Chapter 7

My Miracle


It was just like any normal day at school for Tae Joon and the rest. He, again, picked up Jae Hee at their house and walk with her to school. They were just right in the nick of time before their first period starts.

"Goodmorning guys." Ms. Brown sit on her desk in front and greeted the students.

"Morning Ms. Brown." They responded not as enthusiastic as she did. They were all still on sleepy mode, for their class starts very early in the morning.

"Did you guys forget to eat your breakfast? Anyways, to lift your moods up, I've got an announcement to make. We will be having our senior and junior camp trip this weekend." Everybody now paid attention to her the moment they heard about the camping.

"But Ms. Brown, we've got training this weekend." Luna said, remembering their training schedule.

"Oh, yeah right, I forgot to mention, for those who got competitions coming up, don't worry 'cause your coaches we'll be tagging along with us to make sure you still receive proper training practices at camp. So you guys, better start packing up, you'll be leaving tomorrow and the camp will last for 3 days."

"Are we going out of town this time?" Krystal asked Ms. Brown.

"Yes you can say that. We're actually going to camp at Moonlight Lake. It's got a wide space fit to accommodate all of you as well as the staff and to set your equipments there."

And the room was filled with chatter after the announcement was made.

"Whoa. It seems you all got fired up after hearing that news. You sure love to spend your time at leisure activities like that better than studying. But sorry guys, we've got a very long lesson today, so you better shut up and daydream about your camp trip later." And with that, they proceeded with their lesson for the day.

"Waaahh. I'm so excited for the camping trip! I better start packing now." Key exclaimed. They are already inside the cafeteria eating lunch.

"Yah. Finish your lunch first. I bet you'll be bringing more than 3 luggages again. What do you put in those anyways?" Amber bickered at Key and stuff a spoonful of yogurt in his mouth.

"Three luggages?!" Jae Hee asked Amber then looked at Key with wide eyes.

"Yup! He did that last year Jay. We don't even know what's in those at all." Jonghyun said.

"Haha. That's true! And Jonghyun suffered the rest of the trip because Mr. Bolton insisted that he carry the rest of Key's stuff since he doesn't have that much luggage." Luna added.

"I just brought all my necessities and clothes, that's all there is." Key said as he plays with his food.

"We really wish you were with us last year Jay. It was so much fun! We went hiking on second day, and camp right on mountain tops, it was chilly, but all in all it's great." Julia holds Jae Hee's hands up as she told her about their experience.

"Actually, we also went camping last year whilst I was still in Genie, right Tae Joon?" Jae Hee looked at Tae Joon.

"Oh, yeah that's right. But I'd really love to see how you guys do camping here in California." Tae Joon nodded at Jae Hee and looked at the others.

"Me too. Last time I went camping here was when I was 10 and that's a long time ago. The only thing I remember on that camp was on how to do s'mores." She added.

"Right! I should get going now guys. I forgot, I have to drop by the grocery store to buy some chocolates and marshmallows and crackers for s'mores, good thing you mentioned it Jay." Victoria stood up and bid goodbye to the rest.

"I think we should head home now guys. We better start preparing our stuff for tomorrow." Krystal suggested and the group agreed.

It was 6 o'clock in the morning and a lot of students are already gathering at the academy's front gates, waiting for their buses.

"Morning guys!" Jae Hee greeted her friends the moment she and Tae Joon arrived.

"Morning too princess, Tae Joon." Jonghyun patted Jae Hee's head and nodded at Tae Joon.

"Hey, put this on." Tae Joon put a cute blue bonnet on Jae Hee's head and fixed it on her hair. "Your hair's still wet, you might catch a cold." He said, smiling down at her.

"Gomawo. You should put one too, your hair's not yet dry." She touched Tae Joon's hair and looked at him. He stiffened a bit at Jae Hee's actions, and tried to look away from her.

"Uhm..uh...yeah your right...wait right here, I'll just go get mine." He stuttered a bit and went to where their luggages are. Well, truth be told, he just want to find someplace where he can calm his beating heart. "Calm down you little heart of mine. God, those eyes make my legs go jello all the time whenever I look at them. Shhh. I might not be able to control myself again next time." Tae Joon told himself.

"What took you so long Tae Joon-ah? Bus is already here, let's go." Jae Hee told him and boarded the bus first.


I boarded the bus after Jae Hee and before I could sit beside gujil-gujil, someone already positioned himself right beside her. I took a seat beside Jonghyun just right behind their seats so that I can watch over if that guy tries to do anything to Jae Hee.

"I can sense someone's jealous over here." Jonghyun poke my arm and teased me.

"Who says I am? Anyway, do you know who that guy is?" I pointed at the guy sitting beside Jae Hee.

"Yeah. A senior as well. He's the captain of the soccer team, Red Harper. He's getting into my nerves too. Arrogant, stink brain and a ladies man. Didn't Jay told you that Red actually asked her to go out with him but she rejected because she learned about him, being a womanizer." Jonghyun said in a whisper tone so that that stink brain wouldn't hear us.

"As if she's Jae Hee's type." I said to Jonghyun while eyeing stink brain carefully.

I can see him looking at Jae Hee right now and started moving his arm behind her to put on her shoulders, but before I could even make my move to stop him, gujil-gujil already knew what he's trying to attempt and grab his arm and gave a twist at his wrist. See, that's my Jae Hee.

"I told you to stop bothering me Red. If you won't stop you'll get more than this in the future." I heard her say as she put his injured wrist infront of his face, and all he could do was to yelp in pain.

"Okay, okay. I won't go near you again, just let go of my arm already. Please, I'm begging you. Aaaaaah!" Jae Hee gave his arm one last twist and let go. Stink brain stood up and look for another available seat at the back.

I signaled Jonghyun that I'll move now beside gujil-gujil and he nodded.

"Tae Joon-ah, where have you been?" She asked me as I stuck myself on the seat beside her.

"Comfort room." I said. It seems she didn't saw me earlier as I boarded the bus.

"Oh. Okay. Want some?" She offered me a canned soda, well, we all know I don't drink those kind of stuff. "Oh, I forgot, you don't drink sodas. Here, it's 100 percent orange juice, I know you like them."

"Thanks." I took a sip and so did she with her soda. The whole bus ride took merely 3 hours. I should say, we're almost nearing the country side. While still on the bus, I turned my face to look at Jae Hee and saw her head falling down, she must feel really sleepy. I took her head slowly not to wake her up and placed it on my shoulder so that she can be more comfortable. I woke her up the moment we arrived at our destination.

"Gujil-gujil, wake up. We're here." I poke her cheeks slowly several times before she finally opened her eyes. "Let's go." I took her other luggages and stood up.

"I can do that." She said, grabbing her stuff back from my hand. But before she successfully take all her luggages, I already went out the bus so that she wouldn't be able to grab hold of it.

The camp site was really huge. There's a large lake on the far east side and a looming forest on the counter side.

"Kids, gather up!" A tall guy on a white jersey shirt and a whistle dangling on his neck ordered us.

"That's Coach Bolton, man. Mine and Key's swimming coach." Jonghyun told me.

"Welcome to the annual seniors and juniors camp trip. For those who don't know me yet, I'm Coach Bolton of the swimming team. We'll be announcing the list of activities for the rest of our stay here later, for now, set up your tents first. Remember, two people per tent. Boys with boys, girls with girls, understood?!!"

"Yes coach!!!" We yelled altogether.

"Want to be my tent mate Tae Joon? Key decided to tent up with his cousin over there." Jonghyun pointed at Key with his younger cousin already working on their tent.

"Yeah, sure." We assemble the pieces and laid the tent cloth on the ground. I attached the foundations and in just a few minutes our tent's done. I checked as to where the girls are and saw that they finished working faster than us. They're already having a nice snack together laid down on the ground. Jae Hee spotted me looking at their direction and waved at me and pointed to her cheetos snack on her hand asking me if I want some. I shook my head and gave her a smile before I proceed on arranging our stuff inside the tent, she smiled back.

"Done with your tents kids? Now listen up. Here's our first activity for the day. It's a team building competition, so you'll be grouped into 7 teams of nine. Here are the groups. First group we have, Gabe Foster, Red Harper, Krystal Jung, Victoria Song, Justin Lorde, Kris Wu, Kibum Kim and Jay Dawson." Coach Bolton said. Ugh! That stinkbrain's teamed-up with Jae Hee. He better not do anything nasty with gujil-gujil, or else he's dead meat. "Next we have, Luna Park, Amber Liu, Jonghyun Kim, Tae Joon Kang, Julia Godfrey, Taemin Lee, John Turner, Emma Deurre, Charlotte Watson, please fall in line next to team one and decide on who your team leader will be. Next..." and the list goes on. After a few minutes all the groups have been set up and we decided to make Amber as our captain. I'm still eyeing that harper guy on the corner of my eyes, making sure he's not doing any moves on Jae Hee, and so far so good, he's behaving well, but still, I need to keep an eye on him.

"Okay guys, here are the game's objectives, at the end of each activity each team will gain a flag indicating they're through to the next round. For those who wouldn't receive any flag, sorry, but you guys will stop competing and help the staff prepare food and set up the bon fire. The last two teams at the end of this activity, will compete for the last round, and to make things more exciting, whoever looses at that last round will be slaves for the winning team and the punishment will end as the sunsets tomorrow. So now, ready to start the competition?" And the crowd yelled altogether. "For the first game, it's find the mystery egg. There are only 5 hidden eggs around that forest so that means two teams will not make it through to the next round. The rules are simple. Once you found one egg, whoever in your team found it, can run back here and present it to me to claim your flag. Even if we know that two teams can be eliminated already, there's a possibility that many of you can share the same fate, because there's only a time allotment of 25 minutes. If your team's not back here after 25 minutes, you're eliminated as well. So good luck, and your time starts, now!"


Hey guys! Actually I've already finished Chapter 8, it's just the file got lost in my phone. I used to make my chaps first in my phone before uploading it. But don't worry, I'm already working on it.

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Now proofreading chap 11 and almost half way through chap 12! Love u guys!


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mlyoneda #1
I really enjoyed this story. Please update soon!
RainbowBro #2
Chapter 11: pls update! :33 I love this story~ <3
minsul22 #3
Chapter 11: i'm liking this story! love the updates! thank u. plz keep updating!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 11: i like the update authornim. keep it up! ^^
zangsia1 #5
Chapter 11: Love the update authornim
Thank u
Chapter 10: Great ! Update Soon ! I really Like This FanFic
snowsul95 #7
guys! follow me on twitter if u like! here u go!
minsul_chingu #8
Chapter 10: good chapter
zangsia1 #9
Chapter 10: Thank u authornim
marifelhojas #10
Chapter 10: love it update it soon