Searching for Someone

Jaejoong walked along the damp street, daydreaming about someone. In his mind, he pictured someone tall and good-looking. But looks did not matter anymore, what mattered now was the person's heart. So what if he had a wealthy and good-looking family? None of them cared about where he went every night, all they ever offered were gifts. Gifts of the physical kind, but never gifts of love, care and appreciation.

He wanted someone who would care if he disappeared, if he returned or not.

He wanted someone who would listen whole-heartedly to what he has to say.

He wanted someone to give him more than just materialistic presents.

He wanted somone to give him love.

Yunho wandered around the dark alleys, thinking about what life would be with somone who accepted him and never neglected him. Abandoned by his parents and then his other relatives. Even his friends left him slowly, one by one. If there was just one person who would care for him, he would be happy already.

He wanted someone who would care about his existence.

He wanted someone who would never neglect him or abandon him..

He wanted someone to give him anything but hurt and pain.

He wanted someone to give him love.

"Ouch! Watch where you're going!" he automatically snapped at the stranger.

"I'm sorry!"

Jaejoong looked up and froze. That guy looked exactly like what he imagined just now. 

"Wait no, I'm sorry too."

The stranger gave him a warm smile and said, "Hey, it's fine. I'm Yunho, how about you?"


They shook hands.

Unknowingly, they always saw each other at the same spot, but they never ever paid attention to each other until that fateful night.

The following night, however, they met each other again and started talking. Somehow or another, they became friends.

After some more time, they opened up to each other, sharing about their problems and taking turns to listen and comfort. Jaejoong spoke about nobody genuinely caring for him, while Yunho lamented about himself being neglected.

Gradually, they became close. When they were talking by themselves, nothing else mattered in the world. It did not matter if Jaejoong wasn't cared for by others, because Yunho cared. It did not matter if Yunho was neglected by the world because Jaejoong would never neglect him.

They finally found the people they were both searching for. However dramatic their meeting seemed, they realised they were really the only people for each other.

Because in the end,

Yunho cared if Jaejoong was there every night, and when he was not, Yunho would call him up or give him a worried text.

Jaejoong cared if Yunho had any problems, and never failed to help Yunho stop worrying.

Yunho listened to Jaejoong and let him talk all the way into the night about work, studies and anything at all.

Jaejoong never said anything harsh to Yunho and offered him only kind words of encouragement.

After a long time of searching, they had finally found someone.

They found someone who would not leave them.

They found a friend, a companion, and they found love.

Even if the world did not care about them, they knew that they still had and will always have each other.

Jaejoong and Yunho, Yunho and Jaejoong.




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Sam-facades #1
Chapter 1: Ahh touching
hehe maybe u shd have shown more interactions specifically and.... Yeap. Nice try wheeeeeee yayyyyy hyperventilating