Sweet As Sugar


The first day there eyes met he fell right for him. Sehun has never really told anyone about his secret feelings for Luhan. Except his best friend Tao. He tried so hard hiding those feelings but the more they got to know each other the more he fell for him. He hoped one day he’ll be able to tell him his feelings.


Hello guys! :3 so i'll be working on this hunhan fanfic ^^ I probably wont be updating this one daily but i will post chapters soon! c: 


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ZombieL #1
Chapter 27: I loved this story!! Good job!! :)
allsmiles #2
Chapter 27: Loved the story very much! Make more hunhan story plz! =) <3
hunhan_chunjoe #3
Chapter 27: XD hunhan married and luhan is pregnant!
Can't this end get better XD
I liked this story a lot
Hope to see more hunhan from you! TYT
hunhan_chunjoe #4
Chapter 26: Luhan with a bunny XD me is dying!
hunhan_chunjoe #5
Chapter 23: Fluffy like always >.< their anniversary you sure wanna kill me with hunhan!
keitakeita #6
Chapter 21: Please update soon! I really like this story! :D
xxtachixx #7
Chapter 21: Please update soon Fighting!!!!~~
hunhan_chunjoe #8
Chapter 20: Yay fluffy hunhan XD i am already dead don't wait for my comments!
Just joking love you ^.^
xxtachixx #9
Chapter 20: Ugh this is so cute and just amazing I love this!!! Keep working hard FIGHTING!!~