
Dinner - Hoya

Nervous wouldn’t even begin to describe how you were feeling tonight. You were going to meet Hoya’s parents and family. This was definitely a big step for both of you and for your relationship. Meeting his two brothers and his parents was just a little extreme in your eyes, even after dating for almost a year now.

"Jagi are you about ready?" He walked into your place as he called from the living room. With a shaky sigh you walked out of your bedroom.

"Does this look ok?" You asked as you watched Hoya’s eyes scan your outfit starting with your hair. Curled just a tad and pulled up on one side so the curls drape down the straight part of your hair. Simple makeup and jewelry just helped your lavender dress that was perfectly fitting with a side slit up the side. It was a little risky but you loved the dress on you and you knew that Hoya liked it too. Then you eggplant suede heels finished the outfit as Hoya’s mouth dropped the more he looked after you.

"Well…" You asked as you grabbed your white purse. His smile said everything, for he was speechless. You looked stunning in everything to him but he loved seeing you get dressed up the best. 

The warm night air gently whipped through the air as he held your hand gently as he called a cab over. Sliding in after him, he told the cab driver where to go as his fingers played with yours. You finally got a chance to look at his outfit. It was nice as always, but you were severely overdressed compared to Hoya and his white sweater and his stone washed jeans and sneakers. Once the cab gently slowed down you peered at the somewhat large house as you got out and reconvened with Hoya. He stopped as he leaned down to pick one of the flowers in front of his house for his mom, he handed it to you as he smiled happily.

Approaching the door got more thoughts running through your mind. Would they like me? Would Hoya still like me? What is Hoya trying to do tonigh? I obviously know nothing. The sound of Hoya’s knuckles on the wood door made your legs shake as you heard a large commotion on the other side of the door. One of Hoya’s brothers opened the door.

"Big Bro!" Hoya smiled as he put his smaller brother in a head lock and rubbed his head with Hoya’s finger knuckles.

"Little Brother!" Hoya’s older brother showed up next as he did the same thing to Hoya causing him to laugh. His mom and dad were just around the corner as his mom clapped her hands as the boys broke up the little love fest.

"We have a guest boys." His mother said quietly as you blushed, the boys fixed their hair as Hoya took your hand and practically drug you inside.

"Mom, Dad, brothers. I would like to introduce _______, the love of my life and the one I want to be with forever." His words gave your goosebumps as well as making you blush. As you bowed to his family. You handed the hand picked flower to his mom as they introduced themselves to you.

"Aren’t you so sweet." Hoya’s mom said as she took a gentle smell of the sweet flower.

"You’re pretty~" The little brother said as the older brother nudged him.

"A pleasure to meet you." His father said happily. A buzzing came from the kitchen as his mom scurried off dragging her husband with her.

"Please tell us more about yourself, _____." The older brother said, absolutely fascinated by you, as the four of you walked over and sat down on the couch.

"Well I work as a receptionist/fashion coordinator for Hoya." You named off a couple more things about yourself before the parents called you all over for dinner. They all piled around the table as you saw the beautiful meal that they had prepared. It must have been from Hoya’s father’s restaurant menu. You thought as they said their prayer over the food. As the family members and you dug into the beautiful meal, you knew the questions would start up soon.

"How long have you two been together again?" His father asked as he looked at you.

"Almost a year, sir." You said formally as the boys across the table chuckled at you.

"Yah, she is a nice woman that has some manners. Boys you could learn something from her." His mother said as the boys went back to eating as Hoya slid his chair closer to you.

"We have heard a lot of wonderful things about you my dear." His mother commented to break up the silence that was eating the air around you.

"Thank you." You said as you crossed your legs under the table

"You have dressed our Hoya so nice in everything, even tonight you dressed very lovely." She said as you nodded and smiled at her.

"Wha did you see that smile? Smile of an angel." Hoya’s older brother said as his eyes got dreamy.

"Hyung, you might have some competition tonight." His little brother said as Hoya looked at his older brother with protectiveness. Hoya kicked his leg under the table and shot him a look as your hand slid onto his thigh telling him that it was ok.

"What am I supposed to do? You come here with a beautiful girl that is more than words can explain. Can’t I just look at her?" The older brother said.

"Can I please speak to you privately?" Hoya asked as they both got up from the table.

"Have you always liked Hoya?" The little brother asked you. You nodded as blush burned onto your cheeks again.

"She reminds me of a little girl that I used to take care of. So truthful and wise, beautiful beyond words." His mother said as his father agreed.

"Thank you all for your kind words." You ate another bite of your dinner as Hoya and his older brother came back to the table.

"I am sorry if I made you uncomfortable." His older brother said as you bowed to him. "Do you have any single friends by chance?" He asked again as you giggled.

"If I find someone you would like, I will let you know." You smiled at him as he thanked you.

Dinner went pretty smoothly as you all found something to talk about other than yourself. Collecting up all of the plates you put them in the kitchen as two arms s around your waist.

"Hi Hoya~" You cooed gently as you washed the dishes.

"I think my parents and my family loves you." He pulled himself closer to you. His lips gently trailed along your exposed skin, as you blushed for the hundredth time tonight.

"These plates aren’t going to clean themselves." You smiled as you washed another dish.

"We have a dishwasher for a reason." He giggled

"Where is it?" You looked around the kitchen.

"My little brother." Hoya smirked as he turned you around in his arms.

"Should I call him in then?" You said as your arms wrapped around his neck. Hoya shook his head gently as his lips pressed against yours, he gently pushed you against the counter, his hand moved to your neck, letting him kiss you more deeply and more passionately.

Hoya’s little brother came into the room and put some more plates in the sink, as the clatter of the plates in the sink made you break the kiss.

"There’s our dishwasher." Hoya smiled as he still held you close.

"Why don’t you wash the dishes you both could spend more time breathing." You blushed as you bit your lip as a giggle escaped your lips.

The night came to a close as you bid farewell to everyone, giving them all a kiss on the cheek and a hug you smiled as they all waved to you and you waved back. He took his parent’s car and drove you home.

"Thank you for coming with me to meet my parents." Hoya said as he helped you into your place.

"Thank you for calming me down." You blushed, "I thought that they wouldn’t like me, but your older brother seemed to and really everyone."

"My hyung is just lonely, I had to tarnish my plans for us with him just so that he would leave us alone." Hoya blushed as he ran his hand through his hair as you relieved your feet from the heels.

"Plans…" You froze, "For us?"

"You will just have to wait jagi, I’m not going to tell you no matter what you do." Hoya held that proud smile on his face. As it was all just a matter of time now.

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InspiritHamster #1
Chapter 1: So cute :3