Miss Chocoholic's Advice Booth { OPEN }




Do you have a problems but you don't have someone to talk to? Then come to my booth, we can talk about your problems. This booth is where you can tell your problems, any kind of problems from love, to school, to friendship, and even the family. I will try my best to give a solution to your problem. Come and don't be shy I don't bite *wink*.




Status: { Open | Hiatus | Close }

Open: Saturday and Sunday { GMT +8 } 

*note: If you are in GMT -8 or below or in the western country, then this booth is open at Friday and Saturday.





This booth is actually free. You won't need to pay dollars or peso or won or whatsoever in the consultation. However, the only thing that I want to return in favor is to:

1. Respect

2. Wait Patiently

3. First Come first served basis.

4. Don't be so rude.

5. Vote to my Poll (I will take a survey. Just click on the chapter 1)



That's all. Then if you done doing this, you can proceed in filling the consultation form.









Type of Problem:




Name: Lala (you can use a codename here if you want)

Age: 20 years old

Gender: Female

Location: Korea

Type of Problem: Friendship and Love

Problem: I have a crush and he's my friend but I don't know if I will tell to him my feelings because I am scared that If I tell him that I like him, our friendship will be ruined. What should I do, Miss Chocoholic?




My Answer:

Think first before you confess your feelings to your crush, I mean if your friendship is more important to you then no but if not then try it. There's no harm in trying, atleast in the future you will not having a regrets about confessing him. Who knows maybe he likes you too. 


Thank you for consulting :)).



A/N: Hello guise :)) I will create a booth especially for those who really needs help. I don't know if I can give you a good advice but I will try my best to give you a good one. I am only available in Saturday and Sunday because these are my free time and if I don't open at that time, maybe I am busy so bare with me. Don't worry I will let you know when will I gone if I have an activity to do. Also, I can be open in weekdays if I am only available at that time but probably most of the time will be weekends. So yeah. Come and talk to me :)).


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Name: Lily
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Location: Chicago, Il
Type Of Problem: Family
Problem: Recently, I have been feeling sick. I was recently diagnosed but it's nothing serious. My parents think that I should be able to take care of myself but I can't. I have been suffering from depression for years now and they don't know about it. I have been feeling tired and weak so I have stopped taking my medications. They have been very rude and ignore what I say. My brother has always been there for me but ever since he got hired, he has never made time to talk to me. I don't know who to turn to or what I should do. Can you help, Miss Chocoholic?
Name: Chloe
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Location: England, UK
Type Of Problem: Friendship
Problem: Recently, one of my best friends has been treating my other best friends badly. She is so over-dramatic, she says mean things to them and lies all the time. Also, she makes out that she has mental problems; which I know isn’t true because I have a mental disorder myself. She’s turned most of her friends against her already, but she has been a great friend to me before and I don’t want to turn my back on her. However, I am also shocked and disgusted with what she’s been saying. Can you help, Miss Chocoholic?