Family Reunion

I can't forget her

Lizzy- I got my dress!


Niel- Wow You look gorgeous!

Lizzy- And you look Handsome!

Niel- *Kisses Lizzy on the lips*

Lizzy- I love you

Niel- Come on lets go

Lizzy- OKay

( Got to the Family Reunion)

Sa Jung- Hi Niel


Sa Jung- And who is this Woman of your

Lizzy- Hi, My name is Lizzy, I am your sons girlfriend, Nice to meet you

Sa Jung- Nice to meet you I am Sa Jung

Niel- Mom, where is dad?

Sa Jung- Dad Is In England, Come on We have to go eat

Niel- Come on let's go

Lizzy- OKay

*Sa Jung Introduces Lizzy to the family*

* Lizzy worried* *Niel sees and hold her hand*

Sa Jung- Now Let's eat

*Lizzy- Grabs her fork and spoons*

Sa Jung- How Dare you!

Lizzy- What

Sa Jung- You let the elders get they're utinsels first, and you do not say what!

Lizzy- Sorry.

Niel- Umma

Lizzy- It's OKay

Sa Jung- How Shameful, Anyway Why don't Lizzy pick up the tray we are done eating with.

Eleders- OKay

( They finish )

Lizzy- Here let me get that

*Lizzy gets the plate and spills everything onto Sa Jung*

Lizzy- I am so sorry!

Sa Jung- I had it with you! You are not worthy for my son! Why don't you go get lose! 

Lizzy- I am so sorry

Sa Jung- I don't want to see you just leave

Lizzy- Oh Okay Ma'am

* Lizzy left *

( 2 hours later )

Niel- Umma were is Lizzy

Sa Jung- She said she was leaving early

Niel- Why would she leave early? ( In Mind )

( At Lizzy's and Miranda's Dorm )

Lizzy- I new this would be a disaster! I am not the formal type! I am not worthy for Niel

Miranda- No! Its Sa Jung!

Lizzy- No she was right I ain't worthy for him

Miaranda- Are you sure your going to break up with him? If you do it's going to be akward around you guys, excpecially when me and Chunji are dating

Lizzy- No, It's okay i can ignore eye contact

Miranda- When are you planing to breack up with him?

Lizzy- Probably Tomorrow

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angelenavang #1
Sorry! This was my first story, and I wan't really good at it. But thanks for the advise and everythign and I am 12 years old.
Zoie-Nielsbaby #2
Chapter 5: Ok Im not being mean I just giving advise never do this kind of lay out unless you have detail and a lot of voice
P.s. how old are you???!!! (sorry if that sounded mean but seriously)
P.p.s. othere than that' it's fine ^__^
Chapter 6: Well...somehow there is something that bothers me about this story...
I'm sorry but this story is weird.
It's a bit unreal.
Don't know how to describe, sorry :(
But it's alright ^_^
so please update soon <3
Chapter 6: New reader :) hope you update soon. The story is really good^^