
The first time you fall in love, it changes you forever and no matter how hard you try, that feeling just never goes away.

As I collasped down onto the hotel bed, my mind drifted to the past few days in Switzerland. Yes, my short holiday trip is coming to end, and in a few hours' time, I am officially heading back to Seoul. Glancing out at the window, it was my first time witnessing the first snow in another country. Sighing softly, I reached out for my bag and poured the contents out of my bag. I stared at my plae pink diary, which was full of crases and pale yellowish pages.

I opened the diary, and a polaroid photograph fallen out from the diary. Picking it up gingerly, I couldn't help but smile as it was a recent photo in Bern. With him.


"Noona, come and take a photo for me," Jongin dragged me towards the wall made of bricks, with some graffitti beautifully drawn on. Slipping his hand into mine, he pulled me closer to him as he threw his camera towards Kris, who was our a-few-seconds-photographer.

Jongin then smiled cheekily at me, as he stood behind me, and leaned in towards my ear, where I can feel his hot and warm breath. Wrapping his arms around my shoulders, he placed his chin on my shoulder, and giggled," Noona is really short."

Rolling my eyes at him, I faced the camera and smiled until I hear click, followed by the printing sound of the picture. Breaking away from me, Jongin bobbled towards Kris, and grabbed the photograph from the latter.

"Noona, take it and take care of it. Don't lose it, or else I will kill you," Jongin warned, before smiling towards me. Looking down at the photograph, I couldn't help but agree with his words. I have to take care of it, as it was beautiful photograph.


I flipped through my diary, and read the past few years entries in them. As I read, those vivid and active images flashed back into my mind. I can once again feel the pain, and the tears from me can be felt. I stared out of the window, as I thought,' I was given chance to confess, but, I reject the chance with my hands. I was given the chance to tell him that I like him, but I reject it.'

'He only looks at me like a noona since we met, and I treated him more than a dongsaeng. Luckily, Luhan-ssi came into my life, and gave me the happiness when he can also give. Giving Luhan-ssi the chance, I accepted him and distanced myself away from him. Falling deeper into love with Luhan-ssi, he drifted away from me. Until, Luhan-ssi left for Beijing, he came back. Luhan-ssi broke me down, he was there for me but I can see that he only likes me as a noona, and nothing else. And for me now, is trying to find love and forget them which I can't. Why? Why does my love life never works out properly?'

Hearing the footsteps approaching my room, I hastily shut the diary, and stuffed it with the photograph into my bag, and glanced towards the room door which opened, stood Jongin. "Noona, we are going out for dinner. Let's go!" Before I can ever reply, he dragged me out of my bed gently, and draped my coat around my shoulders.

We then walked, side by side, towards the exit of the hotel where the rest were waiting for us. I then caught sight of Yoona smirking at me, as Luhan stared at me. I then feel Jongin's hand interwining with mine, and I looked at him in surprise. "I am cold, and I need warmth," he replied, as he stuck his tongue out.

Faking a smile, I chuckled," You are little boy, forever needing my attention." "Who says that? I need only noona's attention, and no one's else." I just laughed at silly comment, bringing no feelings to it.


After dinner, as the group of us walked back towards the hotel, I was playing with the small and white snowflakes. Smiling to myself, I couldn't help but giggle to myself. The first time I saw the first snow was when I lost my parents on that very day. First snow fall when God took my parents away from me. The second first snow fell when I met Jongin, crying at the park, for the first time.

The thirs first snow fell when Luhan and I became friends. First snow is bad curse for me, but I can't dislike the snow. In fact, I really love the snow and wished, it was forever first snow.

"Noona," a low voice called out to me, and I turned my head to see Chen grinning at me, as he snapped a picture of me. Groaning, I pouted," Yah, why did you take my picture?"

Chen then waved his camera," Noona is pretty, just like the first snow.  Also, Jongin and you look good together on the snow." I can feel my cheeks heating up, and lowered my ehad, to pretend that I was suddenly interested in my shoes.

"I know right, noona is the most beautiful lady, and I look good with her everywhere," Jongin retorted, as he smiled at me. He then reached out and touched my face," Noona, are you cold? If not, why are you heating up so fast?"

I touched my face, and realised how hot it was. Shaking my head, I glanced from the corner of my eye to find the group ahead of us. "Aniyo, I am fine. Let's go, we are too slow." I broke free from Jongin's grip, and walked ahead, when I felt something warm hugging me from behind.

I turned my head slight to my right, to find Jongin hugging me. His arms were around my shoulders, and he pulled me closer to him. I can feel hsi chin ony my head, as his grip around me tightened.

"Jongin, wha-"

"Noona, jebal, don't move."

Surprised by his sudden request and actions, I stood there dumbly, being in his embrace. When I see that the group's figure has disappered, I tugged on his shirt. "Jongin-ah, we-"

"Noona, listen to me. This is my first time watching the first snow with you. For the past years, I had never watched it with you. Not even once. Noona, don't you know? I am really grateful that I am watching it with you now. Noona, watching the first snowfall in other country means alot to me, noona, this might be the first time I am telling you this during the first snowfall. I love you, noona. For 8 years, I have like and love you. Noona, what hurts the most, is that you never know my love for you. You only see Luhan hyung in your eyes, which hurt me alot. I kept thinking, am I that bad to be unfit for noona's namja. I think that hyung is better than me a thousand times, and noona likes him more than me." 

My eyes widened by Jongin's sudden confession. I was about to say something, when he carried on," Noona, you are my first love. My real first love. Krystal was only a crush, but I have never loved anyone for more than a year. Noona, you mean alot to me. The first time I fall in love, it changes me forever and no matter how hard I try, the feeling for you has never went away. Never."

Jongin paused for a moment, and turned me around, in which I was facing him. "Noona, I love you, and it is forever and always loving you." He then leaned in, and pressed his lips gently against mine, as we stood in the snowfall in Bern, Switzerland.






[ A/N ] Hello! I know you guys are like 'why is this different from other chapters', simply because it is in Seohyun's P.O.V, and yes, a special chapter on her and her feelings. Since I am feeling reat today, I think, I should dedicate this chapter to Seohyun and her feelings and her  little and small past.

Also, thank you for all the 189 subscribers, those who upvote, read and comment. Even those silent readers, really, you guys are the awesome guys ever. Also, I hope you all can carry on to support me , the story and my other stories. So if you are free, check out all my stories! Thank you, and have a nice day ahead.





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Chapter 30: This SoKai story is awesome. Now I understand your 50 Shades of Jongin ;) hahaha. Will up vote :)
Chapter 5: I loved how her boss played along with Seohyun when he noticed her ex there!
Chapter 2: I'm literally crying here :,(
I love this story finally they happy ever after....
Chapter 30: Thank you so muchhhhhhhh. Thank you once again to make Seohyun end up with Jongin. I love you so muchhhhhhhh autor-nim. Once again thank you
Chapter 7: That Sehun part make ne cry alot. I wish I can punch Yoona and Luhan
pipipo27 #7
Chapter 30: wow such a nice story, i just read it last night and i cant stop my self till the last chapter.. thanks anyway for writing this amazing story, i'm looking forward for your next story
Xammaa #8
Chapter 30: wow.. one of the best fanfics i ve read so far... IMPRESSIVE skills you got there <3
Chapter 14: OMG Jinjja When I Read At Yoona And Luhan Part My Heart Like Want To Kill Them Same Like Kai .. But Your Story Really Nice .. ^^
ren_hageun #10
Chapter 30: Happy ending <3 Gomawo authornim, goodstory XD