
Weekend - Yoochun

Salty, warm air gently brushed over your exposed skin as you moved closer to the warm body that laid next to you. His chin gently sat one yours as his chest moved with each breath. His gentle heartbeat could be felt with the touch of your hand as his arms wrapped securely around you. Gently petting your head letting his fingers comb your hair his deep husky voice mumbled something.

"Good morning Jagiya." His eyes were still closed as you watched his black hair fall against the white pillow.

"Good morning." You sleepy said taking in his sleepy appearance that you barely got to see. "What are we going to do today?"

"I have a couple things in mind." He giggled under his breath as a smile gently rested on his lips. You sat up gently as your fingers ran through his hair, letting his brown eyes meet yours.

"First I will make you your favorite breakfast, then we will spend the rest of the day together." Yoochun said as he pried your hands from him.

"But I don’t want to be here alone." Your eyes turned into puppy eyes all big and filled with love. He smiled at you petting your head as his fingers gently traced your skin to your chin.

"You will never be alone." His pink lips gently kissed yours as he got up and walked to the kitchen to make breakfast. Taking a deep breath of the fresh beach air you smiled happily as you put on a tank top and some loose shorts before pulling your hair up into a ponytail. Opening the french doors to the wrap around porch you walked and happily sat on the patio furniture as you soaked up the view.

A while later Yoochun came back sliding a plate in front of you. He put his plate down as well as both of you began eating the wonderful breakfast that he had made for you. Scanning his outfit made a smile come to your face as he was in a loose blue sweater and some tighter white pants. Once you both finished breakfast he watched you lean your head against your arm as you closed your eyes enjoying the perfectly warm breeze. Yoochun couldn’t take it anymore, he walked over to you as he picked you up and carried you to a swinging bench as he sat down and placed you on his lap.

Your head gently laid against his chest as he watched his beautiful girlfriend play with her fingers. Gently taking your hair out of your ponytail he combed your hair again with his fingers.

"What are you doing?" You asked in a hushed tone not wanting to ruin the moment.

"Your hair is prettier when it is down and I can run my fingers through it." He plays with your hair as you snuggle into him more as his other hand gently rested on your thigh as his thumb made circles on your bare skin. Both of you stayed like that for a couple of hours, just enjoying each others company and the beautiful surroundings that surrounded you.

When the air started to become cool and the birds began to fly, as the waters calmed their lapping against the shore. Both of you headed out to the beach for a walk as this was your last time at the little vacation home that his parents had let you both use for his weekend off. The sand gently moved in between your toes as the water ran over your feet gently. His fingers wrapped around yours as he took a deep breath enjoying the pastel yet vibrant sunset that cast upon the horizon. Stopping to enjoy this moment together he wrapped his arms from behind you letting them wrap around your waist and his fingers clasped together as your hands gently rested on top of them. Your head gently rested against his chest as he let you sway back and forth allowing your hair to catch the breeze as well as his.

"I don’t want to let you go." He confessed as his grip tightened on you.

"You never have to." You smiled as you tilted your head up to kiss his cheek as he caught your lips with his, moving them slowly, yet passionately over yours. Letting everything melt away as the perfect moment never seemed to float away. It was like everything stood still, everything was meant to be. Everything was perfect.

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Chapter 1: Awww....
Can I read it once again?
No.. Twice?
Hmm... As much as I can imagining Yoochun
O(>.<)o this is sooo sweet..
I'll read the other stories, like.. NOW!! ^^
Chapter 1: aigooo that was soooo soooo sweeeet *imagining chunnie *faint