
Failure is NOT an Option

                Today is the day. I have waited so long to prove how great of a boyfriend I am. Key Hyung told me I’m too emotionless when it comes to ____. I remember him telling me that I have to step up and sweep her off her feet; weirdo. Jonghyun said the same thing; of course his solution, however, is to just have skinship with her all day…which honestly isn’t that bad of an idea. Even Taemin laughed at me when I told him of our ‘romantic date’ playing soccer. Key was mad since I didn’t let her win, but they should all know by now that I don’t lose when it comes to soccer.

                No, today is the day.

                I have just come home from a two month tour in Japan, and the first place I’m going is to ____’s.

                “Jagiya~” I cooed, walking into the apartment unannounced.

                “Minho?” I saw her peek around the corner with a tooth brush in . She still had her pj’s on—even though it was close to noon by now.

I chuckled, “I’m home.” She squealed running away back into the bathroom. I waited patiently at the front door as she cleaned up. Then she came running straight into my arms.

                “You’re back!” she squealed more as I spun her around. I hoisted her up as she wrapped her legs around me.

                “I know, seems like someone is excited about that, too.”

                “Well duh.” She rolled her eyes. “How could I not be excited to see you, oppa?” I carried her off to her bedroom. I softly tossed her on the bed.

                “Get dressed, I have a whole day set up for us.” Confusion washed over her face.

                “Really? You just got home, and you tend to not do a lot of dates. Wait, we aren’t going to play soccer are we?”

I rolled my eyes, “No, and what’s wrong if we did?”

                “Nothing,” she giggled, “Now get out.” She shooed me out to get ready. I found myself grinning at how wonderful I’m going to make this day.

                “Make sure to dress comfy.” I called from behind the door, just as she opened it wearing faded blue jeans and a light weight white, t-shirt.

                “Would I dress any other way?”

                “I would like to see you in a dress someday, if that’s what you mean.” I teased.

She made a face, “Keep dreaming. The only way I’m wearing a dress is if I’m getting married or someone dies.”

                “Well actually…” I trailed off, sending her to hit my arm.

                “Don’t even joke, Minho.” This is why I love her; we get each other so easily. Now time to show her how great of a boyfriend she really has.



                “The basketball court?” she seemed reluctant. I dribbled the ball.

                “Yeah, you said you’ve never played basketball for, but you’ve always wanted to try.” I tossed her the ball.

                “Ah yes, one of the many stories of my deprived childhood.” I chuckled as she dribbled the ball.

                “Now Jagiya, let me help you throw the ball.” My whole plan: I positioned myself behind her, ready to reach and caress her hands. Jonghyun said skinship, so I was going to do skinship, and by doing so I was going to make her swoon…except…


                “Look, Minho! I made it in my first try!” she jumped up and down slightly. I stood still, puzzled, since I hadn’t even got my arms around her yet, and she made a basket.

                “Y-yeah, you sure did. B-but I can show you how to get accurate—” Nope. She grabbed the ball and made swoosh after swoosh…after swoosh…

                “I haven’t missed yet, oppa!” She laughed. “Maybe I should be a basketball player.”

                “That’s always an option, but why you decide, how about we go get some ice cream?” 

                “But we just started.”

                “I’ll get your favorite~” I sang. She dropped the ball immediately.

                “Ice cream!” she ran, dragging me away, completely forgetting about playing basketball.

                ‘First attempt fail.’ I sighed mentally.



                Now here we were, sitting at a table at the small ice cream parlor. My second plan: Get her her favorite ice cream, she scarfs it down, she gets ice cream on her face, I lean in and rescue her.

                I’m a genius.

                “Waaahh, thank you oppa! This looks delicious.” Her eyes sparkled as I sat her ice cream down in front of her. I chuckled,

                “But of course.” Now all I had to do was wait…but…about five minutes later she is down to maybe five bites left and she still hasn’t gotten any ice cream on her face! We’ve been talking, I’ve been trying to distract her, but even when she giggles she can’t be messy. She is always messy! Why aren’t you messy?

                I got it!

                “Ah, jagiya, you have something on your lip.” I smirked. So what if she doesn’t really have anything there? Heh heh, it’s all about winning at this point.

                “Oh really? Here?” she whipped one side of her lip, but no matter how much she wipes, there will never be anything to actually wipe.

                “Ah, no, here let me—” I grabbed a napkin.

                “Here?” she wiped the other side.

                “No jagiya—”

                “Where is it?” she wondered out loud, her lips. I dropped the napkin, leaning a little bit towards her. I was just going to wipe it off with either my thumb or my mouth.

                “Is it on my cheek?” she gave me a confused look. I sighed, leaning back into my seat.

                “Never mind, jagiya, you got it.”

                “Oh, ok!” she smiled finishing her ice cream. I couldn’t even fake helping her since she was so busy wiping her face.

                ‘Second mission failed~’ I slumped in my head.



                Now we were walking down the sidewalk, her swinging our hands between us.

                “That was such a cute shop, Minho oppa.” She smiled, I found myself smiling back at her.

                “It was cold though.”

                “Well duh, it’s an ice cream shop.”

                “I know and yes, it was cute.”

                Bark! Bark!

                Ding, ding! I just got an idea. From what? The dog of course. As we were walking, this dog tied to a pole, started barking at us. Now ____, will have to jump in my arms so I can save her from the mean, scary dog.

                “Oh what a cute puppy!” I slapped my face. I shrugged it off when people gave me strange looks.

                “_____, yah, you can’t just pet strange dogs. He might eat you.”

                “Pfft, what are you talking about?” she continued to pet the dog. “He’s a sweetie.” He barked in agreement, wagging his tail.

                “He could turn on you at any moment.” I protested.

                “You’re such a good boy, aren’t you?” she cooed.

                “Indeed he is.” An old man came out. “That’s my dog you have there, and he loves people.”

                “I can tell.” I replied dryly. ____ swatted me.

                “Don’t mind him, and I love your dog.” He tipped his hat in gratitude, then untied the dog.

                “Well I guess Baxter and I should get going.”

                “Oh, of course. Goodbye sir, bye Baxter.” She waved.

                ‘Bye friendly mutt.’ I grumbled on the inside.

                “Oh no, it looks like it’s going to rain.” ____, looked towards the sky.

                Then my next plan came into play. I smirked, about to shrug off my jacket to give to her—see I knew it was going to rain all along.

                “Good thing I brought an umbrella.” I stared puzzled at the contraption that magically appeared.

                ‘The hell, since when, did she have that?’ I questioned.

                “Yoohoo, Minho? Is there anything up there?” she lifted the umbrella above our heads as I snapped out of my thoughts.

I rolled my eyes at her, “No jagiya, I have no brain.” She giggled.

                “Sarcasm won’t get you anywhere, darling.” She teased.

                “Whatever let’s just get home.” She nodded as I grabbed her hand, running together back to her apartment.

                ‘So must for being a gentleman in the rain.’



                “Huff Huff,” we busted through the door. “Well that was fun.”

I plopped on the couch, “Think so?”

                “Of course, I just love the rain, why not run all the way home in it?” Just as she said that I heard a faint thunder.

                ‘Perfect! Girls are afraid of thunderstorm; which means she’s going to need someone to snuggle with—someone to make her feel better.’ I smirked. Just then a loud boom exploded in the sky along with lightening cracks.

                “____~” I cooed, except…

                “Woah, look at the sky. It’s so beautiful.” Her face lit up with excitement as the light shot across the sky once more.

                “Seriously.” I mumbled. “Jagiya, you know this might be a good time to watch a scary movie.”

                ‘Now she’ll have to—’

                “I love scary movies!”

                “Oh come on!” I groaned, throwing my hands over my face. She fidgeted.

                “What’s wrong, Minho?”

                “You’re not scared of anything!” I groaned again.

                “You want me to be scared?”

                “Yes!” I have shouted till I saw her confused, startled face. “I mean no. I just want you to need me.”

                “I’m not sure I understand.”

I sighed, “I want you to depend on me. The boys said I don’t show you enough affection, so today I thought would be the perfect chance to show you how great of a boyfriend I could be. I thought that maybe you could see that our relationship wasn’t all about soccer.” I heard her snort at that.

                “Oh Minho.” She cooed slightly as she sat next to me.

                “I’m sorry I’m not emotional or romantic. I’m sorry I’m not the perfect boyfriend who can protect you from scary movies, strange dogs, thunderstorms, or even get ice cream off your lip.” I felt her hands cup my face, forcing me to face her.

                “Are you kidding? Minho, you’re amazing! You spent the whole day trying to be as close as possible to me. You taught me how to play basketball, fed me my favorite ice cream, you held my hand all the way home, making sure I didn’t trip along the way, and you even tried to set up a situation where we can be in each other’s arms all night. How could you even think for a second that you aren’t the perfect boyfriend? I have never met a guy so devoted to showing his love; you put far more effort into this date then I deserve.”

                “No, jagiya, you deserve the best.” I protested, but she just shushed me.

                “I love you Minho, and all your efforts.” She gave me a sweet chaste, kiss. Just then we heard a slight thunder go over the sky.

                “You know, Minho, I am pretty afraid of the dark.” She hinted. I sat slightly confused until she tilted her head towards the light switch. I got up turning off the lights.

                “Don’t worry I’ll protect you, ____.” I sat next to her giggling form. She leaned back up giving me another wonderful kiss.

I sighed, “I win.”

                “What was that, oppa?”

                “I said kiss me again!”

                ‘Oh yeah, I never lose.’ 


Hey everyone, here's another one-shot I've been meaning to get out here~

Sorry I haven't been updating on My Lucifer; don't worry though, it's coming~ 

I've been busy since school started and now I'm also running a Tumblr blog. As of right now, my focus is on school, but say about Friday I should have a good chunk of everything updated! 

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the title is very inspiring<3 and I like the story~~
Chapter 1: omg so cute ^^
i wish i have someone as sweet as minho in here. haha
MotshELF #3
Chapter 1: Hehehehe that was soooo cute ^^ !!! Minho is definitely the kind of man who wants his girlfriend to depend on him a lot :).