Last Tear

Forgotten Crimson

      The fire roared as it consumed the mansion. The night was filled with fire engines blasting their sirens. Thunderclouds roared  menacingly above  but not a drop of rain fell. Everyone had safely escaped the mansion except the two siblings, Jiro and Enma Wang. 

Jiro: Cough Cough, "Don't worry, Enma, you hear the fire sirens. Someone will come to rescue us."

Enma: Crying " But we are on the third floor and east stairs collapsed! The west stairs are already almost all burnt too!"

Jiro: Shaking away his own fears he tried to comfort Enma, " You are closest to the west stairs. If anyone manages to make it up here, you will be rescued. I promise. "

 Enma felt guilty about how she was comforted by Jiro. Here he was acting all heroic when all she could do is bawl her eyes out. He was always the better one at everything. It didn't matter wheather it was sports, music, academics, he exceeded at everything. She was always jealous of him. After all he was mom's favorite, the wonderful heir. Enma sometimes felt that if it wasn't for her eyes, she would have been dropped off at some orphanage. She was the extra child, the girl, the one who could only be good for her looks, the one who is incapable of anything worthwhile. Her eyes were the only proof that she was the decendent of the great Wangs. Even Jiro did not inheirit the Wangs precious piercing blue eyes. It was Enma' s proof that she belonged to the family. But somehow, mother seemed to loathe those eyes. Enma' s mother never started directly at her. 

Enma had learned to live life ignoring this fact that she was the second class citizen. It's going to end here. Nothing would matter anymore. It was okay that her brother lived the better life, more well loved, because in the end death doesn't discriminate. 

A fireman's voice broke her train of thoughts. "Are you guys here! I'm here to save you!"  As soon as he stepped onto the third floor, half the staircase caved in. The people outside started screaming hysterically. " There is only time to rescue one!" Enma felt a strange flood of relief. She was the one closest to the fireman, the one who had the better odds of surviving,  surely she would be saved. She knew that this sense of relief was wicked and that she should be worried about her brother but when humans are into extreme circumstances, they would do anything to survive. 

"Save the heir! Forget about the girl, save the heir!" cried Enma' s mother.  The fireman who was just about to save Enma walked further past her and scooped up Jiro. Jiro was about to protest but lost conciousness from the stress.  Just as the fireman and Jiro disapeared down the stairs, the west stairs completely collapsed. Enma could hear her mother outside crying and screaming. All for Jiro. "Get him to the hospital now! I going on to the ambulance too!"

One final tear trickled down Enma's cheek before a burning hatred took place inside of her. She gathered up all her courage and looked for somekind of escape route. The other place left was the balcony hanging out on the edge of the river. Enma looked down to at the fast current and shuddered at the thought of landing in the cold water. Even though she didn't know how to swim , she found drowing a better alternative to being burning alive. She had not other choice. WIth one last look at her home, she turned around , jumped and landed in the dark , cold, raging river. 

The fire finally reached a gas line. Onlookers looked on with horror as the entire house was engulfed with flames. "I was going to save the little girl! " cried the fireman who saved Jiro, "HOW COULD YOU BE SO CRUEL LIFE!" As if some greater being heard this fireman's outrage a great downpour from the heavens began. It completely put out the fire. It was already too late though. The whole house was reduced to a great heap of unidentifiable ashes. The fireman looked on with guilt as he thought he felt the presence of the ice blue eyed girl within the remaining pile of ashes.

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