


      They were once strangers. They became friends, fell in love, and got married. Everything was perfect for the two, but happiness and perfect moments can never last forever. Something bad always end up happening or the moment just dies down. For this couple, things became normal. 
      They both lived a normal life where they both go to work for ten hours a day, come home to eat dinner, shower and get ready for bed, and then off to dreamland. One soon got tired of the other, both started to fight, and started to have the most heated arguments over the littlest of things.  
      You could never imagine it, the couple who loved each other the most turned into mere strangers in just a short period of time. 
~ ~ ~
      It was six thirty in the evening and Jamie was getting supper ready for two. As she was setting the table, the door of her shared condo was opened to reveal an overly worked husband. He trudged in as he set his key on the counter and undid his tie. 
    "Why are you always home so late now?" Jamie picked up her head from what she was doing and asked. Her husband gave her an annoyed look and walked to their bedroom, simply ignoring her. Jamie let out a short sigh and continued what she was doing. 
      At the dinner table no one talked. Not even a simple, "How was your day today?" was said. The only thing audible was spoons and forks clinking on the fragile plates. It was always like this. Everyday Jamie would get home first  and get dinner ready while Kris, her husband, got home later and later as time flew by. She didn't ask him why. She just assumed that work piled on top of him so he worked overtime everyday. 
    Kris quietly finished his food and stood to go put his plate in the sink. He turned around to face Jamie's back view. He stared for a minute or so and expected to feel butterflies in his stomach,  as girly as it sounds, but he felt nothing. He shrugged and walked off into the bedroom leaving Jamie there to eat alone. 
~ ~ ~
      Days passed and things were the same. Jamie soon grew tired of it and wanted an end to it. Not to the marriage, of course, but the distance that grew between them. She wanted to spend more time with him and love him like how they loved each other when they first met. She decided to ask him on a date and try to bring the feelings back. 
      Jamie was sitting on the couch watching tv waiting for Kris to arrive. It was already passed eight thirty which was way passed the time he usual gets home. 
      The door of the condo opened and Kris walked in. Just as he set his stuff on the counter, he saw Jamie on the couch dozing off. For a second, he thought he felt something familiar shoot through his system, something that he hasn't felt in a long time, but he just shook off the feeling and went into the bedroom to change. 
      Kris got out of the bathroom drying his hair with a small white towel. As he looked up, Jamie's face was just inches away. 
    "What are you doing?" Kris asked.
    "Wanna go to the fair with me on Friday?" She asked, full of hope.
       Kris stared blankly at her for a second wondering why she asked such a thing out of nowhere. He thought for a while then agreed.
Jamie's eyes brightened. 
      "Really!? Are you serious?" Kris gave her a small nod. A little smile crept onto his face without his notice. Jamie noticed and gladly return the smile. She then walked into the bathroom and pushed Kris out. He thought he heard a soft "Get out of here now, I need to pee." He chuckled and left for their room. 
      He plopped onto the bed, still confused as to why she would want to go so suddenly. He only agreed because there was something he had to tell her, something she had to know. He was thinking about telling her earlier but never got the chance to. 
      He let out a sigh and closed his eyes, slowly falling into a deep slumber. 
~ ~ ~ 
      Kids screaming, people going up to others trying to get them to buy their things, couples holding hands and just walking around. Kris and Jamie walked into the big fair and stared ahead of them. 
    "Oo! Ice cream!" Jamie grabbed Kris's hand and dragged him along. 
    "You sure act like a kid for a twenty-two year old." Kris stated once they reached the ice cream stand.
      Jamie scoffed at him. "You sure act like an adult for a twenty-three year old." 
      "That's because I am an adult," Kris unknowingly smiled. 
      They paid for the ice cream and headed for the games. They won some stuffed animals here and there and also lost some here and there. They went on rides and screamed their souls out. Kris thought it'd be funny to take Jamie into the haunted house and scare the living out of her, but his plan stabbed him in the back. Jamie was walking and a fake, dead body dropped right in front of her. She screamed and ran for her life leaving Kris behind to defend for himself. He was soon chased by a living scarecrow and fell somewhere along the way.
     It was fun, yes. But what Jamie was really looking for was if the feelings came back or not. 
     They were walking side by side now, going wherever their feet took them. The sun was setting and the crowd has died down. 
      As they were walking, their hands kept brushing against each other. Jamie took the opportunity and interlocked her hand with his. Kris jumped at the sudden interaction but softened when he saw Jamie's smiling face.  He soon saddened. What he had to say, it was either now, when things aren't so bad yet, or later, when things turn out disgusting.
      Kris stopped walking and pulled Jamie back, making her face him. Confusion was written all over her face. 
      "Look, Jamie. We need to talk-" 
    "KRIS!!" Someone had interrupted them. A voice, a girl voice actually. The couple turned their head to the direction where the voice was coming from. They saw a petite girl with short blond hair walking towards them. Kris's eyes widened and he stood still like a statue. Jamie turned her head back to Kris.
    "Do you know her?" She asked. Kris didn't answer her. He finally snapped out of it as the girl was getting closer them. He let go of Jamie's hand and fidgeted as the girl stopped  in front of Jamie and linked arms with Kris. 
      "Hey hun, I didn't think I'd see you here." The girl said. she then turned to look at Jamie. "Hi, I'm Amber. And you are?" 
      Now it was Jamie's turn to widen her eyes. She knew exactly who Amber was, and it tore her heart to tiny pieces. Tears were starting to form in her eyes, threatening to fall out. 
      "Is this why... Are you... Are you.. Cheating on me?" Jamie managed to choke out. She looked Kris in the eye, not expecting an answer, but got one anyways. He hesitantly nodded. 
      "I was gonna tell you but-" he started. Tears were silently escaping Jamie's eyes. She didn't care to wipe them, it wasn't the problem right now. 
      "Just.. Stop." She whispered, barley audible. She walked away from the two. Kris tried catching up, but then stopped halfway because he knew that she needed some time alone. 
      He shrugged off Amber's arm and whispered an, "I have to go."
~ ~ ~ 
      Hours passed and Kris was sitting on the couch alone in the condo. He was waiting for Jamie to come home. He needed to explain things and get things settled. Just as he stood up, the door opened revealing a puffy eyed girl. Kris rushed over to her and hesitated a bit. 
      "Look, Jami-"
      "I want a divorce." 
      Kris stared at her. He nodded hesitantly before saying, "I understand."
      Jamie took her leave into the bedroom. Kris stood there, wondering why he's so depressed. Wasn't this what he wanted? It was. It was
~ ~ ~ 
    As the weeks passed, everything was getting more settled. Kris and Jamie decided to sell the condo and both find their own place to live. Jamie of course, signed the papers first and left it for Kris to sign. He thought about it a lot, if he should convince Jamie to stay with him and break up with Amber. But he knows Jamie's heart. He knows that he did wrong and he doesn't deserve her love and kindness. 
    He sighed and signed the paper. He never knew that he'd come back to love Jamie again. 
    Maybe that's what he needed. Something to pull them apart, something to happen for once ever since their marriage. Something like the divorce paper to show him how he really felt, but it's over now. 
     It's time to say goodbye.
Author's note; hey lovelies~ i finished yay. It was supposed to be 500 words but turned ouut to be 1600+ lol oops. Hope you liked it and omg omg first story ever by me to be completed :3 
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to my lovely readers, i will make a sequal but i cant promise you it will be great and up on aff fast. lol oh & SHIP KRIMIE. KRIS AND JAMIE OK LOL


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Chapter 1: please make a sequel~
20 streak #2
Chapter 1: sequel please~
Chapter 1: Sequel now ; u ; holy .
Why is it that Kris always cheats in the world of AFF....something to think about. Oh well~ Anyway, I must see and read and eat up and throw up and love a sequel from you.
It's scary how incredibly this is worded. //Applause to chu
Sfivanyang #4
Chapter 1: Baby , you need to write the sequel ASAP !!!!! Haiz sometime there are people who too stupid to realize something or certain someone that they truly need for the rest of their lives . Like they said : you don't know what you have until it gone . Please make a sequel . I want kris to be regretted, his relationship with amber goes wrong and after a year or two , he will meet jamie again with a child who look exactly like Kris hahaha
wonderexo #6
Chapter 1: I agree with NguyenThaoVi
please make a sequel T T
Chapter 1: So sad :(
I want Jamie and Kris to be together :(

Can u pls make a sequel? A sequel of after divorced, Kris and Amber broke up, Kris met Jamie again and what will happen?
Interesting :)
Update soon:)