

Best friends since they were young, Taemin and Connie, you could say, were almost inseparable. Both inexperienced, both young, they both aspire two very similar, but different dreams.



"How do you turn an adjective into a noun?"

Taemin waved his hand in my face. I pretended to ignore it, and just sat stiffly, my face turning to a light pink shade.He was getting awfully annoying these days, always asking me things that didn't make sense, and, honestly, I couldn't get used to him begging me to find an answer.
"Hey!" he said.
We were both in our secret hiding spot. The one we would call 'our spot'. Ours because we had been best friends since pre-school, and spot because that's what we called each other.
He leaned close to me, and whispered into my ear darkly, "Spot... I need to know this," he paused, "from you."
Sometimes I didn't understand a word he said; everything that came out of his mouth was just so non-sensical.
"It's impossible," I replied.
I leaned away from him, and layed back on the wood. He quickly followed me, lying next to me with our shoulders touching. We both stared at the glow-in-dark stars on the ceiling of the unfinished house. I smiled, thinking of how hard it was gluing them up there. I could remember all the stuff we used as a ladder to get up to the high ceiling. It gave me butterflies, though I didn't quite understand what they were then.
"You can't stay mad at me forever, ya know," Taemin said.
His voice was tired and asthmatic. I stared at the stars again. Maybe I'd like an apology, Taemin. Something like, Connie, I should've listened to you. You were right. I'll never let anything like that come between us again. I could easily forgive him, but knowing my stubborn nature, I wouldn't. Well, I could if i wanted to.
I loomed at him. He looked really tired, and his breathing was ragged and heavy. "Okay," I said. "You're forgiven." He started to smile cheekily. I was amazed at how he smiled so impulsively, so honestly. Taemin reached down and grabbed my hand, murmuring something.
"Do you want to be..."
"What?" I said.
"I don't know."
Just then, I felt a little annoyed again. I wanted to pull my hand away; it felt sweaty and slick in his hand. I didn't pull away, though, because he only tightened his grip around it.
His eyes shot at mine, and I didn't understand them. Unlike the grainy brown eyes I knew as his, these were beautiful and cool, like the cool starlit night we both shared. They were warm, somehow, too. I closed my eyes for a moment and imagined them again. What exactly was I feeling?


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Chapter 1: This was nice! I like Tae and MC's name for each other, it's cute :3
Nice 1st chapter. I love Tiffany's character in your story. Can't wait to read more!