2nd Song

Jangan tinggalkan auramu / Don't leave your aura
Disekelilingku / Around me
Ia membuat aku termimpi / it make me dream
Mimpikan kita / Dream of us
Jangan biarkan wangianmu / Don't let your scent
Mohon memahami / Please understand
Ia melekat di hidung / It meet my nose
Yang memenuhi / It fill up
Di setiap sudut mindaku / Every corner of my mind

Kan ku curi hatimu / I will steal you heart
Menyamun senyummu / Snatch your smile
Kan ku culik cintamu / I will abduct your love
Macam ku larikan lirikmu / Runaway with your glance
Kau tak perasan ku sukamu / You didn't realise that i like you
Dari dulu lagi / From years ago
Kau simpan hatiku / You keep my heart
Dari darjah satu / From standard one
Darjah satu / Standard one
Jangan senyum bila di depanku / Don't smile in front of me
Fokusku tergendala / My focus distrupted
Kau memaksa aku menutup mata / You force me close my eyes
Tak sempat tutup telinga / Could not cover the ears
Bila kau tertawa / When you laugh
Kan kukembalinya padamu nanti / I will return back to you later
Bila kita berjanji / When we promise
Tuk sehidup semati / To dead land live together
Kan ku curi hatimu / I will steal you heart
Menyamun senyummu / Snatch your smile
Kan ku culik cintamu / I will abduct your love
Macam ku larikan lirikmu / Runaway with your glance
Kau tak perasan ku sukamu / You didn't realise that i like you
Dari dulu lagi / From years ago
Kau simpan hatiku / You keep my heart
Dari darjah satu / From standard one
Aku suka kamu /  I like you




note: the translation made by me, and i don't know it is the right translation or not since i'm not own the song
hurm.. i don't like the official MV.. mian.. ;)
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LiterallyAPotato #1
Chapter 27: Thank you for the poster. Sorry for bothering you so much. Hapoy New Year!!!
Where can i request a poster?
vevina #3
Chapter 12: eyyy...how come the Monday couple posters are removed
LiterallyAPotato #4
Chapter 8: Your posters are so pretty! :DDD