong In called me to meet him at the car park so that he could drive me home, “You don't have to do that.” I said, “Nobody's looking anyway.”

“Treat it as practicing. I don't want Krystal to spot any loopholes.” He said and hung up the call.

And so I went down and waited for him by his car, he came down soon and we got into the car.

“What are your plans?” I asked.

“Making her believe that you are my girlfriend and then letting her see us being happy together and I will then find a good time to get her to sign the papers.” He said.

“When would that be?” I asked.

“There's an event coming up. I need a female partner, Krystal can't attend that one, you have to cover for her.” He said and drove the car. 

“Why must I?” I questioned.

He kept his eyes on the road, “The media would publish it and she would know about it.” He said.

“Find someone else, why me? I don't know how to socialize.” I said.

“Nobody told you to, just stay around me.” He said and he made a swerve and we reached my house.

I got down the car, he lowered the glass pane, “It's this Friday night, we will go for fitting tomorrow after school. You should know how to wear high heels, am I right?” He asked.

“What if I don't?”

“You still have to wear it. I will be here tomorrow morning.” He said and drove off.


I went back into the house, it was once again empty, “Guess I am alone once again.” I said and then placed my bag on the sofa and went up into my room to have a shower first.

After shower, my phone rang, “Dad?”

“Jae Yoon, I am calling to make sure you are alright.” He said.

I didn't want my parents worry about me while they were busy working overseas, “I am fine Dad, I am going to fix myself dinner. How about you? It's morning over at America right?” I asked.

“It's around 3am now. I am rushing some work, your mum slept, if not she would be fighting the phone with me now.” Dad said.

I chuckled, “Dad~ go get some sleep alright? I will hang up now, go sleep.” I said.

“Alright, I will call you again.” He said.

“Yes Dad, rest well.” I said and then we ended the call.

I let out a sigh and then went down to the kitchen to fix dinner.

After dinner, I thought of taking a pair of high heels out to practice walking with it.

I took a few steps out and it was alright, slowly I gained confidence and took faster steps and it was just then, “Ah!” I tripped and fell and a creak could be heard down at my right ankle, something twisted..

I looked at it, it was all red and swollen now, “What do I do now..” I got worried.

I took off the shoes carefully and then tried standing up, I stood on one leg and carefully went over to the sofa.

I bandaged it up, and I figured I had to sleep on the sofa tonight as it would be impossible for me to go up to my room.


The next morning, I popped a pain killer and went up to my room, although it still hurts but it slowly gets numb.

I washed up and changed into my uniform and then went out of house when I heard Kim Jong In's car honk.

Before that I removed the bandage so that I can wear my shoes.

I went out and got onto his car, “What took you so long today?” He asked as he starts the car.

“Did you wait for a long time? Didn't I told you that there was no need to do so?” I asked.

He appeared cold as usual, “There is. She would definitely arrange for someone to watch me.” He said.

“You mean us. Seriously?” I looked through the car mirror and spotted a car behind us, “You mean, that one?” I asked.

“Maybe.” He said, “So it would be best that you co-operate with whatever I am doing now.”

We arrived at school, the moment I stepped out on the ground, I felt the pain from my ankle.

He locked the car and I tried to walk as fast as possible, catching up behind him, “Why are you walking so slow?” He turned to look at me and asked.

“This is my normal walking speed.” I bit my lips to suppress the pain.

“We are getting late, move faster.” He said.

I followed behind him and just then some other people who were running along the corridors bumped into me which made me fall..

“Ah!” I can no longer bear with the pain..

Jong In turned and looked at her in pain, he went to her, “What's wrong?” He asked.

He spotted my hand reaching over to my ankle, he touched my ankle, “Ah!” I screamed even if it was just a gentle touch.

Seeing so, he frowned, “You sprained your ankle?” He asked.

“Blame it on clumsiness. I thought of practicing walking with high heels and in the end I tripped..” I said and looked down.

He carried me up without notice, I startled and starts to struggle, “Don't move and stay still!” He shouted.

I froze, he carried me all the way to the Nurse's office, “Anyone here? She sprained her ankle!” Jong In called out.

The nurse came out, “Put her down on bed.” She said and examined my ankle, “This looks bad.”

She injected painkillers into me, I simply closed my eyes and bear with it when the needle enters.

“Lie down. I will place an ice bag on it.” She said and then turned to Jong In, “You must be her boyfriend, she would be alright, go back to class now.”

“I am not her boyfriend.” Jong In stated.

The nurse just smiled, “Alright, just go back to class, she needs some rest.” She said.

Jong In eyed me, “I will be here after school.” He said and left.

The nurse looked at me, “Your boyfriend is pretty cool.” She said.

I shook my head, “Don't be mistaken, we aren't a couple.” I said.

The nurse shakes her head, “Youngsters these days are so not honest. Rest here.” She said.

I just looked at her blankly and soon, I fell asleep.


After school, Jong In made his way to the Nurse's office, no one was in there and so he walked in.

He went to where she was lying down, “Hey, wake up.” He called.

I heard him calling and so my eyes gradually opens, “We are going for the fitting now.” He said.

I got up and felt that my ankle felt better, I wore my shoes and was about to get down of bed when, “Don't move.” He carried me, “Don't let it worsen.” He said.

And he carried me all the way out of school and into the car, we were then on our way for the fitting.

My stomach growled just then, like obviously, I didn't had breakfast and lunch, he heard so, “Shall we get something to eat?” He asked.

“Can we? Do we have time?” I asked.

He stopped by outside a convenience store, “Wait for me.” He said.

He left the car and went in to get food for me, he came back soon with a cup of hot tea and a sandwich.

“Here's something small.” He said.

“Thank you.” I said and started eating.

He scroll through his iPad while waiting for me to finish eating, it was total silent.

“Aren't you going to eat?” I asked.

“I had a filling lunch.” He said.

“You ate two sets of food by your own?” I asked, assuming that he made lunch for me.

He nodded while his eyes were still on his iPad, “I don't like wasting food.” He said.


I finished the sandwich and had the tea, he drove off and we arrived at the fitting studio.

I was just told to go and get changed, and then I had make-up done, hairstyle done and all sort of things.

Jong In on the other hand experienced somewhat the same procedure as well. He went out and sat down on the sofa while he waits for his female partner to show herself.

He was dressed in a black suit, looking suave as always, “Are you done?” He asked.

“Not yet.” I responded,standing behind the curtains.

They figured that the dress was too loose on me and had to tailor it for me which took some time.

I went out after wearing the fitting dress, the curtain drew open and he was standing in front of me with his back facing me, “Done?” He asked and turned to look at me..

He was silent, I frowned, “I told you this kind of thing doesn't suit me.” I must have done injustice for this beautiful dress..

Jong In sensed that his heart stopped thumping for a beat when he saw Han Jae Yoon stepping out and standing in front of him.

Was she this pretty before? Her snow white milky skin and that curve figure, that dress fits so well on her..

He looked up, “You looked beautiful.” He said.

He had no idea how did those three words escape his mouth..

I looked at him, “You mean the dress.” I said, “I think this is alright, it's fitting. What do you say?” I asked.

He nodded, “If you say so.”

“Then I am changing out for now.” I said and was about to go back to the changing room but he grabbed me closer to him before I could leave.

He looked at me with those beautiful eyes, I was taken aback by his sudden actions, “You are beautiful.” He said.

I felt a spread of pink across my cheeks, “Alright, let go of me.” I said gently.

He released his grip, “I am sorry, you could go change out now. We shall meet at the lobby.” He said and left for the changing room.

I fanned myself to calm down and made my way to the changing room.

I changed out, had the make-up removed, and then I met Jong In at the lobby, “Is your ankle still hurting?” He asked.

“A little.” I said, saying no would have been a lie.

“Then walk slowly.” He said.


We got back to the car, “I forgot to ask, do you know how to dance?” Jong In questioned.

“Do I look like a dancer to you?” I asked.

He sighed, “Guess you need some training.” He said and drove the car towards somewhere who looked unfamiliar to me.

“Where are we going now?” I asked.

“My place.” He said and he did a turn and parked the car right in front of a private bungalow.

We alighted and I stared at the glorious and grandeur looking exterior, “You lived here? Just you and your wife?” I asked, that was totally jaw drop.

He nodded, “Come in.” He said and I followed him in, “Shall we eat first before dancing or.. No, we should practice first, who gets the food without making the effort?”

He said and then told me to stay there at the living room while he went up and get a change of clothes.

I scanned the whole house, it was really huge in the interior as well.

He came down, “What were you looking at?” He asked.

“At how big your house is.” I said.

He came to me, wearing a casual t-shirt and pants, “Let's get started. We are starting from the basics.” He said.

And so the lesson starts, he taught me how to get into position, and how the first step should be, the do's and don'ts.

“I am sorry..” I looked up at him apologetically after stepping on his foot for the nth times.

He didn't look angry, “Shall we take a break?” He asked.

I nodded, “Take a seat.” He said and then he went into the kitchen and came out with two glasses of water and he hands me one, “Thank you.” I said.

“Was it too difficult for you?” He asked.

I looked at him, he was frowning, I don't like to see him frown, “I must be really dumb, those are such easy dance steps and yet I can't learn them well..” I said and looked down.

“Han Jae Yoon.” He called.

“I am sorry, your plan could have probably failed due to me.” I said.


“It's my fault..” I said.

He held my hand, “Stop it. I am the one who asked you for help, whatever happens, it's my fault. We shall stop for now, let's have dinner.” He said.

“Dinner?” I asked and looked up at him who stood up and seemed ready to go to the kitchen.

He nodded, “Do you want to sit here or do you want to help?” He asked.

“Help.” I smiled.

“Then follow me.” He said.


We went into the kitchen and he looked at what he had in the fridge, “Pasta for dinner, alright?” He asked.

“That would be great.” I said.

He took the ingredients out, “I think you should just go and take a seat, do you even know how to cook?” He asked.

I looked back at him with confidence, “Of course! I am Han Jae Yoon.” I said.

“I doubt so..” He said.

Those words simply sparked the competitiveness in me, “Then let's have a battle.” I said, he looked at me, “Alright, what kind of battle?” He asked.

“Hmm.. I will prepare dinner for you and you prepare for me.” I said.

He didn't like the idea, “What if your cooking skills aren't up to standards?” He asked, “Wouldn't I have to suffer?”

“If you really don't like my cooking then by all means, eat what you have cooked and push the plate back to me.” I said.

“What's the point in it?” He asked.

I smiled, “For fun.”


That smile..


“Jong In?” I called as he turned silent all of a sudden.

He regained his senses, “Yes? The battle? Alright.” He said.

I smiled, “Then let's start!” I said.

We split the ingredients and get on with cooking, to be honest pasta is my signature dish so that explained my confidence.

But Jong In's cooking skills were really good, I can't deny that.

And the food was soon prepared. We placed it on the dining table and Jong In passed me the cutleries. 

“Try it.” I said and placed the plate of pasta in front of him, he looked at me and frowned, “Can I not?” He asked.

“No.” I sternly said.

He then took a small bite and slowly nods his head, “Oh, not bad.” He said.

“It's really good isn't it?” I asked and smiled.

He smiled, “Taste mine and you will know who the winner is.” He said.

I scoop up a spoon and placed it into my mouth, indeed it was good.

He looked at me up close, “It's better than yours right?” He asked.

I pout, “Then I am taking the plate back.”

“No wait.” He pulled the plate closer to him, “Why are you taking it back? I didn't say that it wasn't good.”

“But I thought..”

“I am finishing this.” He said and started eating.

I smiled and took another spoon of the pasta that he prepared.

“Yah, Han Jae Yoon, how old are you already?” He asked.

I tilted my head and looked at him curiously, “Eighteen?”

He smiled, “Not that, come closer.” He said and took a tissue from the tissue box and wiped away the sauce that was on the side of my mouth.

Upon his actions, I felt a little shy, “Oh, thank you.” I said.

“Was it that delicious?” He asked, looking cocky.

I frowned, “It .” I said.

“There you go again.” He chuckled, “I see how much you hated that plate of pasta that you ate it all down.” he teased.

“Kim Jong In!” I looked over at his plate, “So mine was good?” I asked, he finished everything too.

He nodded, “It was.” he said.


I thought he would have denied it..


“Fancy someone like you could cook up such a delicious plate of pasta, I enjoyed it.” he said.

He placed the plates at the sink, “I shall send you back home.” He said.

I took my bag and then he passed something to me, “Here you go, shoes for tomorrow.” He said.

I opened the box and spot a pair of white coloured heels which matches really well with the dress.

“Thank you.” I said.

“Let's go.” He said and we walked towards the door.


And it was then his phone rang, he answered it, “Lay?”

“Young Mister, Young Mistress woke up and demands to see you right now! She's threatening to die with a fruit knife in her hand!” Lay said.

Brows knit, “What have you been doing? How could you let her get hold of something so dangerous? Alright, tell her I am coming over now.” Jong In said and ended the call.

He looked at me, I spoke before he could say anything, “I roughly got what happened, go on, I will be back home on my own.”

He looked at me, “Are you sure? Does your ankle still hurt?” He asked.

I shook my head and smiled, “Don't worry, get going now.” I said.

He nodded, “Then I will be off now, just close the door when you leave.” He said.

“I got it.” I assured him and he left.


I took a seat on the sofa couch and took the shoes out to try it out, as expected it wasn't fitting.

It was a size bigger.

I am not Cinderella, how would the shoes fit me?


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barooya #1
Chapter 8: Or maybe she did love him, just that she were hesitant, since she felt that she was still tied up with the act of pretending. Or because Jongin wasn't divorce yet. I'm reading the sequels!
barooya #2
Chapter 7: Everything was happening too fast. No, your story pace is okay, just that I'm saying this in a matter of real life, where time flows too fast we didn't even realize. That's exactly what I felt. And I knew, once again, that I can proudly tell you I can feel the character. I can synchronize (if it's even a proper word to tell) with Jaeyoon really well, I knew, deep inside, either Jaeyoon were actually clueless about her feelings towards Jongin, which made her wished Jongin with someone else but her, or she really didn't have any feelings towards Jongin, just pure friendship love. Maybe, just maybe, cus that's what I feel. Good work! ^_^
barooya #3
Chapter 6: I'm too getting confused with the whole relationship. Which makes it a brilliant feeling since the character is quite confused, too. I sure had fun on some parts, too sweet to even recall. You are a great writter c: just.. jongin is sweet. He looked intimidating at first, I never knew he got this soft parts on him.
barooya #4
Chapter 5: (Forgot this line in the comment below) so when I saw that she claimed it's okay to have Jongin took it rather than a random guy... my point hit the bull's eye xD literally
barooya #5
Chapter 5: Aha! At first I was shocked at how calm Jae Yoon face the incident that night.. So I kind of stopped halfway to take a shower and idk while showering I was thinking why she was calm lololllll so I came up with some reasons that 1. Jongin wasn't in control of himself 2. JAe yoon is somewhat thanked it's jongin who took her ity rather than a random guy. 3. She doesn't have any feelings towards Jongin, yet. So if I were her I might feel the same. Since, yeah. It's better. Jaeyoon really is a strong girl, naive. Another thing that makes me feel the character to the boost, is because Jaeyoon is quite the same as me.
barooya #6
Chapter 4: When I finally realized what happened to Jongin as I were about to go to the next chap, I was like,
"Oh my goodness..."
Krystal's thoughts gave me clue.
barooya #7
Chapter 3: Her parents love her, if not her mother wouldn't fight for the phone as what her father said C:
I've always wanted a companion in the future, who knows how to cook. Oh, it's better if he's an all-rounder, hehehe ^^
There are some things I want to point out but maybe not now, because I'm on phone and it's kind of hard. I hope I'll remember when I'm on pc
barooya #8
Chapter 2: I honestly don't know why I'm into reading this when I weren't. I guess the emotions, the imagery, the everything C: hahaha Jongin is so pro. Gossip girl...
My favorite Fanfic <3
I'm sobbing like a mad woman *-*