Ma Boy

Dear Diary


You shouted to your classmate as he taking your diary. You had many hidden secret in it and it would be the end of your life in the school if anything got out. 
You were the bullies’ target. Not because you were dumb but because you not talking so much in school. So that is how you get bullies. You never talked back to anyone, never fought back, you keep everything in yourself and to you it would be more comfortable when you let it out in your diary. Plus, you were nerd. You got bullied really often and did nothing about it. Silly but to you, just stay as quiet as you can, if you don’t they’re just bully you even more.
The school’s bully stood behind your desk with your diary in his hand. He then flipping the pages of your diary. Damnit!
???: Dear diary, there’s this really cute boy in school. 
You gulped your saliva hard when he started reading your diary.
???:I don’t know his name but he seems really popular. He always with this five other guys.
Your classmate: Five guys? Nugu? Nugu?
You: Stop please! Give it back!!!
???: He had a really nice smile but he seemed cold at the same time.
You: (*Andwee!!)
Other classmate: Aww.. he has a nice smile. 
???: Hehe.. I love his smile.
You: Please stop! I beg you.
???: (Ignore you) Dear diary, I’m feeling very happy today. That boy now becomes my classmate. Hihi But……. Why he always bulling me. He just same as other classmate. I hate this!
You: (*Ah… it’s the end now)
???: I finally found out his name! His name is….
He stop and glare at you.
???: His name is Jung Daehyun! WHAT?? YOU’RE CRUSHING ON ME??? HAHAHAHAHA
You heard the others classmate were laughing hard at you. You felt insulted and humiliated. Why are there such mean people on earth?! You can’t take it anymore. You were about to cry. You held back your tears and ran out of the class. You ran to washroom to calm yourself down and wash away the tears. You don’t have guts to face Daehyun he already know about your feeling and it make you hurt even more. You decide to stay at washroom until class end.
Class finally ends for that day. You slowly walked out from washroom and walk to your class. You saw nobody was there. You quickly pick up your thing and make your way out of school. Suddenly, you heard someone called your name. You knew exactly who the voice belonged to. It your ultimate crush. JUNG DAEHYUN! Agagagga
Without looking at him you quickly get ready to run. Unluckily, you tripped over your own foot and fell.
You: (*This is great! How embarrassing am i? I tripped over my own foot and he saw everything! Why I’m so unlucky! Tsk!) 
Daehyun: Are you okay? 
He tried to help you up but you quickly removed your arms from his grip. Not because you hate him. But because you felt like an electric shock was flowing in your body when he touch you. You look at his face. He was wearing a mask at that time. You don’t know why he always wearing that mask. 
You: what do you want? Are you here to tease me further? Go spread that I’m clumsy then.
Daehyun: Why would I do that? It’s dumb.
You felt relieved. Actually you still can’t believe that you were talking to Daehyun. Your crush was right in front of you and you were talking to him! You tried to not look at him because you afraid the fact that you were excited burst out!
Daehyun: Your diary is still with me. 
He tried to catch your attention and he made it. You turn your head and look at him.
You: Throw it away or something. I don’t care. 
Daehyun: I could just return it to you if you want.
You: You would??
Daehyun: No!
You: Haish… 
You were frustrated and walked away.
Daehyun: Unless…
You stop and look at him.
You: Unless what?? You want me to do your homework for you? I won’t do such things. 
Daehyun: Hey! Wait. Why would I want you to do my homework for me?
You: So you can go out with y and beautiful girls without worrying about your homework? Give it up! I won’t do it!
Actually you don’t really understand why you said that. It just comes out from your mouth. And you really wondered where your courage comes from. Oh, well, you never talked to anyone before.
Daehyun: I’ll return it to you if you……. GO OUT WITH ME!
You: What?? Stop the joke. It’s not funny. 
You felt irritated. You felt like crying. How can he be so mean to play with your feeling like that? Why must he say things he didn’t mean? Warghhh! Daehyun walked towards you. He was approaching you. So close.
Daehyun: It’s not a joke. I’m damn serious. I like you too. Go out with me?
You: Don’t lie to yourself. It must be a bet and I’m not falling for it. Why must a guy as popular as you like someone like me? I hope you respect yourself and me. Stop playing, it’s childish. Keep the diary if you want.
You said while turning away, not wanting him to see your tears. Just because you likes him doesn’t mean that he had to sympathize you and like you back. You didn’t want people to pity or sympathize you. 
Daehyun: I really like you. You like me too right? Why can’t we go out? 
He grab your arms, preventing you from walking away further. You said nothing. Only tears flowing on your cheek. 
Daehyun: (*Why this girl was that emotional?)
You: Because you don’t really like me. You just pity on me. Please let off of my hand Dahyun-sshi.
Daehyun: Who said I didn’t like you? I like you since two years ago. You think I move out to your class and be your classmate without the reason? Huh? It’s because of you. When the first time I saw you I already fall for you. I wanna be your man. I tried to approach you but you not talk so much. I thought that you hate me. So, I took an easy way. It’s bulling you. I know it sound silly and guess what that is the only way to make you talk to me.
You: You’re so mean.
You: Yaeh. I admit that. But, aren’t you notice that people were stop bulling you since I enter your class?
You tried to memorize the moment Daehyun enter your class. It was true. Your classmates were no longer bulling you. It only Jung Daehyun who was keeps bulling you and you wondered why that happened.
Daehyun: That because I’ve warn them.
You were beyond shocked. Still can’t believe with what had happening.
Daehyun: So now can you be my girlfriend?
You: Huh? Bu.. but just now you said just go out with you?
Daehyun: ( Aish… how this girl become so dumb. ..?) It’s just a same. Or I rather say it was package. Haha.
You: Huh?
Daehyun: Yes or No?
You: Are you serious?
Daehyun: No.
You: Haish…
Then it was silence for a few seconds. He took out his mask.
Daehyun: _____-ah….
He then held both of your hand and say it in sweeter tone. He was so nervous but he had to keep cool.
Daehyun: Would you be my girlfriend? I promise I won’t hurt you and I’ll protect you. I love you. I love you when I first saw you. You have beautiful eyes and you are beautiful. I didn’t show my feeling because I was afraid that we would become awkward so I didn’t really talk much. But, my feeling for you got deeper and deeper I thought my heart was going crazy every time I saw you and it will become crazier when I’m not seeing you. Now, I just had to tell you. Would you be my girl? 
He said while staring into your beautiful eyes. Actually you don’t really pay attention of what he said because you were busy staring at his bare face. You still staring at his flawless face, his cute eyes when he smiled, and his lips so wonderful. Daehyun released his grips from your hands. Then, you realized you were staring at him for too long. Oops!
Daehyun: (*This girl. I must be too handsome now that she was looking at my bare face. Haha) 
You: Oh, I’m sorry.
Daehyun: It’s okay.
Daehyun: So, what is your answer?
You: ………………………………….
Daehyun was waiting for your answer and it took your breath away. Suddenly, you felt like something was falling into your body. It was raining. The day began raining and you tried to step forward where you can hide yourself from getting wet. But………… it was useless when Daehyun pull your hand make you spun into him. Your body was crash into each other and you both were so close.
Daehyun: Answer me first.
You: What? It’s raining… We gonna catch a cold. Let’s find a shelter.
Daehyun: Not until you answer me.
You gather your courage and decide to answer him. You look into his cute eyes and confess.
You: You pabo! There is no reason to me for not accepting you.
Daehyun: That’s mean you are mine now?
You slowly nod your head and blush. You look on the ground and try to avoid eye contact with him. It still raining and you grab Daehyun’s hand and tried to run out of there. He then pull his hand back and make you bumped into him once again. 
You: What’s wrong? It’s raining you know?
Daehyun: Let’s have our first kiss here?
You: huh? Here? On the raining day?
Daehyun: We both already soaked though…
You: But we….
You can’t finished your word when Daehyun’s lips already on yours. You can felt that he was sincere over his feeling. You closed your eyes and kissed him back. When he pulled out you look at him blankly. Both of you keep staring at each other. 
Daehyun: I love you
You were literary over the moon. You never felt this happy before! You look at Daehyun who was still smiling at you. 
Daehyun: Hey! Say you love me too.
You: No!
Daehyun: Huh?
You: I don’t love you.
Daehyun: Yaa!
You knew Daehyun will pull you so you already take your step and run. Daehyun chased you and both of keep running in rainy days.
You: Catch me if you can!
You said while laughing and running. Daehyun then speed up his step and he got you. 
Daehyun: Said that you love me!
Daehyun can’t stop smilling and he lean down and kiss you again. You can’t do anything but respond his kiss. Agagagaagga
# I know this story is cliche and i tried to not make it too cliche. Did i make it too cliche? I hope it's not cliche. LoL
Bye. Comment if you like it. Kyaaa~



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Terilovesinfiniteexo #1
Chapter 1: Very cute!! Woah :3 Sequel please haha, most likely you'll say no but... It's very good! And why did I cry?
ZeloFarah #2
Chapter 1: kyaaa!!!next please or special episode????
Chapter 1: SO CUTE~~~ Omonaa ><
Chapter 1: SO CUTE~~~ Omonaa ><