
Now or Never

SAT-APRIL-7-2014  7:30 PM

Baekhyun read on his cell phone.

He stretched his arms and yawned as he sat on the bench waiting for the train to come.

He looked around him, only to find no one.

But heck, who was he even looking for; practically no one was at the station at this hour.


Still waiting, Baekhyun leaned his head back as he closed his eyes and let the peaceful silence consume him while he enjoyed the feeling of Italy.


Baekhyun has been living in the beautiful and romantic city of Verona, Italy.

What is he doing in Italy?

Well, he himself doesn’t even know exactly.


He just wanted something more in life, something new.


As time passed Baekhyun soon felt the light breeze of the train coming by.

He decided to get up once the train settled on the tracks.


After a few moments Baekhyun got on.

He went inside and waited, it took about 5 minutes before the train started moving again.

He stared out the window, taking in the beautiful scenery before his eyes.


After awhile Baekhyun took a break from looking out the window and decided to look at his surroundings.

His eyes soon fell on to a certain someone, a woman to be exact.


Her hair looked as smooth as silk.

Her eyes twinkled in concentration.

Her eyebrows crested in focus.

Her lips ajar and occasionally nibbling on them.


She was breath taking, majestic, charismatic, elegant, wondrous, amazing and just… just God damn… BEAUTIFUL.


Baekhyun was staring at her for God knows how long.

But as soon as she felt someone staring at her, she turned.

She smile and giggled at him then went back to reading her book.

He probably looked like an idiot just staring at her.


But gees, how could Baekhyun not stare.

Her smile.

The angelic smile that she gave could probably cure cancer.

And that giggle, God damn it! It was a song sung by angels.


She, herself was an angel to Baekhyun.

It’s impossible for a human to look that attractive without even trying, guess she proved him wrong.


Thinking of whether he should or should not talk to her, finally he decided to get up and talk to her.

Gathering all his confidence, it was now or never.


Baekhyun approached her nervously.

Standing in front of her, he uttered not a single word.

He was speechless.


She giggled once again.


, Baekhyun thought.

He didn’t know what to say.

Instead he kept thinking of what to say, while standing in front of her like an idiot.


“Hello”, his train of thoughts were interrupted.

“Um… He-Hello.” Baekhyun said nervously while slightly inching the back of his neck.


Silence, as she looked at him with a smile.


“I was, um, wondering… what… um… what… BOOK YOU’RE READING.” he said, obviously not knowing what else to say.

She giggled.

“We both know you could careless about this book. Let’s get straight to the point.” She said bluntly.

“My name is you.” She held out her hand.


Baekhyun's eyes widen at her boldness, but soon reached for her hand and shook with a smile.

“My name is Baekhyun! Pleasure to meet you, you.”




Two years have passed ever since their first conversation.

Now was their wedding day.




Walking down the aisle, arms linked with her father.

She looked beautiful, yet again she took his breath away.


They faced each other as he slowly and carefully leaned in.

His lips inching closer and closer with hers…

This was it, their happily ever aft-










Snapping out of his daze, the doors were open and she was gone.


That was it, never.

















Okay it's really shot and the ending is rushed... I know but I had no idea what else to write...

I tried, okay >.<

I still have two oneshots I'm working on still ^^ But I don't know who I'll make as the main charater...

Hoped you all enjoyed this oneshot, do comment ^^ ~


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