Chapter 25


Chapter 25

(Sunmi's POV)

"OMG SUNMI Let me see your ring" Hyuna squealed
we were sitting on the couch and I glady showed her my ring
"Its so beautiful..Im so happy for you" she hugged me

"Thank you..I still cant believe this myself" Laughed shyly

"I want to meet this Seungri guy he seems like a promising young man"
Hyuna said in a british accent

"ahaha you're to funny Hyuna..and you'll get your chance you might see him today"

"So when is this Sohee friend of yours coming hmmm?...We're hungry" she pouted
rubbing her stomach  

Hyuna came to visit today at my brother's apartment
like i promise her..we were going to go shopping
and Sohee is going to tag along also she yesterday asking to hang out
so i told her to just come along with me and Hyuna today

"I know..We're hungry too.." I rubbed my belly "Hmm Peanut
where is your auntie Sohee huh" I said looking around the parking lot
from the balcony


"Ahhh there she is.." I said as Sohee pulled in to the parking lot
I went to the door to let her in
"Yah what took you so long" I scolded her

"Ahh sorry Sunmi Umma was being motherly and asking me where i was took me a good 20miutes to leave the house then traffic" she explained

"Well your here now thats all that matters..Oh come" I said grabbing her hand
pulling her into the apartment
"Hyuna..." i called to her who looked up from a magazine
"This is my best friend Sohee..and Sohee this is Buddy Hyuna"

They both wave and said Hi to each other

"Omo.." Sohee said as she looked at Hyuna then back at me

"What" both me and Hyuna said

"Sorry its're just as big as Sunmi" she giggled "How far are you?"

"Ahaha..Im about 6 months in" Hyuna smiled and patted her belly

"Wow Sunmi your nearly there arent you" she smiled


"Aww I cant wait to see them when they both are born" Sohee cooed
"I wanna see what my peanut is gonna look like" she smiled

when she said that my smile kinda faded cause what if she looks just like Taeyang

"Hyuna do you know what your having" Sohee asked

"Well the doctor says girl..I SAY BOY" she told us

"Mother's Instict I guess" I said and she smiled

"Well are you two ready to go shopping" Sohee asked

"Yes we are...but can we eat first" i pleaded and so did Hyuna

"Sure Im hungry myself" she smiled

"Woot Everything and Tteokbokgi " I squealed

"Is there even one around here" Sohee asked

"Yep In the Mall" Hyuna smiled

15mins laters after eatting we were all well into shopping

"Omo Sunmi ah look at this" Sohee squealed holding a baby sleeper
with bear footies and ears

"Ohhh its soo cutee" I squealed looking at
"Peanut what do you think" I said placing the sleeper on my belly
as if could see peanut wearing it

"ahaaha your so funny" Sohee laughed
"Im going get this for peanut" she said throwing it in to our already full cart

"aigoo we have so much stuff" Hyuna said as she lugged over a crib set
"I dont even know if all this will fit in my house" she laughed

"I know Top's gonna yell at me for buying so much" i said
then shrugged and grinned" he'll be ok"

"I think im done for today.. Im gonna pay" Hyuna said movin her cart to check out
and I followed behind her


My phone ranged..I looked at the screen but it was an unknown nuumber
"Um hello" I spoke cautiously

"Mi its me Seungri"

"Oh Hi and where are you calling from" I asked him

"Oh he he me with Umma...we're at the mall
and they wanted to know your size in PJ's" he told in a flat tone

"Um I dont know it would be small but since i share a body at the moment
it would a medium I guess..and wait your at the mall"

"yeah we at the mall" he comfirmed

"which mall?"

"Um ChunGi Mall the one like down they from your bro's place"

"OMG Im there to with Sohee and Hyuna.."
"Seungri is here" I mouthed to the girls

"What store?"

"Um the Titter Tots baby store"

"Oh ok will come to you" he said

"Um ok we are paying now see ya in a biit" i said an closed the phone

"OMG" Sohee showed at me

"What?! What happen?" I looked shocked

"What is that on your hand" she said taking my hand which had the ring on it

"oh ahaha Seungri purposed on V-day to me" I said shyly

"O M Geee that soo cute I knew it was gonna happen
he said he wanted to like months ago" Sohee babled
"Im really happy for you two" she hugged me

"Aww thanks"

We finally paid for everything and met seungri and his mom

"Aww Sunmi ah you're getting so big" Seungri's mom cam and hugged me
and rubbed the belly <_<  

the belly rubbing is getting annoying I swear
I feel like a wishing rock or something

"Oh and Sohee its been so long how are you dear" she said hugging Sohee

"Im fine Mrs. Lee" Sohee said hugging back

"Omo and who is this?" Seungri's mom said looking at Hyuna

"Oh this is my friend Hyuna we go to the same school" I told them
"And Hyuna this is Miss Vivian and thats Seungri" I smiled

"Hello dear its good to meet you and oh goodness you are nicely round too
when are you due?"

"Oh Im do in June" Hyuna told them

"Ah thats close" she smiled

"yeah really soon"Hyuna said

"Gosh Umma can i greet them already" Seungri whined

"Oh shush.." she swatted at him "Go ahead"

"Hii.." he came to me with stretched arms
I was ready to accept until he went straight to my stomach
"Hiii PEANUT..I missed you soo much did mommy Mi feed you today? I hope so
and I hope it was good if she didnt you can kick all you want for letting you starve"
he talked

"Yah I did eat and I ate alot" I glared down at him

"you better have" he finally got to my eye level and hugged me

"you two I swear" Sohee and Miss Vivian said at the same time

"shhh" Seungri said to them "Hi Hyuna its finally nice to meet you
Sunmi talks about you alot" he said shaking her hand

"Oh hehe really...she talks about you alot as well..and congrats
on the engagement" she smiled

"Oh thank you" he told her "And hello dear Sohee good to see
you alone..finally" Seungri said hinting to Taeyang

"Yeahh Good to see you too" she said smugly

"Omg how much did you 3 buy" he looked at our carts full of bags

"umm alot" I told him

"Yah!.To the Boy who is about to be a Father..this is normal
when you have kids especially with the first..
and there is gonna be more to buy.." she scolded him
"do you girls need help with this stuff we can help you all
take it home I got the Suv today" Miss Vivian said swinging her keys

"Um sure" we said

"Seungri get the carts" she ordered him
and he lazyly moved the carts to doors

We dropped Hyuna off first since it was closer to the mall
and Seungri and his mom decided to take some things to my mother's house
They rest of the day Sohee and I spent time catching up
on time that we "missed" apart

She told me about how her mom has been home for awhile
and that she thinks her parents are getting back together
especially now that her dad was in the hospital
She even told me how her and Taeyang's relationship was going
I always avoided talking about their relationship but I listened to her
She said she's never felt so strong about her other relationships as she did
with this one with Taeyang...

"He makes me feel whole...I wouldnt mind spend the rest of my life with him"

"Sohee your 17, You are thinking to far ahead dont you think?" I told her

"Um no, I mean look at you and Seungri your about to have his baby
and marry guys moved fast dont you think?"

"Thats a different story.."

"How so?" she cut me off

"Well first off Seungri and I dated for years before all this and Taeyang
are like "I counted on my fingers " 4 months"

"Yeah sooo, it doesnt have to be long to know you want to be with someone
for the rest of your life..and get married, and have kids, and grow old together"
Sohee said in a dreamy state

"You're crazy"

"And you're not" she put her hand on her hip

"I am get myself into all this and its for the best
....I guess" I said the last part in a whisper almost

Sohee hugged me all of a sudden "Your gonna be the best wife and mother
Seungri and Peanut could ask for"

"Yeah I hope so" I smiled



"If I leave do you think Taeyang would wait for me?" she asked looking down

"What do you mean Leave Sohee?..." I looked her confused

"Im leaving Sunmi..My Dad has to get surgery on his heart"

"And it cant be done here?"

She just shock her head "He has to go the the States..and were gonna be staying there
for awhile.." she said in a whisper

"Omo..Sohee.." I said hugging her "What Iam I gonna do with out you"

"I know its so far..I wont even see the baby born..Sunmi how am I gonna tell Taeyang about this"
she started to cry

"You have to tell him soon...dont leave without any noticed..speaking from personal exprience that can be a problem" I told her

"*sigh* he is gonna be soo upset.." she cried

I honestly dont know what to say to her to make her feel better..
"Well if he loves you he wont be mad about it.." I told her

"Your right...Im so glad your helding this well"

(Taeyang's POV)

Its been a few days since I've spoken or seen Sunmi
Ive actually have been sleeping better after that day
Sohee and I are fine...It's like someone zapped the life back in me

"WHOA DUDE! did you see that pass" Daesung rooted

"Yeah I did thats the best play I've seen all season" JIyong said

Today was just a hang out day with my cousin and best friend
we just set around watched a football game and downed larged subs
best way to enjoy the weekend


Someone knocked on the front door
th 3 of us locked at each other waiting to see who
would get up to get the door but no one moved

"Well I dont live here" Daesung said biting into his sub

I just leaned back o the sofa as if i heard nothing

"Aisssh you bumms" Jiyong said getting up to answer the door

Daesung and I Hi-fived each other and went back to watching the game

"Ahh Hey Baby, sorry I took so long to get the door" I heard Jiyong at the door
Im guessing it was Sunye

Soon I heard to the two walking towards the living room

"Hi guys" she waved to us and we greeted her
"OMO SUBS are there anymore" she asked

"Oh yeah in the kitchen" I pointed

"Whoaa Jiyong scored a nice pass with that one" Daesung smirked toward the kitchen

I bite in to my sandwich and flatly said "Thats Sunmi's Sis" then looked back at the TV

Daesung nearly choked on his soda " WHAT?!" he said in a loud whisper
while trying to clear his throat..I just nodded and took another bite out of my sandwich

Before he can ask anything else Sunye and Jiyong had came back in
"Oh I didnt get your name" Sunye said as she sat down talking to Daesung

"Oh um heh Im Daesung.." he held his hand out to shake hers

"Nice to meet you..." she said shaking his hand
"Im sorry if this girl here has intruded on your guy bonding"

"Ohh babe never.."Jiyong tried to defend

"Ohh no no Sunye you know we dont mind" I told her

"Ooo ok" she said eating a chip

"So babe how are you today?" Jiyong asked her

"Um ok...accept SUNMI IS GETTING MARRIED" she frowned

when I heard her say that the sub I was eating fell to the ground

"Tae what the hell man" Jiyong said to me

"Ohh sorry..I'll clean it up" I said getting up

"Oh I'll help you man" Deasung said following

"She's so young.." I heard her say as i walked into the kitchen

"Yeahh...I mean its fine cause Seungri is the father and all " Jiyong said

"You alright man." Daesung asked sitting at the counter

"*sigh*...she's getting married" I said to myself throwing my mess away

"Yeahh that blows..but what did you expect man"

"I dont know what I expected...Its just so fast" I said walking towards the couter
"Whatever lets go back out" I said leaving the kitchen

"Hmm well I wish them the best" I heard jiyong say

"Yeah Me too" I said sitting back down on the couch
focusing back on the game

"Yeahh me too" Sunye said

It went dead quiet after that..well I went dead quiet
Daesung started yelling at the screen again..
Jiyong and Sunye were being all couple like and calling each other
sick cute names like Minjookie and Bongie Baby...ewww
I just tried zoned out....

(Jiyong's POV)

"Alright My Lil Min Jookie you drive safely K" I said giving her a kiss

"I well My Bongieee" she said rubbing my nose with hers "I'll call you when I get home"
she said as she cloesd the door to the car..."Oh hey..." she called rolling her window down
" Tae OK..he seems a bit down.." she said

Thinking about Taeyang's reaction to the news of Sunmi's marriage
I'm pretty sure he is not feeling ok..
"He just tired he has insomina these days not sleeping good..." I told her
which is kinda true

"Aww poor guy I wonder whats bothering him.." she asked

"Um sure its nothing babe he'll be ok..let me worry about it you go home
before it gets dark araso" I told her walking back to the house so she couldnt
ask anymore questions

"Alright babe talk soon" she waved and drove off

I kinda rushed back into the house..
I walked back into the living room but No one was there
I then heard rattling in the kitchen
So I went there..the minute I walked in I saw Taeyang standing with a knife in his hands

"Tae NOOOOO..." I leaped at him tackling him to the ground

"Dude What the Hell...GET OFF ME!!" he shouted

"Whats going on" I heard Dae from behind

"He's trying to kill him..." I shouted

"What the hell are you talking.." Taeyang said struggling against my hold

"Look killing yourself  is not the answer you chose to let Sunmi go
so she could be think killing yourself will help.." I yelled at him

"Um Dude I was not trying to kill myself.." he started to laugh

"Dont lie to me Tae.."

"Dude I was about to cut the limes for the shots" he said puhing me off him

"huh.." I said looking at the surrounding area..there was limes and shot glasses laying
on the counter..and not to far was a bottle of tequila and salt
"Oh hee hee I remeber now.." I laughed embrassed getting off him

"Dude I swear you since you've been dating Sunye.." He said as I helped him up
"'ve gonna crazy..LOL he thought I was gonna kill myself Dae"
he laughed shaking his head while he cut the limes
"You guys doing drugs..." he asked seriously looking up form his cutting

"Dude noo..I just thought that.." I looked around for an answer but found nothing
"aigoo i just didnt know where your mind set was thats all you've been different since
this whole Sunmi thing and Im worried thats all" I told him truthfully

"Heh your always worried..but thinks for caring..I'll admit i was shocked at first
but after thinking it over this is what I wanted..what we both wanted..and
Im fine with it...i mean... yeah Im gonna have moments but I'll be fine..." he said
placing the cut limes on a saucer

I just gave head nod

Daesung poured the drinks and passed them out
we shooked the salt into the pocket of skin inbetween
our index and thump and it clean
"Drink up boys we deserve 'em" Daesung said
We all downed the shots and the limes
to lessen the bitter taste

"arghh...the taste never changes.." I said frowning his face

"yeah but im glad the feeling is always the same after drinking it....Numb"
Taeyang said downing another shot


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Hello its been like 7 years since I've updated this story. I had chapters done but i guess i never posted them and left you all hanging. My bad. I got writers block and i didnt like one of the chapters ending and it irked me so much i stopped writing. I Just want to say sorry guys.


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It has been three hard years...although it highly unlikely you'll update I just wanna say I love this story
Please update *^*
llynbhb #4
update as soon as possible pleaaase :DDD <3
eejiyoo9752 #5
Oh my god it's been a long time! Another great chapter. Hope to see you updating this soon! <3
Finally update
Seungri really thoughtful by ask sunmi to get married
thx for update
fydapanda #7
pleaseeee update TT.TT
your story is too good ..
damnit...your story seems good. but i can't be distracted right now -___- <br />
i've been taking a break every few minutes and decided to come on then i found your story<br />
it seems promising and i like your cover :D sunmi has always been my fave in wg and she always made a cute couple w/seungri. i'll read again in a few minutes :D so expect another comment from me soon :)
binnie #9
what a great story!! i like this story.. ^^
arahbear #10
How sweet! I love Seungri so much in this story...<br />
He's gonna be a best dad!