Sept.3 Wolf

Mate for Life
Once they choose a mate, they stay with that mate for rest of their lives. Wolves have a family life that is more loyal and pious than most human relationships.  Wolves packs includes of a male (alpha), a female and their offspring.  Wolves who decide to mate, will go through what is called a 'courting period'.  This will normally last for a day, while mating season usually occurs within the time of late winter and early spring. 
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"Kyunni, why don't you give him a chance?"  Wookie curiously ask as he sat next to his brother on the white snow hill in their forest.  
The first snow hit the ground roughly four days ago, it started of slow yet by now it cover most land they could see and the trees are slowly turning all white as well.  The time of love and breeding have arrive for wolves. 
Single wolves have been out and about trying to catch the attention of their certain someone and hopefully start a loving lifetime bond.  Or couples wolves like Teuk and Kang making new friends and securing their power around their territory. 
But that's neither happening to one particular young, beautiful, prideful grey wolf name Kyunni.  You see, Kyunni use to live on a farm far from this forest.  He was abandon by his owner once their found out he was in fact a real wolf instead of a hybrid of dogs.  He wander around the place for a rough three months before Wookie's parents found him and accepted him with open arms.  The two youngest have form a tight relationship, but neither have that kind of feeling towards the other.  
Wookie has his eyes set on a certain stripy wolf 'Yeye' from the next forest, the three would meet and chase racoons often.  But on one outing of racoons session.  Yeye brought his brother along, at first Kyunni thought another baby wolf to play with would be fun, little did he expect the larger than life, weirdly grinning(all the time), fur shinier smoother black wolf, by the name of Wonnie.  A wolf that's completely opposite of the slower and smaller YeYe. 
Right from the start, Kyunni didn't like Wonnie at all.  Perhaps the fact that the wolf immediately his face and wag that thick, furring tail in his face has something to do with it.  Little did Kyunni know, that was a sigh of affection.  Remember how Kyunni was raise on a farm, he didn't know those are signal of "I really like you" or "could you be mine" flag waving in his face.  Kyunni could only narrow his eyes towards that goofy grinning black wolf, and ran back home to his forest without answering to Wookies howling or calls. 
It took Wookie almost the whole spring to have Kyunni out of their forest and into the other, playing with them again.  Kyunni were promised not to be left alone with that face moron.  Wonnie apologies, yet he didn't really understand why, he promise not to scare Kyunni again.  But only after two hours of chasing and rolling around, they found Kyunni running back home again. 
"What have you done this time WON?!"  Yeye bit his hind leg a little, as he was having a great time with Wookie. Just to be ruin by his love-freak brother. 
"i.i.i. I didn't do anything!" Wonnie defend sadly, as he pouted at the disappearing tail of Kyunni's grey fur and wish he could follow. 
Wookie stop next to Wonnie as he reassure him "i'll go find out.  Don't worry too much? but man, your chance doesn't look all!"  And Wonnie thought Wookie was to reassure him, he felt a bear trap might hurt less than that.
Back at home Wookie ran pass his cuz curious eyes as he bee-line towards Kyuhyun's cave.  Wookie arrive, but he just sat right outside, waiting for his brother to step out from his childish hiding.  He his own paw's gently and loving the smell of autumn air, until Kyunni poke his nose out, testing the grounds.
"Only me, they didn't come" Wookie answer his silent question.
Kyunni pouted as well when he came out of the cave and slump on the ground as Wookie continue to clean his own paws softly. 
"so... what happen this time?"
"Kyunni... don't you woof me... I know you're not a dog... a wolf...and now act like one." Wookie smirk as he face paw his brother.  Leaving Kyunni chuckling out loud. 
"...he was staring..."
"and... I caught him every.single.time"
Wookie gulp his dry throat as he calm his first reaction to laugh or bit something.  "Is that sooooo bad?"
"Well, how would you like it, if some big black wolf keeps staring at you, every where you go, where turn you make and every step you take.  And I mean. STARRRRRRRRRRRINNGGGGG~~ i'm not joking, Wookie.  It makes my heart race and I feel hot every time I caught him looking at me with those eyes.  Its like his trying to say something, and i'm suppose to hear it.  I even try staring back at him, but all he did was smile that face of his.  I didn't even know wolves could have dimples.  far out! what else did I miss from growing up with human."
Fine, Wookie couldn't hide his laugher.  He burst out into a laughing waves of crackling, loud enough that some other wolves came to watch as well. Kyunni had to leave him there, telling everyone else not to go near him cos  stupid-disease is contagious.
Kyunni has been absent from their little gathering for a while again.  Until he heard Wonnie was physically hurt by a bear trap.  He got more panic than he thought he could.  With the help of Wonnie's scent in the air, Kyunni manage to find the injured wolf sooner than he believe without the help of Wookie.
Wonnie was writhing in pain as his father his injured leg.  When his line of sight came into contact with Kyunni's big round brown eyes on the hill top, he even produce that typical Wonnie smile towards the young.  If it wasn't Yeye ushering him away, Kyunni would have cry that very moment.  A little disappointment for both young wolves. 
Yeye comforted his friend, telling Kyunni his brother will be fine but it'll be a while till he could join in their games.  Which should be a good news for Kyunni, since he could come back and play now.  With that Kyunni manage to cry out when Yeye meant that as a joke for Kyunni. 
Kyunni's heart gripped fretfully when he heard Wonnie was hurt. He's heart nearly jumped out of his body when he saw those injuries. And he's heart sob when he heard that Yeye thought he'll enjoy Wonnie withdraw from their gatherings.  Well after all Kyunni really can't blame anyone but himself. He was showing more fear than anything towards the black wolf. 
It was late in the evening, when Wonnie's father finish tending to his injured son. He notice how Kyunni was still there and motion the young to come closer.  Kyunni shyly walk near with his head lower in respect to the elderly.   
"Are you Kyunni?" Came the low and strong voice of the alpha wolf.
"yes" was all Kyunni could say as he stare the leaf on the ground. 
"My Wonnie, has been calling your name even in his sleep.  You must be a good friend of his."
"ahem... we're not really friends." Kyunni was just too honest for his own good.  The alpha should have been angry at his answer, yet he let out a ginger laugh making the young wolf pop his eyes out as he listen. 
"Well, my silly son should have try harder then."  With that, the alpha left, leaving Kyunni tilted his head to one side as he consider that comment.
Suddenly Kyunni heard a soft whimper and it snapped him out of his little pondering.  It wasn't far, so he got up and walk towards it.  He has a feeling it'll be something that's heart breaking again.  That's when he came into view of a agonizing Wonnie on the ground.  It must be the pain from his leg.  Wonnie was tremblingly squirming on the ground with a flushed face.  Kyunni felt his heart was about to give up.  Promptly he ran towards his friend(?) and hover above his face. 
He Wonnie's cheeks and eyes couple times comforting him, letting him know of his presence as the wolf was in too much pain to notice.  Instantly, Wonnie look through his half lidded eyes and saw the person he's been dying to see.  Literally. 
Like magic, the pain immediately dial down and Wonnie could even crack another dimples smile at Kyunni, leaving the young rolling his eyes.  "Even at times like this you're still trying to act smug". Kyunni commented, he could have left the wolf if Wonnie didn't try to get up, directly causing more harm than good to his leg. 
An excruciating howl must have been heard over the next few kilometres as Kyunni worriedly hovering over Wonnie injured leg.  "shhhhh..." Kyunni sooth as he started that wound.  He wasn't sure if it'll be any  good for Wonnie, but that's what his father been doing before, so he could at least try.  True to his attempt, the black wolf calm down right away, he mutter a soft "thanx kyunni" before flopping his upper body on the ground as he close those eyes. 
After some silent moments, Kyunni stop as his tongue felt raw from all the soothing.  That's when Wonnie frantically open his eyes and supported his body in search of Kyunni.  Leaving the young a little freak out with the alarmed expression on Wonnie face.  
"ohh... i'm sorry... I-i thought you left." Wonnie answer to Kyunni's question in mind. 
"Don't worrie, I won't leave you."  Kyunni simply answer as he also flop on the ground with his head near Wonnie's.  He could see the black wolf smile again before he close his eyes from tiredness. He didn't even realise how tired his body was until it hit the ground.  How long has he been worry over Wonnie, and how long has he be tending to his injuries.  Anyhoo, Kyunni wanna to sleep this moment.  And since he doesn't have the heart to leave Wonnie by himself, he could only sleep next to him. 
Wonnie watches affectionately at the grey young wolf lying next to him.  He even scoot closer to the young one, hoping to smell, to hear, to feel him, which make Kyunni glare at him and about to protest
"I'm cold... I think the injuries worsen my body heat."  That's the first lie Siwon ever told, and he wasn't proud of it.  Well, he's actually VERY PROUD of it, never have he ever came up something so make-sense in his life and its a lie.  He'll patted himself on the back later on. 
Kyunni pouted as he juggle the idea of injuries and heat, well his mind told him to stop thinking as his body need to shut down.  Much to his own amuse, he "hmffp" before closing his eyes and let Wonnie scoot even closer, the two wolves touching, pushing against each other on the ground.  Wonnie even moan a little as Kyunni cuddle closer to him later that night while sleeping.  As to Wonnie, he didn't get a minute of sleep as he was too busy watching the adorable bundle of cuteness next to him. 
It was the sound of his father coming near that brought Kyunni to the morning day.  He could see Wonnie sulking and didn't really understand why.  The alpha gave Kyunni a "thankyou" nod and the young got up and left the spot.  But before he could really leave Wonnie, he came right up to his face, whispering
"I'll come play when you're healed"  With that he pull away, only to be pull back by Wonnie's stronger paw as he again Kyunni's face all the way up to his eye.  Leaving Kyunni to be honest a little gleeful and shy.  The young yelp as he got his sanity back and paw face the black wolf before running away again. 
Kyunni could hear laughter and chuckling by the other members of Wonnie's clan as he run away.  He didn't tell Wookie what happen, no matter how hard his brother try to pry.  Wookie only stopped whining when Yeye fill him in later that day. 
So that leaves us to now, the start of winter.  Just when Wonnie is well enough to leave the safe surrounding of his father territory and join the young again.  But much to his dismay, Kyunni refuse to see him.  He'll always run away or hide from Wonnie whenever he comes near.  And that's been three days already.  Every day Wonnie would leave with tears b, but he'll always scream back that "I'll come again tomorrow Kyunni, we'll play then!"
"Kyuni, why don't you give him a chance?"  Wookie curiously ask as he sat next to his brother on the white snow hill of the forest.  "You obviously care for him... you spent a whole night tending him..." Wookie still didn't get any response from Kyunni.  "You know he cries for you every night right?"  Now that got Kyunni's attention.  He turn toward his brother as he pouted and nod for him to go-on. "Well, Yeye told me, ever since you left that morning.  Wonnie's been trying really hard to stay still and heal quickly.  He told Yeye how you'll come and play once he's better.  Then when he did got better... you know couple days ago.  You didn't come to see him, you would even run away.  He's not completely healed you know.  He can't win against you running.  So for the pass days after you refuse him, he's been crying every night when he gets home...its really heartbreaking"  Wookie snarl at his brother, how could Kyunni be so cruel to Wonnie.  "So, tell me... why can't you give him a chance?"
Kyunni look back down on the ground, he didn't know what to say to Wookie but if his brother want answer he'll give him one.  "what... what happens if one day he'll leave me.  Like those people on the farm?"  Kyuni's voice was soft and shaky, he never want to experience the taste of being left behind and unwanted.  "You're the only family I know, I don't know Wonnie.  what if I turn out to be something he didn't I didn't turn out the way he wants..what...what if he just didn't want me one day... what..."
"that'll never happen!" Wonnie's firm voice cut in Kyuni's words, as the young look up from the ground.  Wonnie slump his entire body onto the young, trapping them between his muscular body and the winter snow.  Wookie could only smirk and ran away towards Yeye from afar.
"I can't run after you, so this is the only way I can't stop you from running away... Kyunni" Wonnie whisper playfully against those big grey wolf ears, sending shivering down Kyunni's body. 
"aghhh... get off me..." Kyunni whines, but little effect as Wonnie purely enjoy this side of a whiny and helpless Kyunni.  "...aghhh..."
"No... Kyunni listen... I love you.  from the first moment I see you in that forest, I felled for you.  I nag Yeye sooo long for him to let me join his game with you guys.  I'm sorry, if I.. if I scared you from the start.  But I was just too happy to see you up close.  You're beautiful, you're perfect!  And that night you came to see me, knowing I was hurt.  You have no idea how much I want to tell you I love you, right then and there.  But then you started me... oh... I was too stoned out of my mind by your touch.  Please Kyunni... please no more running away... no more hiding.  I love you... I love you sooo much.  And i'll never, never leave you.  I'll always be by your side every day and night, even if you find me annoying, which you WILL, but I still won't leave.  We'll hunt together, we'll live together, we'll grow old together...  h-how about it?!" Wonnie ask in desperation, although he try not to let his eagerness drown his Kyunni. 
His reply was a grunt and some wiggling "...agghhh...wonnie...get off.... off..."
"tsk...nope... no can do... I've been dying to see you Kyunni, and you've been hiding from me every day. You liar... you said you'll play with me once i'm heal, yet you didn't.  So why should I get off.  I like this soft, bubbly body under me, its warm and cuddly" Wonnie singsong, oh, how he's loving this moment oh so much.
"You saying i'm FAT!!!!" Kyunni question as he voice pitched, leaving Wonnie freaking out.
"no..noo.. noooo... no way..." Wonnie jump off Kyunni as he innocently wave off the accuse of calling his mate FAT!.  That's when he notice Kyunni's smirk and how he took off from him in the snow teasingly. 
Wonnie smile, as he mesmerise the beauty in front of him, he howl as he ran after his Kyunni.  The young slow down deliberately as he didn't want to harm his Wonnie leg, plus he wasn't really running away.  Wonnie caught up and the two trembling down on the soft snow as they roll over and over till Kyunni's soft cuddly body on top of his big black wolf. 
Kyunni panting above, giving Wonnie a perfect picture to imprint in his mind.  He then smile lovingly towards the wolf under him, which showering him with such dimpleness.  He lean down and that face he actually might have been doting over since their first encounter.  A loud and seductive moan from Wonnie got Kyunni chuckling with blushes. 
Wonnie stare at his mate cheerfully "Kyunni, I love you... my fluffy grey wifu"
"I love you too, Wonnie... my big black handsome hubby"
Siwon return the kiss and held tightly of his Kyunni in his paws.  The two enjoy their moment in the snow and the start of their life long journey as mate for life. 




I really enjoy writing this one...keke... 

don't know why i just can't write 

fluff as fluffy as i want... 


But i hope you still enjoy this...

leave me a comment on what you think...

So it'll motivate me to write...

its important for writers to read comments...

don't just read and leave (╥﹏╥)

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heartbabykyu #1
Chapter 4: Siwonnie penguin has a bit more growing to do.....

Kyu penguin will do anything to win the bet har? Hahaha.....too bad he forgot to add his silly husband as potential risk
Chapter 4: Aigoooo... Wonnie really can hold himself to make a lovey dovey scene with his kyubaby...
Chapter 3: My fav otp story in my fav animals....lovely wonkyu wolves...
lovinkyu #4
Chapter 3: These animal wonkyu story are so cute and fluffy. I like your fics
heartbabykyu #5
Chapter 3: Fluffy enough for me :)
Love between animals r pretty straight forward

Wolf wonnie n kyunni are such a cute couple
forogh #6
Chapter 3: i love it love it love it love it!!!!
ohhhh they were reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy cute! and fluffy!!!
thank you!
Chapter 3: Love so much fluffly WonKyu and so LOL for "Soft, bubbly, warm and cuddly body of Kyuhyun = He is FAT!" XD
Chapter 3: ChubbyWolfieKyu! :3 Me gusta!
Chapter 2: Chubbyfish.....aigoooo chubbykyu.....
nippy2002 #10
Chapter 1: I like this. Very unique story ideas....