Our Secret Message


'i want to know you

i want to talk to you

we are very cloce yet so far'


my first changrick oneshot.

i will make it two shot because i am not satisfied with the ending

i was inspired when i watched changrick fansigning video. ricky always put his hand on the table.

i imagine that he wrote the word that he cant tell directly to changjo. kkkk .



They are classmate, they are sitting neighbors and they live in the same apartment.

but they never talked.

they have different characters, different personalities.

but they shared the same secret feeling

they never be in the same one rounded circle.

but there are together in their silent conversation.

they do found their own secret world. just the two of them. their secret message.


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Chapter 1: this remind me of one of the manga ..i dont remember the name of it but it's something about left hand message(?) i'm not sure..but something resemble it..still cute..><
lovestrategy #2
I really love this story.
Ricky is so cute!!
This is what I want to read!!
Thank-you author:)