

The meeting ended earlier than usual and Jiyong was pleased with how it turned out even though he wasn’t really interested. Seaville holdings had agreed to collaborate with Preston for the upcoming project on shopping malls. Since Preston was new in the area, Seaville holdings had agreed to guide them and help them with any difficulties they might face. Jiyong shook hands with the CEO of Seaville and stood, nodding politely as they took their leave. He was the youngest and the most inexperienced in this field and thus felt that he still had a lot to learn from them. The CEO smiled fatherly at him before walking out of the meeting room. He had told Jiyong earlier that he admired the way Jiyong did things and had taken a liking to him thus agreeing in the collaboration. Looking around him to find his assistant, Jiyong finally spotted Jun Hong at the corner. Jun Hong was panting and red-faced as though he had just ran somewhere. “Weren’t you here listening to the meeting just now?” Jiyong asked, unconcerned. “ I needed to go to the bathroom…” Jun Hong trailed off. Jiyong narrowed his eyes slightly as he knew he was being lied to. However, he decided not to pursue the matter. “Alright, I’m tired. Call the chauffeur. I will be going home now.” Jiyong stood up and walked to the lift. 



The chauffeur had drove Jiyong back to his house. When the car stopped in front of the grand mansion, Jiyong stepped out and took the stairs up the porch. He had hated this cold airy house even before when he was brought here from the orphanage. He remembers trying to escape late at night but was stopped when his parents had threatened to lock him up in his room. Jiyong had not forgotten the little girl that was his heart and soul when he felt so lost and so afraid as he didn’t know where his parents were.  The little girl had comforted him and reassured him that his parents would come one day. Days turned into months and months turned into years. Still, no one came for Jiyong. He had stopped praying but was instead happy. He had the little girl with him. He had a best friend, which was the only thing he needed then. But his parents had to ruin everything again for him and decided to take him away. No, they weren’t even there to pick him up. It was their employees that came for him. Even though that was what he had wanted for months, he felt empty. His parents had changed into strangers. All they thought was about wealth and luxury. They had forgotten about a young boy who needs their attention, care and love. Sometimes, Jiyong had wished that they had not picked him up from the orphanage. Who knows if he might be with the little girl now?  Again, possibilities without surprise, the big house was empty with only the servants cleaning up. Jiyong went to his room and shut his door. His room was big and carpeted with plush white fur. His walls were painted grey while his bed was black leather. His working desk was also black. His room really portrays how he felt about life. There were no bright colours in there. However, seated at the corner of his desk well hidden away was a golden box that he made himself. Opening the lid of the box tenderly, he took out the cold bracelet that had once belonged to the little girl. Cupping it in his slender fingers, he brought it to his lips and kissed it gently. Someday, Jiyong swore to himself, he was going to find the little girl again. “Jin Ah, wait for me will you?” Jiyong whispered and returned the bracelet back to the drawer.  


Jin Ah was surfing the net, trying to find the information she was curious about. Weirdly, she couldn't find anything about that CEO. There wasn't even his name on the webpage even though there was his photo. Jin Ah had called Jeon Yeon to muse about that interesting fact. Jeon Yeon reckoned that the company wanted to keep his identity a secret but for what reason she had no idea. "Maybe someone wants to kill him or something, I don't know! I'm just kidding but why are you so obsessed anyway?" Jeon Yeon groaned as Jin Ah prodded at all the possibilities. Jin Ah didn't know herself as to why she was so interested. She just felt that his presence was familiar but at the same time intimidating. She had seen a flicker in his eyes when his assistant at shouted at her. Something along the lines of discomfort. Although he seemed cold and indifferent, she was able to see the emotion that he hid under his poker face. "I was just being stupid, didn't know why I was curious as well. Okay bye and sleep tight." Jin Ah hung up and plopped down onto her bed. She sighed and looked at her wrist, a habit she always did whenever she felt bored or lost. There was a thin scar on her wrists that held many memories. She received it when the little boy in the orphanage had been torn away from her. "I wonder if he still has that bracelet." Jin Ah smiled a little. The bracelet was given to her by her mother as a hand me down before she passed away in that tragic car accident. Jin Ah was told that it was a hit and run but the driver was caught in the end. She did not even know that her parents had passed away until she was 6. She didn't even remember the accident even though she was told that she survived it. Getting up from her bed, she decided to turn in early with nothing to do. After washing up, she went to bed. Jin Ah had a bad dream that night. She had dreamt that it was raining and she was on the car with her parents. Suddenly, another car came rushing from the front. All she could hear next was maniac laughter and the sound of engine of a car driving off. Everything had went dark. Gasping, Jin Ah sat up bolt straight on her bed and panted heavily as though she had just ran a marathon. It was raining outside too. Her heart was beating fast and there were beads of perspiration on her forehead and tears in her eyes. "It's just a dream, it's just a dream," Jin Ah whispered to herself as she felt her haertbeat slow gradually. She went back to sleep again and didn't remember the dream at all the next day.



There was knocking on the door of Jin Ah's flat and it woke her up. Groaning, she opened her bleary eyes to check the time.


Who the hell was knocking the door this early on a Saturday morning? Yawning, she got up quickly and shuffled to the door. When she opened it, Karen was outside, wringing her hands anxiously. "Oh, Karen what brought you here at this time?" Jin Ah asked a little surprised. Karen would not usually come in the morning. Avoiding Jin Ah's look of curiousity, the elder went to take a seat on the sofa and mentioned her to do the same. As Jin Ah sat down, Karen turned to her with a serious expression, "Jin Ah, I'm utterly sorry but you have to move out now."



Haha this is the end of Chapter 3! Hope you guys liked it:) Sorry for all the errors:P I sorry to keep you suspended with this ending *grins* but you will find out as soon as I updated it!~ Thank you for reading! Byezzz

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vipblackj #1
Chapter 3: Wonder why she has to move out...
Chapter 1: i want more ! can't wait for the day they will meet
When i read your foreword , i became sure that i'll like the story