My Protective Noona

My Protective Noona


"Saranghae.. Chu~" 

"Yah, stop it Taemin!" Hyeri laughed while trying to push Taemin away from her. Taemin looked at her and pouted. "Wae? You don't love me?"

Hearing that, she glared at him. "Yah, of course I love you!" Taemin giggled. "Oh really? How much?"

Thinking for a moment she shook her head and aswered. "Too much to be measured." Taemin looked at her with a smirk. "Thats not convincing enough."

"Believe me, it's a lot." Hyeri said, winking at him.

Taemin took the chance to pull her closer to him and he quickly pecked her cheek, making her blush. "Really?" He looked into her eyes. Her face became redder, her heart pounding on her chest. She managed to nod. "Really.." 

Song Hyeri was 2 years elder than her boyfriend, Taemin. But she had never loved anyone so much before. Taemin was sometimes childish and immature for her, but she never stopped loving him because of his bright and understanding character. He was always there for her when she needed him, always cheering her up when she was down. And after all, he had said it himself, age doesn't matter if you love someone. 

Even though she was the girl in their relationship, Hyeri always felt protective over Taemin. She felt responsible and made sure he was always safe. Its weird, since usually the guys should protect the girls, but Hyeri didn't care. In her heart, she would risk anything in the world for him. For the one she loves. Even her life..

"Noona.." Taemin called one day when she was in his house. "I got a text from some weird number, and it doesn't seem friendly.."

Hyeri took his phone to read the message. It wasn't friendly at all.

'You are given 18 hours. I want 500,000 won ready by the time limit given. Don't try calling the police. We know where you live, Lee Taemin. We know who are important to you. If you don't do as told, you will regret. Meet us behind the old Tailor shop near your house with the money. This is a warning, if you don't come to us, we will come to you.'

Taemin and Hyeri looked at each other, worry in their eyes. "Who is it?" Hyeri asked. Taemin shook his head slowly. "They know my name, and where I live.." He was in trouble. He looked at his watch. "It's 12.08pm. I got this message at exactly 12.00pm." 

"18 hours means that we need the money by.... 6am tommorow?!" Hyeri cried. She had never encountered anything like this before. She looked at Taemin, who was staring down at his phone. "Taemin.. The money.." 

He frowned. "They've been stalking me, Hyeri." He spoke. "I just banked in 500,000 won in my account yesterday. Somehow, they must have known this." Hyeri's eyes widened. She didn't know what to think. 

Suddenly she snapped herself back to reality. She wasn't going to let Taemin get into trouble. "Give them the money Tae.." She said softly. He nodded. "I'll go tomorrow." 

"No. You can't go alone." Hyeri held his hand tightly.

He looked at her and shook his head, telling her that he had no choice. Hyeri frowned. "I'm coming with you."

"No you can't" Taemin tried to say but Hyeri hushed him. "I'm coming Tae. I'm not letting you go alone." Knowing how stubborn Hyeri can be, he just sighed and nodded.

"Here's the plan, at 5.45am tomorrow, I'll come to pick you up here. You wait for me okay?" She insisted. Taemin nodded, then smiled weakly. "Saranghae noona." 

"Nado saranghae.." Hyeri replied wearing a fake smile.


It was 5.40am. Hyeri walked out her apartment and into her car. She quickly drove to the nearest ATM machine to withdraw the money from her boyfriend's account. (She got his card and password from him before she left his house.) Once she had the money in her hands, she looked at it and whispered softly, "Mianhae jagiya.."


Taemin got ready and waited outside his house door. It was 5.45am. Hyeri was supposed to pick him up already.


Hyeri stepped out of the car cautiously. Her surroundings were dark and abandoned, making her shiver. She walked around the old Tailors and saw a man in a black suit waiting. His eyes caught hold of her as she stepped nervously towards him.  He kept eyeing her.

"Where is the boy?" He asked Hyeri with his deep harsh voice, causing her to startle. "You wanted the money. I'll give it to you. Just leave him alone." She spoke, trying her best to sound mature. A sinister grin formed on the man's face.


Looking at his watch again and again, Taemin started to get impatient. He called her phone, but she kept it off. Something was telling him that things weren't going to work out the way they planned. He had a bad feeling. He started running. Huffing and puffing all the way, he kept running until he reached Hyeri's apartment. Panting, he tried to look through her window. Thats when he noticed. Her car was gone. "!"


Hyeri put the money on the table beside her, showing the man the greens in under her palm. He didn't say anything.

"There's your money. Happy? Now please, leave Taemin alone." She warned nervously and turned around to walk away. But suddenly two other men appeared in front of her, blocking her way. "Did you think it was that easy?" She heard the deep harsh voice say. Taking a step back, she reached into her pocket to grab her pepper-spray. But in panic, she accidentally dropped it to the ground. She looked at the spray in horror, then back to the men.



Taemin was almost out of breath when he neared the old Tailor shop. But his tiredness vanished when he heard a gunshot followed by a scream. His eyes widened in shock and his mind started playing horrible scenes in his head. In a flash, he headed behind the Tailors, scared and hopeful at the same time. But it was too late.


Tears flowed down his cheeks and chin as he looked at his beloved Hyeri on the ground, covered in blood.

"Hyeri! Why did you do this?!" He shouted while holding her in his his arms. "Let me get you to the hospital." He looked around trying to spot any passerby's but Hyeri lifted her hand and placed it on his cheek. He looked down at her as she shook her head. " Taemin." She struggled to say, while forcing a weak smile. 

"Taemin.. It's o..kay.'re" Hyeri croaked weakly. Taemin shook his head, tears falling non-stop as he tried to hold on to her life. "Noona.." He chocked back his tears. "Noona, I need you. I... I can't live without you." 

Hyeri smiled weakly again, this time with tears rolling down her cheeks. "I... Love you..ja..jagiya." 

"I love you too noona.."

Her smile slowly faded, her hand slipping down from his cheek. He held it, desperately trying to keep it on his cheek, while shouting her name again and again. 

Shaking her, shouting, screaming..


A single white flower was placed on her grave. Taemin looked at her name carved on the stone. He was wearing a jacket that she got him, and her favourite scarf around his neck.

'It has been exactly a year since you left.' He whispered. 'How are you? I'm doing okay here. Still surviving alone, without you.' Tears built in his eyes. 'I miss you noona. So much.' He looked down, trying his best to stop his tears that were forming in his eyes.

I haven't been the same since you left. Sometimes I see you in a crowd, but then you'd vanish when I get close.'

A tear drop followed by sniffles.

'Well.' He wiped his face, trying to cheer up. 'Looks like you managed to convince me how much you love me.' He forced himself to smile. 'You love me that much. Until you'd risk everything for me huh?' 

'Even....' He suddenly paused, his face reddening again. 'Even your life..'

Tears ran down his face as he burst out crying, hugging himself in front of her grave. 


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IamParkJiHae #1
Chapter 1: unconditional love. . so sad T_T
good story ^^
tae_lover #3
Chapter 1: ahhhhhhhh so sadddddd but i love it this is really great story thank you author nim^^
IamParkJiHae #4