
Julie's POV :) (Your POV)
I was inside the beautiful castle, filled with vines and roses. My nurse* was there with me, telling me stories about how princesses find their one true love, in a white horse, and is standing tall. That time, I wanted to see you, my prince. Someone so fair, handsome.. Tall? I don't care what your height is.
(the term nurse here refers to the princess' nanny)
"Greetings. I have come here to get my princess. Someone to have and to hold, and who deserves to be cherished forever." You said, as my nurse was combing my hair. My gown was exposed to you, which is pink in color, showing my feminity.
"What a lovely man he is, my princess." My nurse told me.
"My princess, I've asked your father for your hand and that he approves. I believe you were looking for me as well, weren't you?" You smiled at me, like an angel.
"Yes I was, my prince. Where have you been all my life?" I asked, with my gentle voice.
"I fought all the beasts, monsters and giants so I would prove my love to you. You may not see me, but you can feel my presence, because our hearts lead us together, secretly. I won't hesitate no more, my princess. I love you with all my heart and soul."
My nurse left, as you held my waist and ask for my hand. You kissed it, and smiled once again.
"Will you be a part of me forever? Together, our hearts will come together as one, and from generation to generation, our love will be witnessed and continued in the years to come."
"Yes, my prince. It took me a long time finding you. You are someone I want to be with even after death. If I find myself in heaven without your hand, I'll go and search for you all over again."
You wiped my tears away, as I muttered those words. You kissed my lips for the first time before I can even breathe.
If only time would stop, I'd pause this moment forever.
"YA SLEEPYHEAD! Wake up!!" My oppa, Chen went to my room with our pots and pans and made some noise.
"Damn it oppa! We almost kissed! Aish!" I got so irritated that time. "I was going to get married! Why do you have to ruin my dream?" Chen oppa knew I don't have any experiences with love, yet I was a hopeless romantic. He and I were open to each other since he's only a year older than me.
"Aw, come on, Kim Jun Hee! So much for your fantasies. Don't you remember what day is it today?" He was really hyper.
"Aish, don't call me with my Korean name. I'm Julie. Julie Kim." I liked that name ever since. Jun Hee seems to be old fashioned, if you ask me. After all, my brother calls himself Chen anyway.
"Arraseo, Julie." He cleared his throat. "We're going to help our aunt out in her school. So we are going to spend time with preschool children for the whole day."
"Jinjja?!!" I exclaimed. I love children, and I can't wait to get married and have my own.
"So hurry up! You've got half an hour to prepare! Are you going to wake up or do you want me to scrub your back?!" He said.
"Pabo oppa! Never!" I threw my pillows and slammed the door.
A few hours later, we arrived at the school. There were so many tiny children that I want to carry all of them.
All of the kids were very cheerful, indeed. But there is this one child who captured my attention.
She was crying all of the sudden, walking all over the place. Is she lost or something?
I went to approach her.
"Little girl, why are you crying?" I asked.
"I.. Don't.. Want.. To.. Go.. To.. School..." She was sobbing, and I grabbed some tissues to wipe her tears.
"Aww, jinjja? But in school, you meet friends, and learn a lot." She was so small, and is wearing pig tails.
"I.. Want.. Oppa.."
"Your oppa will come soon, arraseo? Please don't cry now. I hate seeing cute kids like you cry." I hugged and patted her head. How I wish I have a baby sister like her.
"M-mianhae unnie.." She hugged back. "It's just that.. I'm used to my oppa looking over for me.." I remember when I was still her age. Chen oppa also watches and protects me all the time.
"I bet your brother is like a prince, protecting his precious princess, who is you." Here goes my delusional self again.
"Yup! He is! He may not be as tall as other oppas, but he really loves me." She was so cute, telling me that. "Unnie, I wish I can meet someone like oppa."
"Of course you can. But I think you're still too young for that." I chuckled. "What's your name, by the way?"
"Kim Sarang." She created a heart, emphasizing her name.
"That's too cute it suits you!" I squealed. "Why don't you play with the other kids?"
"I don't want to, unnie. I'm really shy, and only oppa understands me." She sighed.
"Hmmm. How about you tell me stories about your oppa?" She seems interesting.
"Arraseo unnie. Can I sit on your lap?"
"Of course, Baby Sarang." I giggled.
"Oppa is really small, as his friends Kris oppa and Chanyeol oppa would say. But for me, he has a big heart, and tons of money. He donates to charity as well. He has everything.. Except.." She sighed once again.
"Except what?" I asked. Wow, I bet Sarang and her brother are rich.
"A princess. My oppa doesn't have a girlfriend yet. He never had one." She touched my face. "Unnie, you look so beautiful.."
Wow, for a kid to tell me those things sure is flattering.
"Thank you, Sarang." I blushed.
"Unnie, I wish I have big eyes and brown hair just like yours." Sarang continued to examine my face.
"But you are beautiful the way you are." I smiled.
"Thank you unnie, for staying with me." She hugged me and fell asleep. I placed her in my lap, and touched her cheeks. Awww, she's like an angel.
Speaking of angel, my eyes were blinded for seconds, seeing someone in front of me, wearing white. He became noticeable, because of his fair complexion as well.
"Hello, good afternoon." The handsome guy politely said.
"Ah, hello." I bowed, still holding Sarang.
"By any chance, are you my sister's teacher?" He asked.
"Ah, aniyo! I was just helping my aunt out. Sarang fell asleep, while waiting for you." I became anxious, focusing on how handsome this guy is. Sarang is right. He does look like a prince, just like the one in my dreams.
"Jinjja? Awww, sorry for the trouble. Sarang finds it hard to get close with others, but I'm glad she was able to talk to you, miss.. Uhh. May I know your name, pretty girl?" Gosh. My heart skipped a beat, hearing that.
"Kim Jun Hee. But I prefer being called Julie. What about you?" Thank God I had the courage to ask.
"Kim Junmyeon, but I prefer being called Suho." He smiled, as he shaked hands. "Thanks a lot for looking after my sister. It was a bit traffic a while ago."
"It's the least I can do. She was crying a while ago, and I told her you'll be back soon."
"Aww, my poor little sister." He touched Sarang's face, still sleeping.
"She sure is cute. She told me you were a prince." I laughed.
"Whoa. She did? She's really into fairy tales, and I would read stories to her before bedtime."
"You're a really loving brother towards her, Suho.. oppa? How old are you?"
"I'm twenty. And you?"
"I just turned eighteen. Kekeke~"
"Hahaha, so I'm also your oppa after all." He chuckled.
"Yeah. But you look younger."
"Jinjja? Or is it because of my height?"
"More or less. But seriously, you look my age. Hahaha."
"I'll take that as a compliment, Julie." He said.
Sarang woke up, as she was still on my lap.
"Suho oppa!!" She stood up and hugged him. Aww, it's too cute to be seen.
"Sarang.." Suho oppa kissed his baby sister's forehead as he carried her. "How was your day? I'm sorry oppa wasn't able to stay a while ago. It was traffic."
"Gwenchanayo, oppa. At least unnie accompanied me kekeke~"
"Thank you so much, Julie." Suho oppa gave me a pat on the shoulder, and I blushed.
"Unnie, would you like to hang out with us?" Sarang asked, while holding our hands.
"But Sarang, Julie might be busy." He looked at me. Omo.. It's like he's indirectly asking me out on a date.
"Ah, ani.. My brother can handle it on his own keke~" I held my neck and chuckled.
"Jinjja? If that's the case, let's go and get some sweetcakes!" Suho oppa exclaimed.
Sweetcakes? Never heard of that.
Suho oppa opened the door for us and he started driving. I was beside Sarang, holding her in my lap.
"Suho oppa, when you mentioned sweetcakes, what are they?" I asked.
"You'll find out later." He winked. Aish, I totally died. Come to think of it, he's indeed handsome. Is it right to say I'm starting to have a tiny crush on this guy? Waaaa get a hold of yourself,  Julie.
"Unnie, are you alright?" Sarang asked. "You seem to be pale."
Suho oppa looked at me for a second, and he seemed to be worried.
"I'm fine.. Maybe I was just a bit tired from helping out a while ago." I smiled weakly. The truth is, I can't explain this anxiety whenever he looks at me.
"We're here. Julie and Sarang, let's go." He opened the door and I held Sarang's hands. She held Suho oppa's, on the other hand.
"Awww, look at them! They seem to be a happy family!" A stranger blurted. I blushed. Do we really look like one?
Inside that store is filled with sweets, pastries and desserts. Wow, a paradise for sweet lovers. Is this the sweet cakes that he is referring to?
"Julie, mind if you sit for a while? Sarang and I will do something first kekeke~" Suho oppa smiled. "This is our bakeshop, by the way. It's called Precious Sweetcakes." He took out the chair and he let me sit for a while. He sure is a gentleman.
By the time he did, someone appeared all of the sudden.
"Hello, Ms. Kim." Omo, it's my professor.
"Sir?! Annyeong Haseo!" I bowed all of the sudden.
"No need to be formal, since you're my student for two years." He smiled. For a moment, he resembled Suho oppa.
"Dad, you know each other?" Suho oppa exclaimed.
"Yes, of course. She's one of the smartest students in class. The one I'm talking about." Holy moly.. They're related!! "How did you meet each other?"
"Ah, dad. I was late a while ago and she took care of Sarang."
"Jeongmal? My daughter doesn't seem to interact with other people. I guess she quickly warmed up into you, Julie." His dad told me. Omo, small world.
"Julie, Junmyeon and I will talk for a while. Arraseo? Sarang and my wife will be here in a few minutes." His dad spoke, as he assured me of their return.
They have such a happy family, just like mine. I wish Chen oppa was here. He loves cakes.
I wonder what they are all doing.
Third Person POV :)
Suho's mom and Sarang were inside the kitchen, baking different kinds of cake. His mom used to be a teacher, but she eventually became a housewife. Whenever she's bored, she would cook for the family until her husband decided to own a bakeshop.
Suho's little sister, Sarang, loves cakes as well so she likes helping her mother out.
"Umma, that beautiful unnie there is really nice to me. I want her to be Suho oppa's wife." Sarang told her mother.
"Aww, my child. It's too early for that." She patted her daughter's head. "Let them feel that they are perfect for each other, until they realize that they are already in love."
"Arraseo umma. I want to give something to Julie unnie." Sarang smiled excitedly, as she ran to get Julie.
Meanwhile, Suho and his dad were talking privately, and about you.
"Jun Hee or Julie is really a caring person." His father explained to him. "She's cheerful, studious and hardworking."
"I think she is, dad." He agreed. "And she's really pretty. Just look at her, fixing her hair, while reading the menu." He started to observe you. "I think she's perfect to be your girlfriend, Junmyeon. Remember when you were looking at their seat plan and saw her picture? That's her." His dad gave your 1x1 picture, and he recalled everything.
"Jinjja? She's the girl that you've been telling me about? Dad, this is amazing. I was keeping a copy of her picture ever since. I never thought we would actually see each other, thanks to Sarang." He kept on looking at your picture, with a smile.
"The way she treated your sister, shows us how will she be as a wife. Despite of Sarang's stubborn personality, Julie was able to repel it completely." Suho's dad rarely compliments a girl, but you were an exception.
"Suho oppa.. Appa.." Sarang approached them, holding a round 6" angel cake topped with vanilla butter icing.
"Oooh, that smells good.." Suho smelled the freshly baked cake his mother made. "May I taste it?"
Sarang hits Suho's hand with her holder. "Aniyo! This is for Julie unnie. Do you remember the promise we've made back then, oppa?"
Sarang is currently seven years old, and when she was four and Suho was seventeen, they made a promise to each other.
Flashback, 3 years ago.
"Oppa, what is love?" Baby Sarang asked. "Mom said I was made out of love that's why they named me Sarang."
"Love is unexplainable, Sarang. So is our parent's love for the both of us." Suho smiled at her.
"Oppa, have you ever fell in love?" It was a tough question for him.
"Ani, I'm not rushing anyway." He smiled.
"Oppa, I want to have an unnie in law someday who would love me as much as she loves you." Sarang hugged his brother.
"I won't marry or date someone who doesn't love you at all, my baby sister." He said. He was a protective brother.
"Oppa, umma's angel cake.. I want to give it to the girl who I think is deserving of your love." Sarang insisted, and Suho nodded.
End of Flashback.
"I remember that, Sarang!" He exclaimed. "Are you going to give it to Julie because you like her to be my girlfriend?"
"But oppa, what about you? Do you like unnie?" She asked.
"Uhm...." Suho was blushing.
"It's a yes, oppa. Don't lie to me. Kids can tell." She winked.
Julie's POV :)
I wonder what's taking them so long. I'm a bit bored here. Should I at least order something?
"Unnie! Sorry to keep you waiting~" Sarang held a round cake on her hands.
"Hi, you're Julie, aren't you?" A beautiful woman stood in front of me, carrying Sarang.
"Y-yes, ma'am." I said.
"I'm Suho's mother and your professor's wife." She smiled.
"Mannaseo bangawoyo, ma'am." I bowed.
Suho oppa and his dad went to our table, and selected cakes, pastries and milkshakes were served.
"You can have as much as you want, Julie." Suho oppa sat beside me. Here comes this feeling once again.
"You know what? I used to teach in the school that Sarang is currently studying at." Suho oppa's mom said.
"Wow, daebak. By any chance, do you know our aunt, Kim Jung Ah?"
"Ah yes! She's my best friend actually. Send her my regards, arraseo?" Wow, Suho oppa and I are connected with each other.
"I will, ma'am." And I took a sip of the cold frappuccino beside me.
"Unnie, I want you to be the first one to taste this angel cake." Sarang offered me a slice. "I promised oppa that the only girl who will taste this cake made by mom is someone I approve of as his future girlfriend and wife. Unnie, we just met, but you took care of me, even if I don't talk to other people.." She continued. "Suho oppa, what are you waiting for?"
I was in the hot seat. Oh gosh. Sarang wants me to be Suho oppa's girlfriend? Kyaaaaaaaaa.
"I agree with Sarang." Their dad, who is my professor said. "You are perfect for my son."
"You should be my future daughter in law, Julie." Their mom smiled.
"Mom, dad.. Isn't it too early for that? Hahaha." Suho blushed.
"Aniyo! You two must get married!" Sarang said.
Together with Suho oppa's family, we laughed and ate with happiness.
"Suho, take her home, arraseo?" His dad told him.
"Yes, dad. I will."
"Unnie, pai pai~" Sarang hugged me and kissed my cheeks.
"Please do visit our bakeshop whenever you have time." His mom said. I nodded and waved.
Suho oppa and I were inside the car, not speaking to each other.
How many minutes are we going to stay like this?
"Uhm.." I broke the disturbing silence.
"Sorry about a while ago." He bowed.
"Eh? What is there to be sorry about?"
"How my parents and Sarang reacted. Maybe you felt pressured, while listening to them." He was worried.
"Aniyo.. It's not that. In fact, it's too cute and, purely fateful. I didn't know you're the son of my professor and your mom is my aunt's best friend. I can feel a sudden connection." I smiled.
"Likewise, Julie. It's as if we met before, and.." Interrupting him was a picture of..
"Ya, where did you get this?" I asked.
"It's nothing, really.." He tried to get it from me, but I was too focused and determined.
"Silly, that was my picture when I was the same age as Sarang." I laughed.
"Jeongmal?! Aigoo. This is destiny. I found this picture when I was nine years old. I even promised myself to look for this girl, and now I found you."
"So I guess destiny really wants us to be together, eh?" I smirked.
"I think so too. Julie, I know this is weird, but I think we are meant to be. I may be innocent to know what love is, I may not show it to you but I felt that you already knew.. I may not love you the way it should be, Julie. But I'm alwats willing to love you the way I understand it." When Suho oppa said that, I blushed and my heart beats faster and faster. "So, Kim Jun Hee, Julie Kim rather, I want to know you better, become your boyfriend and become your husband. Will you allow me to take this to the next level?" Waaaaaah. I just died when he moved closer, and smirked in front of me. My feels. My ovaries. My heart.
"Oppa... I...." I closed my eyes, to control myself. I can't explain how Suho oppa makes my heart skip a beat.
"I won't take no as an answer." He smiled and kissed my forehead "I'm saying this for the first time. I love you, Kim Jun Hee." He went to my nose this time, and it tickles me a little. He touched my face as if it's the most precious thing ever. I held his shoulders that time, and he leaned on me, with a kiss.. On my lips..
That feeling of joy, wherein you can see the world in pink, as our hands were intertwined. It was like magic, when he made lips on mine. I never thought kisses would be this good.
"I love you too, Kim Junmyeon.. I love Sarang as well." I kissed him back.
It was a starry night. Who knew that a simple dream of mine, would turn into reality all of the sudden?
Suho oppa and I are currently together for years. We got married when I was twenty five and he was twenty seven. Sarang is now a beautiful teenager, still fantasizing on her fairy tale inspired love story and we're here, with our two kids, Junsu and Myeon Hee, a combination of our names.
Love is as sweet as angel cakes, you just have to wait for the right person. God is still creating the best love story for each one of us.
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Chapter 1: SO SWEET ....