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Melyssa Jung - Endless discipline problems . Her main problems is often quarreled with her mother .


Do Kyungsoo - A smart student in his school . His main problems is living in hospital for half of his life . 



Melyssa have many problems before she met Kyungsoo . She transfer to many schools because of her discipline . Many teachers can't manage her or teach her . She is really stubborn . She don't want to hear anything from anybody mouth because she will only hear to them if her father come back in her life . 


Kyungsoo is a good students and a good pianist . He also knows how to sing well . Everybody loves him since his first day in school . Sadly,he have a cardiac disease . He can't do sports or anything . That's why he spent half of his life in the hospital . 

Finally,CHAPTER 4 is updated !! enjoy


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Chapter 7: Please if you want make a sequel with Kyungsoo an angel returned to make Melyssa's life happier....but please don't be upset at me for saying this....I'll reread this fanfic whenever I'm sad and lonly becuz this was realy touching my soul...
Thank you so much and please tell me when you'll make a new fanfic.....
Chapter 6: Ohh no!!!! You realy made me to cry....I'm so sad now....my poor heart....°~°......you're the best!!!!! Thank you for giving me the chanceto read a true beautiful story!!!!!!!
Chapter 5: Whooaaa...Melyssa pass the exams....But Kyungsoo...°~°...I don't know why but I'm gone cry a river....I want the both of them to be happy...thanks for a touching chapter!!!!!
Chapter 4: Awsome!!! The waiting it's whort....so much emotion....an amazing chapter!!!!!!!! ^~^
Chapter 3: So stuborrn and rude...But it suits Kyungsoo's inocence...hehe keep updaiting when you have time, I'll wait...^~^
May I ask you from where did you get the poster? It's awasome, it looks good with the description and the caracters...hope you don't mind...
Chapter 2: So sad and emotional...I have my eyes teary honestly....I'm waiting for the next chapter...thaank you so much for doing this fanfic!!!! I'm feeling like it's a real happening....thanks....
Chapter 1: Whooaaa, so complicate...It's truely similar with me just without cigarette....it's so beautifull how you explain their paralel lives....But soon I think they're gone meet....
Chapter 2: Today is ChenChen birthday! Yayy!
It's kind of sad, but at the same time it melts your soul....And the first reason why I like it, it's becuz the girl(coincidentaly) have my real name and a part of her live it's similar with mine...hope you don't mind if I told you this, please forgive me....But I want to say something: the caracters you choosed and the prologue are wonderfull, true meaningfull....I'll support your story till its end....thanks a lot, you'll become a great autor one day....