troublemaker Baekhyun

Luhan's Fifth Grade Crush


As usual morning, I took bath and got  freshen up. Today was the first time that I got up before my alarm clock could wake me up. I got into my uniform and went downstair to have some breakfast.  But again I stuck on the way of my Hyung’s room and saw him snoring like tiger as usual. I tiptoed  as I advanced to his room not wanting to wake him up. I did want to be busted. Then I began  to search something pulling hyung’s drawer.” There you are “ I whispered in my breath taking out hyung’s hair gel. Then I sat infront of mirror putting some gel in my hair and styled it.” Is this enough to seduce jieun ? “ I questioned myself. “ Aniyo I need something else too. Somethinggg  liiiike  ah this “ I grabbed hyung’s BB cream and applied it all over my face.” A. ..a…and this too “ I mumbled spraying hyung’s perfume over my body. After completing my whole session I looked at mirror and whispered in satisfaction “ jieun you are mine. Here I come for you “. Quickly ending it with wink I rushed to the kitchen tiptoeing from hyung’s room.  But as soon as I got myself in kitchen ,I saw no mom, no breakfast. What was happening ? where has my mom gone and where is my breakfast ? I began to question myself. So with curiosity I began to search for mom and there I saw my mom sleeping on her bed comfortably.

“ omma omma  wake up, make me breakfast  fast. I ‘m getting late for school palli palli “ I shaked her up.

“ ahh  luhan  “ she said in her sleeping hoarse voice semi opening her eyes. “ did I overslept today  ?“ she questioned herself. Lifting her head  up she peered at her watch and shouted at me widening her eyes “ luhan what’s wrong with you. It’s been only 4 am “

“is it ? omma “ I asked in surprised

“yes my dear son, look at this “ she said angrily giving me a  peek at her watch. “now  you go go and let me have some sleep “ she said covering her face with blanket.

I exited from mom’s bedroom and dragged myself to my room. There I tried to have some nap sitting on chair as I didn’t want to ruin my hairstyle. Suddenly I jerked up my body, waking me up from sleep and then rushed to my mom’s room.

“ omma omma wake up , make some breakfast. It’s getting late “ I again shaked my sleeping mom and again she would sent me back scolding “ luhannn it’s been only 4:15 am. Don’t disturb me. otherwise I won’t make you  breakfast everrrr “

The same scenario repeated more than 10 times and finally she got up and made breakfast for me.

“luhan are you that much excited to meet your girlfriend? that you even ruined my sleep “ she asked raising her eyebrow while serving me breakfast.

 Hearing her statement I choked on my breakfast.  “ aniyoo aniyoo omma . told you i don’t have any girlfriend. Ju ju just today we have extra morning coaching class that’s why “ I tried to defend myself.

“ aigoo since when our luhan cared about study I wonder, is it after when jieun came in school ?“ she shot her verbal arrow to me squinting her eyes

“ aniyo omma you are wrong. Don’t disturb me while I’m having breakfast arrasso “ I glared at her. * actually she was right . I got too excited to see only jieun in school. Just like my mom said I had crush on jieun *jieun……. My first crush…my fifth grade crush *

As soon as I reached to school, my eyes were craving for sight of jieun. I unwrapped my icecream while my eye were searching for jieun. Then suddenly a boy ran away from me,  snatching icecream from my hand . And I ran after him yelling “ yahhhh baekhyun give it back “. We had already made a round of school ground while running but baekhyun was not showing any signs of haulting our race neither did I as I didn’t want to give up. Eventhough the icecream  which we were fighting for was already melted without our tongue getting taste of it. “yahh baekhyun stop or I’ll kill you “ I was yelling in between. Then I got haulted first as I got bumped into someone. “ jieun…… I’m sorry “ I said widening my eyes while panting. “ it’s okay luhanssi I’m not hurt “ she replied settling her bang behind her ear and shifted to her own way with her two friends yooina and jiyeon.

 I was standing there myself watching her leaving and I heard someone whistelling from my back.

 “ looks like someone has already crush on our newbie “ baekhyun said raising his eyebrow.

“ What are you talking about ? nonsense “ I stuttered.

“ you know what I mean huh huh  ji   ji   ji….. “ he nudged me

“ shut up, I don’t even like jieun .so stop your nonsense babbling. “ I said pretending to be mad. But inside I was having chaplin dance.

“ are you sure that you don’t like her ? otherwise I was thinking of her making my own girlfriend. You know she caught my attention from the moment she stepped in this school.  And She is soooo  pretty “ he smirked

 “ whattt… you.. you like ji – ji - jieun” I was stuttering being completely shocked from his statement.

“ yes I like her and now you are out of the way of my competition, I should confess her soon before other boy would do it “ he brushed his shoulder. “ or should I do it today ? “ he tapped his chin. “ ok deal I’ll do it today “ he snapped his finger and left leaving me in daze zone. * did he really mean it ? what if he really did it ?will I have my first crush be unrequited? oottoke  *






yess, double update on the ocassion of release of iu's new video teaser.can't wait for her full album.

subscription and comments are always welcomed nehh

lastly sorry for my bad english 


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kookie96 #1
Chapter 3: love it!XD thanks for the update though!
Chapter 3: Does baekhyun really like jieun?!?!
Chapter 3: Lol firstly, 10 year old luhan is so adorable! His "mature" thoughts totally cracked me up. Macho 10 year old? And the things he do in order to "seduce" Jieun. Luhan's unstoppable! And yeah, this time I'm voting for hanu though I love baeku like mad.
Chapter 3: ahhh, thank you for double update! I like it!
Luhan ah, you so cuteeeeee!
oh my, Baek Hyun will confess?
Pali Luhan before BeakHyun taking her away.
Chapter 1: Pls update soon!
Dhanaletta #6
Chapter 1: Yeaayy.....another HanU fanfic...<3 <3
Subscribe indeed...:D
Pleassseee.....update really soon, author-nim, fighting.!!!
Chapter 1: I find luhan's mum cute though hahaha I like her. And yay for appearance of Jieun! Hope to see more hanu moments! (:
Chapter 1: Ahhhhh cute...
Chapter 1: The girl is Jieun right?
I would like to read more.
Update soon pls!
This is interesting..... Hope u update the first chapter soon!