Clueless Love

"I don't get it" I said.

"What? Thats the sixth time today Lay!" Kai laughed.

I didn't get that either but I didnt bother asking.

"So then I told her-"

Kai was interuppted by a girl with long brown hair and another girl with short brown hair.

"Excuse me, will you take a quick picture of us please?" The long haired girl asked me.

Right when I was about to reply, Kai immediately snatched the cellphone out of her hands.

"Sure, sweetheart." Kai winked. "Wait actually Tai,take this." Kai handed Tao the cellphone making the girls raise a brow.

Kai suddenly wrapped his arms around the girls shoulders. One frowned while the other one smiled.

"This is going to be my laptop wallpaper." Kai grinned.

Tao took the photo and another one without Kai- since the long-haired looked abit annoyed.

"Er.. Thanks..Tie?" The long-haired girl thanked Tao, taking her cellphone back.

Tao pouted. "It's..Tao.." He muttered.

The long-haired girl blinked. "oh..sorry..thanks Tao." she mumbled.

Tao shook his head and smiled. "It's fine. What's your name?" 

"My name is Eunji..and this is Yookyung." The long-haired girl introduced herself and her friend.

"Hi~" Yookyung sang.

I looked at both of them. "I'm Yixing...but everyone calls me Lay."

"Lay....the chip?" Yookyung giggled.

I blushed due to embarrassment and looked at my feet.

"Um....y-yeah.." I muttered.

There was an awkward silence going on for a while so I finally decided to break it.

"Can I see the photos that Tao took?" I asked.

"Sure." Eunji handed me the cellphone. "I'll show you where to find them first."

She came closer and I couldn't help but blushed madly as our shoulders bumped. I couldn't pay attention at the phone at all due to the distance between us, we were just too close.

She tapped my shoulder. "Hey, are you listening?"

"Um y-yeah" I stuttered.

Tao and Kai seemed to notice my reaction - making me gulp.

"Oh really? Then show me how you find the picture then" Eunji grinned.

I blushed and scratched my neck. "Uh I did pay attention but I forgot?" 

"Pft, forgetful." Kai chuckled.

I blinked and looked at Eunji. She shook her head and smiled.

"Here, ill show you again."

After explaining everything to me...again. I eventually found the photo of Eunji and Yookyung -without Kai. I had to admit that it was a very beautiful picture of those two. Soon Yookyung told us they had to go.

"Well we'll see you guys around!" Eunji smiled. "Bye Lay!"

I blushed and nodded. She waved and slowly walked away with her friend.

I'll see you around.



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Chapter 1: This is good so far! Update soon!