Best Gift Ever

Best Gift Ever

Best Gift Ever

Zitao isn’t that into celebrating birthdays. He doesn’t know why…he just doesn’t. Really, the thought of growing old frightens him slightly. But his most favorite person (well, besides Yifan, but only because he buys Gucci for him) has his twenty-first birthday coming up (like tomorrow), and Zitao feels like he needs to do something special for him. But what?

Hmm…What does the birthday boy like? Zitao muses at how Jongdae (the birthday boy) knows almost everything about him, but Zitao knows very little about Jongdae. Maybe Zitao is just too predictable? Of course not. Jongdae just always asks questions about Zitao but Zitao never asks questions about Jongdae. He’ll have to ask someone else. Like…

“Minseok-ge!” Zitao calls out for the eldest member of EXO. He marches around the dorm to find the Korean often seen talking to Jongdae.

“What is it, Zitao?” the short (Zitao can’t help but laugh inwardly whenever he stands next to Minseok, since he’s the eldest, but still very short compared to Zitao), steamed bun (baozi) looking boy questions, stepping forward from the kitchen area.

“What does Jongdae-ge like?”

Minseok opens his mouth to say something, but closes it again. He goes silent for a second, staring at the space next to Zitao’s shoulder thoughtfully. Finally, he says, “Singing. Talking…um…possiblymaybeyou.”

The last sentence Zitao doesn’t catch. Even with his ability in Korean constantly improving, Minseok said the last line too quickly. He shrugs and says, “Tell me something I don’t know.”

“I…did.” Minseok whispers almost in an inaudible voice. Well, to Zitao it’s pretty inaudible.

“I’m being serious here, gege.” Zitao says. “I need help. I don’t have a clue what to give him for his birthday.”

“Do you like Jongdae?” Minseok inquires abruptly.

Zitao hesitates at the question. “O-of course I like Jongdae. He’s my gege…”

“No I mean—” Minseok stops midsentence. “Never mind. Sorry, I can’t help you. You’ll have to figure it out on your own. And you better do it quick. His birthday is tomorrow, you know.”

“I know…” Zitao says quietly.

He walks off and finds his way to the couch, slumping onto it and pulling his long legs up onto the black leather and resting his chin on his knees. He sits like that for a while until he feels someone touch his forearm. He looks up to see the one person he wasn’t hoping to see for a little while.

“Zitao, why are sitting like this?” the potent, easy detectable voice of Kim Jongdae asks worriedly. “Are you okay? Did something happen?”

“I’m fine.” Zitao says unhelpfully.

Jongdae sits down, moving his hand up to wrap around Zitao’s shoulder, causing the younger (but taller) to turn slightly red. “Come on; tell me what’s bugging you, Tao. You can trust me.”

“I know…” Zitao mumbles. He pauses for a long time. Jongdae doesn’t say anything either, sensing Zitao is thinking and doesn’t want to be disturbed in his train of thought. Finally, Zitao looks over. “Gege, what do you want for your birthday?”

“Mm? Oh, that’s right…my birthday’s tomorrow, isn’t it?” Jongdae thinks for a second. “I don’t need anything, really…”

“Oh…” Zitao says, looking down. He feels a squeeze on his shoulder.

“But really, if it comes from you, I’ll take anything.” Jongdae says when Zitao looks up. The vocalist smiles. Not that closed lip smile that he always seems to have, but a genuine grin, his beautiful rows of teeth showing.

Zitao blushes slightly. “Oh.”

That beautiful smile widens. “You’re adorable, you know that?”



After that, Zitao thinks a lot about what to give Jongdae. Anything? That doesn’t help much. Anything could mean…well…anything. Clothing, food, accessories, shoes, hair spray, love… Love! Zitao all but jumps up. Then he blushes in realization on what his brilliant idea meant.

Zitao has had a crush on Jongdae since the first time he heard the vocalist sing. No one knows, but he’s pretty sure they all suspect it. He remembers what Minseok asked a few hours before.

“Do you like Jongdae?”

Of course he does. But he’s afraid to admit. Afraid to come out of the closet. Because all those times he said he didn’t have a preference for girls because he was too young and busy to think about it back in China, he just never had an interest in girls. His only interest was and still is Jongdae. But what if Jongdae denies Zitao? Zitao bits his lip. Maybe he could just…kiss Jongdae? Then run off, since he knows he’s going to fear what happens after.

The next morning, Zitao is a little jumpy. He, to be honest, doesn’t want to see Jongdae until later. But of course, that doesn’t happen. Jongdae finds him after Zitao had been trying to avoid the vocalist for over an hour.

“Zitao! I’ve been looking for you!” Jongdae exclaims happily after finding Zitao sitting in the Kitchen picking at some rice. This is what happens when he lets his guard down.

Zitao jumps slightly and snaps his head back, glancing quickly at Jongdae’s hands placed on his shoulders, gently massaging them absentmindedly. The latter lightly chuckles at Zitao’s jumpiness and removes his hand from Zitao’s shoulders. He pulls out the chair next to Zitao and sits down.

“Well?” he asks, facing Zitao.

“What?” Zitao questions dumbly.

“Don’t you want to tell me something?” Jongdae smiles amusedly.

Zitao blushes, thinking Jongdae means something else. Then he quickly realizes that’s not what Jongdae meant. “Oh, right. Happy Birthday.”

“How lame.” Jongdae teases, that amused smile still on his face. “It’s as if you’re not actually happy it’s my birthday.”

Zitao sticks his tongue out at Jongdae childishly. Jongdae starts laughing. “Oh, God, Taozi. You’re too cute for me. Honestly.”

Zitao pouts slightly. “You know, I could kill you.”

“With your cuteness? Well of course.” Jongdae says jokingly, recovering from his laughter.

“Do you want me to roundhouse kick you?” Zitao threats. “’Cause I can do that. While doing an aerial cartwheel.”

Jongdae’s amused smile fades. “You…you wouldn’t actually, would you?”

Zitao smirks at Jongdae’s fear stricken expression. “Well, I guess that depends…”

“When I said I’d take anything if it was from you…I meant anything but violence.” Jongdae says. “I’d rather not die on my twenty-first birthday, thank you very much.”

Zitao grins deviously. “I don’t know if I can guarantee that, gege.”

Through this very amusing conversation, Zitao almost forgets what his present for Jongdae is. Almost. When he remembers, he jumps away from Jongdae (because he somehow got closer to him during the conversation), almost falling out of his chair in the process. Jongdae swiftly grabs Zitao’s arm to keep him from hurting himself.

“Are you okay, Zitao?” Jongdae asks worriedly, reaching forward to brush his blonde (again after previously being black again) hair out of his face.

Zitao slaps the hand out of the way and fixes his hair on his own. Jongdae is left staring at Zitao in shock. A hurt expression is on his face. He rises and turns around about to walk away.

“Maybe you really aren’t happy that it’s my birthday…” he utters before moving to walk out of the kitchen.

Zitao rises to and takes a step forward. “Wai—!”

His protest is cut short when he trips over the chair and his feet and lands on the floor with a loud thud and a painful whine. Jongdae is there within a second. He squats next to Zitao, unsure on whether he should touch the younger or not. Zitao winces as he tries to move. Now Jongdae is worried.

“Zitao, are you alright?!” he asks concernedly. “How are you suddenly so clumsy? You weren’t this clumsy before.”

Zitao manages a nod. “I-I’m fine…gege.”

“You don’t look it, though.” Jongdae touches Zitao on the area he thinks he hurt himself on. “Does this hurt?”

“A-ah…ouch…” Zitao whines. “It…it does…”

Jongdae moves his position and places his knees on either side of Zitao. He examines Zitao gently and carefully, making sure not to hurt him anymore than he already is. “Stand up. Let’s see if you can—”

Jongdae is cut off when Zitao leans up and presses his lips against Jongdae’s. They stay like that for a little while, neither of them moving. Then Zitao realizes what he’s doing, and he pulls away, eyes slightly wide as he crawls backwards at a remarkable speed trying to get away from Jongdae.

“I…I’m sorry, gege!” he exclaims, using the wall to aid him in standing up. “I—I didn’t mean to…I was going to wait…but I—”

Before Zitao can realize, Jongdae is back in front of Zitao with a finger pressed against the younger boy’s lips. “Sh, it’s fine, Zitao.”

“B-but…” Zitao stammers. “I was going to wait until later…because that was supposed to be your birthday present…”

Jongdae stares at Zitao for a second. The latter thinks it’s because he’s shocked or something. But then Jongdae says, “I know I’m not that much shorter than you, but can you at least help me.”

“W-what?” Zitao questions in a dumbfounded tone. 

Jongdae rolls his eyes and wraps his arms around Zitao’s neck. He pulls the taller down and meets halfway with his lips. Zitao is shocked at first, but melts against Jongdae’s soft, thin lips. His arms somehow land themselves against the elder’s hips, desperate for more, as much as it’s embarrassing to admit.

The kiss is deepened and tongue is included. Zitao just hopes everyone is still asleep or something so they don’t walk in on this beautiful moment. With either of the tongues exploring the others mouth, Zitao feels like he’s in heaven. He hopes Jongdae does too.

Alas, the latter pulls away a short while later. He’s looking up at Zitao with a smile on his face though. His cheeks are a rosy red, but Zitao is sure he doesn’t look any better. A blush looks cute on Jongdae, he realizes.

“You look so adorable, Zitao.” Jongdae comments breathlessly. He pauses and rests his head on Zitao’s chest (he’s too short to reach Zitao’s forehead, even with Zitao’s head tilted down). “So this is what you decided to give me, huh?”

Zitao nods bashfully against Jongdae’s head. “I…originally wanted to run off…But obviously I couldn’t…”

Jongdae frowns and pulls back to look at Zitao. “Run off? Why?”

A frown doesn’t suit Jongdae, Zitao decides. He tries to kiss the frown away. “I was afraid.”

Jongdae is pleased with the kisses and he tightens his hold on Zitao, nuzzling against his chest. “Afraid of what? Me pushing away forcibly?”

Right on the nose. Zitao sighs. “M-maybe…”

Jongdae chuckles. “Hit it on the nail, right? Of course.” His hands move down to the small of Zitao’s back. “Oh, Taozi… I was waiting for that moment. I’ve always liked you.”

Zitao’s face is burning. “So…you’re fine with this being my birthday present for you?”

“If this is your way of confessing to me, then I’d say it’s the best present ever.” Jongdae grins, pulling back slightly again. “Because I love you too, then.”

With that, Jongdae pulls Zitao down for another quick kiss. Zitao smiles against the kiss. Jongdae pulls back and smiles back at Zitao.

“How did you know, though…?” Zitao asks. “Just by judging by a kiss? I could have just been experimenting.”

“I know you more than I think, love.” Jongdae responds, earning a blush from Jongdae. “Yup. This is definitely the best birthday present ever.” 

A/N: So, here's this lame, fluffy-ish birthday fic for Jongdae. HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY JONGDAEE ((I didn't think Jongdae's birthday was today...not at all))


Anywho, I have a question for you people. I've decided to do a...ah, series called 'Everybody Loves ____' where the blank is an EXO member. So it's pretty much just a personxeveryone. I have ideas for Everybody loves Tao. Everybody loves Kris, and everybody loves Chen. I dunno if there's any more proof that it seems everyone loves a certain member. ANYWHO. BACK ON TOPIC.

I have 4 Everybody Loves Kris fics done/working on. But...who do YOU want me to start with? (I only have KrisHan, KrisHun, KrisYeol and KriSoo written, but you don't have to choose from just those four). Also...I have a bonus chapter for Kris...if you like, you can guess who it's going to be.

*Hint: the person is not in EXO (obviously), but they are still in SM*

Also, the pairings I want/like the most will ALWAYS be last. Unless there's a bonus chapter. 

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Chapter 1: Wow that was so fluffy^^~ I love it <3
viani24 #2
Chapter 1: so fluffy > < it v(^ ^)v
oh-tea-twelve #3
Chapter 1: awwwh~ this was really adorable and squishy and fluffy c:
both zitao and jongdae are really cute ¦:3 and ugh the kiss and the confession my heart is having all these feeeeels + minseokkie dropping some hints haha xD
thank you for this! totally made my day ::D

krisoo or maybe chenris? c:¦
Chapter 1: Asdfghjkl. Chen's birthday was yesterday? I. Must. Start. Drawing. Nao. But your fic was good.
NomNomCat #5
Chapter 1: Thanks for writing Taochen :* Really lack of this pairing lately. And it's very sweet writing fic for Chens's birthday present.

Everybody loves Kris, that's a good idea. Actually I ship Kris with anyone. But I will be glad if you make Krisoo or Krishun :D
Chapter 1: *mouth agape*
Such a cute thing! Jongdae always so adorable and we've really know that~
And about their high different like KrisHo or ChanSoo -my fav pairing-, it's obviously cute too. Ah Jongdae oppa, I know it will be so early to say ' Happy Birthday and I love You ', But I can't help that ;_;
Okay, keep spread TaoChen love, Jia You! ( 'v')9

4kasuna Fu-Chan