Chapter 23


Chapter 23


"Aisshh Im gonna be late for work" I cursed at myself
I was running a bit late this morning "grrrr where the hell are they"
I misplaced my keys and I should have been out the door 10 minutes ago
"aigoo...ahhh here they are" I said pulling them out of fruit bowl

Today getting to work on time was my main goal
Why? you may ask...Well I have a meeting with my boss
I work for a clothing company believe it or not I pitch ideas to them
and new concepts too keep the business going and today the meeting
with the boss determines my place in the company
so it could be a simple pass or fail with meeting

"OH tt!....Aissssh I forgot about Sunmi"
I was 15 minutes into driving when I remembered
it was my turn to drop her off at school
"Damn.." I pulled out my phone once I got to my job
and texted Binnie

Me forgot to take
Mi to school please
take her for me
I'll take her monday
Thnxs babe
Luv ya!
I hope she gets that

(Yubin's POV)

It was about 9am when I was awaking
by a knock at the front door

"aigoooo I'm coming...I'm coming" I said getting out of bed


"YAH! Its freaking early in the morni..MOTHER!" my eyes fluttered in shock

"Well thats how you greet your mother at the door" she scoffed walking in
with a big book in hand and a random person followed her

"Im morning...." I rubbed my head in confusion
"Why are you here? and who the hell is that" I yawned

"Honey this is Joo the wedding planner..." the girl waved
I was still confused about the whole visit
"Um sweetie we talked about this earlier this week I was coming
here today to go over the wedding with you...we only have but so much time dear"

"...I forgot"  I frowned my face
"Um you can ahhh make yourselves comfortable
...Im gonna freshen up" I said running to my room
"aigoo a normal person would call and remind you
of this things and from what I remembered I had a few drinks
that night we discussed this" I cursed at myself as I got dress

about an hour and 15 minutes later
my dining room table was covered with scraps and samples of everything
we had decided on a place, a cake, the flower arrangements, and music

"this is gonna be a beautiful wedding" Joo said
"of course it will be dear its MY daughter's wedding" My mother boasted
"Mother" I scolded
"ooohh are you gonna have a bachelorette party" Joo asked
"cause i can help arrange that too"
"Ummm No.." I said blankly..
"What why honey there nothing bad about can have cake,
ice cream, Strippers topped with whipped cream..." my mother and Joo squealed
"YAH! the only person i want to see topped with whipped cream is my Hyunnie one else and ewww mother please keep your fantasies to yourself" I groaned

"Aisssh why is it so loud I'm trying to sleep.."
we all turned our head only to be met by Sunmi's glare of death

"Sunmi?" what the hell wasnt TOP suppose to take her to school today
I got up from the dining room table walking over to her
"Sunmi you ok? Arent you suppose to be in school"

"I dont know" she said in an irritated sleep tone

"aigoo Sunmi dear we're sorry we were loud we'll be quiet
you just go back to sleep ok..." My mom told her

"Mrs. Kim?...ahh sorry Im just really moody" Sunmi said pouting

"Its ok dear" she told her

"Come on Sunmi.."I said grabbing her her shoulder which was super warm
"WHoa Sunmi ah" I said quickly moving my hand to her forehead

"Yahhh!! What are you doing? so annoying" she whined and pushed my hand away

"Mi ah you have a freaking fever...come on lets get you back in bed asap" I said
making way to the room  
"Binnie..." she said stopping  "I dont feel good" and right when she said
that she threw up.....

"Oh dear Sunmi?!" my mother got up and came towards us
"Aigoo Sunmi dear are you ok" she asked her

"Nooo everything is sore and I feel horrible" Sunmi complained
My mother put her hand on Sunmi's head "Oh this child has a fever
come on get her into back into bed" my mother order grabbing the othe side of Sunmi

"um is there anything I can do to help" Joo asked

"Oh um could you boil some tea its the first cabinet above the sink
pot is on the stove" I told her

I cleaned up the mess Sunmi made *shudders*
I went to my room to clean myself up again
and I saw I had a message on my phone
and it was TOP telling me to take Sunmi too school
and another saying he will be late coming home
"Aigoo" I shooked my head cause I got  the text wayyyy late
I walked back to Sunmi's room
"How is she doing?"

"I think she'll be fine.." my mom said wiping Sunmi's brow with a cloth
I gotta to admit....I'm a bit jealous because of the attention my mother
is showing Sunmi....I always had a nanny taking care of me
but I'm liking her new and improved self...
its better then the role she's been playing all my life
Hmmm....I really wonder what's up with her
"Yubin..Sunmi's stomach is a bit you think her
appendix burst.." she said slightly pressing on it

"haha Sunmi's appendix didnt burst she's preg.." I covered my mouth quick

"Binnieeee call Seungri please" Sunmi said in a tired whiny voice

"Hun Seungri is in school..."

"But he said if I was sick call him..and I need a refill on my meds" she told me

"your out of the pain killers" I asked her

"yeah I took the last two a few days ago"

"aigoo why didnt you say so earlier Mi"

"YAH! dont scold the poor girl when she's sick" my mother glared

"aigoo...ok I'll call him and tell him"
I said walking into the living room

"Hello Binnie whats up?"

"Hey Seungri..your little Mi is sick right now
and she's out of her pain killers"

"BOH! she's sick? How bad is it?"

"She has a fever and she's complaining about aches and her
stomach isnt to good..she puked on my freaking carpet"

"aigoo my poor Mi ah...can I talk to her?" he sounded so worried

"Sure hold on" I said walking back into the room
and handing the phone to Sunmi

"Seungri" she pouted into the phone

(Sunmi's POV)

"Hey there my little Mi ah I heard your not feeling well"

"yeah I feel like crap" I told him

"Well I'm on my way there...."

"araso...hurry ok" I said cutely into the phone

"aigoo even when sick she plays cute..araso I'll see you in a bit"

"ok bye"


"Here is the tea" someone said coming into my room

"Who hell the is that" I said confused and annoyed

"oh she's the wedding planner dear her names Joo" Yubin's mom said
taking the tea from Joo and passing it too me

"ah thanks Mrs. Kim" I said
"Oh Binnie Im sorry for puking all over the floor" I told her

"Its ok" she said rubbing my hand

"Sunmi dear has your appendix burst before?" Mrs. Kim asked

"Ummm nooo" I said scratched my head

"well does it hurt when I do this" she said poking my side

"OW Yes it does...who goes around poking people" I said annoyed and rubbing my side

"I think we should take her to the hospital" she said concerned

"Wait the hospital..wae?" I panicked

"Mother she doesnt have to go..." Yubin said

"Well she has all the symptoms fever, pale skin tone, belly swollen
and its tender to touch...." Mrs. Kim tried to explain

"Wait wait wait Mrs. Kim I dont have appendicitis...Im pregnant" I told her

it took her awhile to grasp what I said
I dont think Yubin and my brother told her

"Pregnant?! but your just a..." she started
"ahh what am I saying I had Yubin young" she shrugged
"Awww why wasnt I told this Yubin.." she asked why rubbing my belly

"Well ah ha ha" Yubin started to laugh nervously
then turned serious "Mother you know how are you are"

"haha well..Im a changed woman these days..and I would
love to help out.." she smiled brightly

"I've noticed...whats up with you any way" Yubin eyed her

Mrs. Kim from what I remember she was the evil Mommy dearest
she always had something to say about everything.....she was nice to me
and my sister but for some reason she couldnt be acceptable of my brother
and she was kind of passive with my parents......
this new attitude of hers is strange

"Honey nothing is wrong with me...Im getting old thats all"
she shook her head at the thought  

"mmmhmm" Yubin said not believing her


"Oooo Seungri" I jumped happy

"I'll get it" Yubin left to open the door

(Seungri's POV)

"Finally your here" Yubin said letting out a breath

"Yeah I brought lunch" I said walking in and placing the food in the kitchen
"How is she?" I asked her

"Alot better go check on her" she said tilting her head to the door

I had took of my shoes and placed them in the living room
I walked down the hall to Sunmi's room
and Yubin followed

"AH What the hell" I said as i stepped on a wet spot on the floor

"Oh hahaha that was Sunmi earlier" she laughed

I let out sigh and took off my socks and walked into the room

"Seungri" she perked up the moment she saw me

"Hey my Mi..are you feeling better" I said walkig towards her

"Yeah..oh Seungri you remember Mrs. Kim" she said pointing

"Oh yeah Hi.." I waved

"And thats Joo the wedding planner" she pointed to a girl in the corner

"Hi niice to meet you both"

"Um Mother and Joo we still have to finish the invitations" Yubin motioned them
out of the room

"Oh right...Sunmi dear if you need anything let me know araso" Mrs. Kim said
before leaving Sunmi gave her a little nod and she left

"Here you go.." I said passing her a brown bag " take them now"
the were her meds and a bottle of apple juice

"Finnne" she said opening the bag and taking them like i told her
"Seungri i feel like poo" she pouted

"Well would it help to say you look like poo too" I joked
she grabbed a pillow and went to throw it
"Oh" she stopped all of a sudden with wide eyes

"Sunmi you ok what happen"

"Oh...oh wow....I think peanut just kicked" she said holding her stomach
waiting for more movement "Oh my gosh she did..Seungri feel"
she said grabbing my hand placing it on her belly

I felt a small bump and I jumped alittle "OMO she kicked...she really did
Do it again it again" I said excitedly now with my face
to Sunmi's stomach

"Peanut come on do it for mommy" Sunmi pouted cutely waiting for a response
after sometime Peanut replied "Awww she did it" she smiled patting herself

"Wow Sunmi its really amazing" I said rubbing her stomach

"I know....I still cant believe that this happening" she sighed
and held her arms out "Cuddle" she said with a cute pout

I shook my head and said "Like i can deny that....aigoo Sunmi
I love you so much...." I said as we laid cuddling on the bed

"I know...I love you too" she smiled

(Yubin's POV)
Its was about 5:45pm when my Mother and Joo left
I was shocked that I spent a whole day with my Mother
and we did not argue or fight once....Honestly I had fun with her today

I was cleaning up the living room and kitchen
when TOP finally came Home....

"Hey just missed was work" I asked

"oh I just saw him leaving...and work was great...where is Sunmi?..Did you take her to school?"

"um she is sleeping and no I didnt cause she was sick today"

"really how bad was it" he said flopping on the couch

"she puked on the carpet" I said remembering *shudders*

He frowned his face "I bet that was fun..." He smiled
I wiped my hands dry from cleaning the dishes and flopped beside
him on the couch snugglly him "Ahh sooo what you do today
other than take care Sunmi?"

"My mother came.." he jumped


"Yeah spend the whole day together..she came over for the wedding
arrangements with wedding planner..."

"So it must have been ok if she stayed the whole day"

"Actually it was I had fun with her today no fighting...It was if
we were always this close" I smiled at the thought

"Well thats great your mother and you are improving your relationship"
he squeezed me


"Wow your tired already it not even barely 8 yet" he whined

"Hey i did alot today..planning our wedding..caring for a sick Sunmi..and cleaning.
Man Im pooped.....busyy busy day" I said closing my tired eyes

"Well lets go to bed" he said getting up lefting me over his shoulder

"Yah Seunghyun put me down" I yelled

"Yah quiet wanna wake up Sunmi...that wont be pretty" he warned

"heh I saw that earlier today..and noo thank you" I said and he carried to the room
throwing me on the bed " seem extra happy tonight"

"Well I am is that bad" he said removing his clothes putting on his bed clothes

"No its not bad but why are you happy"

"Well I can tell you yet I'll tell you tomorrow with the rest of my family" he said smiling
"No go to sleep" he said turning off the lights and hopping into bed

"Fine good night hyunnie" I said giving him a kiss and snuggled against his chest

"Night babe"

(Sunmi's POV)

For some reason My thick head bro thought it would be a great idea
to wake up me and Binnie up early this morning and go to my mom's house

"Why are you two still pouting you were gonna get up anyway" he said

"Yah! its the weekend I wanted to sleep till 12" I growled

"Yeah me too..who the hell wakes up 9:30 in the morning on the weekends" Yubin cursed

"I DO...and besides its not only you two Sunye is up too"

"I bet she was heated" I said looking out the window

"Yeah she was.." he laughed

"Why are we going to Ma's house so early anyway?"

"Well i have to tell you all something and I have something planned later" he smiled at Yubin
who rosed her eye brow " I figured this would be a great time"

When we got to the house we were greeted  with the smell of breakfast
and a grumpy looking Sunye

"YAH! THIS BETTER BE GOOD.." she yelled the minute she saw TOP
"Who the hell wakes up 9am in the morning on a weekend"

"I SAID THE SAME THING" Yubin exclaimed

"Hey you three stop complaining..breakfast is ready..and Im sure Seunghyun
has a good reason for this early morning.....let’s hope" she said the last part under her breath
we all giggled except TOP

We all set down and started on our breakfast
maybe after 5mins of eating.....TOP decides to open his mouth

"Ok I'm ready to talk..." we all looked at him glaring cause he is now interrupting feeding time
"Sorrrrrryy....BUT yesterday I was promoted to Co-Designer at my job" he smiled widely

"OMG ARE YOU SERIOUS" Yubin screamed dropping her fork and hugging him
"Babbbbee thats greattttt"

"Congrats TOP" Sunye said "FREE CLOTHES" me and her both said

"you two I swear...anyway Seunghyun thats great dear Im soo proud of you" my mom
said getting up and hugging him

"Ohhh..Peanut seems happy too" I said patting my stomach

"BOH?! she's kicking now" they all asked

and I nodded "She started last night.."

"Awww..finally i tought she was gonna be a lazy one like Seunghyun" My mom laughed

"Heyyyy" My brother protested

"So have you thought of any names yet" My mom asked

"NOO she still calls her peanut" Yubin told

"Aigoo Sunmi you not thinking of naming that poor girl Nam Peanut are you" Sunye
stamped her foot at the thought

"Hmm I never thought of that..I like it" I smiled and patted my belly
"Nam Peanut" and I looked at them and smirked

"Aigoo this girl...Sunmi ah are you at least thinking of any" My mom asked

I shrugged my shoulders "eh a few"
everyone looked at me waiting to tell them "ok fine..i like Moonblossom..Taeyeon..or Kimmy"
their mouths drop when i told them my names for peanut....

"Are you serious about Moonblossom...I mean the others are ok but MOONBLOSSOM
there is no way in hell im calling or letting you name my niece MOONBLOSSOM"
Sunye cringed at the thought

"Well I thought it was cute..and besides its my baby" I glared "I'll call her whatever I want"

"Well she does have a point...but Sunmi just think about little Moonblossom walking down
the halls beinging laughed at cause her name is MOONBLOSSOM..." my brother teased

I dont know why but i started to sniff....then tear..and then they just kept falling

"Hey hey hey no no no Sunmi dont cry..they were just picking..if you want to name
the baby Moonblossom go ahead..." Yubin tried to calm me down

"You two say sorry..NOOW" my mom barked at them

"Sunmi ah Im sorry I didnt mean it" TOP said

" either but just please dont name her Moonblossom" Sunye pouted

"O..o ..ok..*sniff*..I wont..I'll think of a better onn...onnee" I cried
aigoo these stupid emotions

It took me a good 5 minutes to comeback to my sense
"Aigoo my stupid hormones" I cursed

"Its ok Sunmi is normal I cried every time your father forgot to
ice in a cup of its normal" my mom told me

"Well Its time to go.." TOP quickly looked at his watched I guess he could tell
where the conversation was about to go and didnt want to mess up the atomosphere
"I'll see you all later araso..." he kissed me, Ma , and Sunye

"What about me" Yubin said a little jealous

"Umm you going too I told you that earlier" he reminded her

"Oh..ok...well I guess its a seeyah later from me too" she said as she hugged everyone

"You two be careful now" Ma said closing the door behind them

"Well I'm gonna hang out here for today" Sunye said yawning
"Im going to watch TV" she said walking into the living room

"What a bum...where's Yeeun Unnie anyway I havent seen her since the baby shower"
side flopping on the couch beside her

"She's hang out with her new friend...Changsung and Jiyong is hang out today
and besides I havent spent time with my lil sis since she move in with our brother"
She siad hugging me

"I know..I miss you too Unnie" I squeezed her back

"Girls" My mom came into the living room
"I'm heading out too..I have a meeting" she said kissing me and Sunye

"With who" we both asked

"None of your business" she said walking out the door
"See you too later"

"Hmph she never tells us anything" I pouted

"I know" Sunye pouted with me


"Hello" I said picking up my phone

"Hey Sunmi its me" it was Seungri

"Hey whats up..are you coming over today?"

"Um no..thats why am calling"

"awww why not" I pouted into the phone

"Well my parents and I are visiting my mom's sister
in the country....its her birthday and the said i had to come
cause my aunt hasnt seen me in a while..." He mopped into the phone

"Well if its been that long then you have to see her"

"Yeah I guess...what are gonna do today then?"

"Other than missing you..hang out with Sunye she's
staying here today" I smiled at her

"Oh well I guess i dont feel to bad about leaving you
at least you wont be alone"

"Nope we'll be fine...just go have fun and dont miss me to much" I smiled

"To late I miss you already" he said fake crying

"Aigoo this babo..bye Seungri call me later araso"

he laughed into the phone "Ok bye" he said hang up the phone

"Gosh you two are sooo cheesy" Sunye teased "Cheesier then the first time around"

"Soo we're cute and i dont say anything about you and Jiyong sickening PDA do I"

"YAH thats our love your talking about..and its smexy" she smiled at the thought

"Eww can have and my Ri will stick to what we do best
beinging cheesy" I spat

"hahahaha your sooo cute when your mad Sunmi" she poked my cheeks

"Wish I could say the same about you" I laughed

"Yah are you saying im not cute" she glared

"I didnt say that you werent cute Unnie...its just when your mad your scary looking"

"Ok fine I agree with you" we both laughed

(Taeyang's POV)

It was about mid afternoon and i was just lounging around house
I didnt feel like going anywhere really and its been awhile since
I had day to myself

"Yo man um about to go out for abit wanna come with"
Jiyong asked leaning of the sofa

"Nahhh Im cool for today..I just wanna relax a bit"
I said flipping through the channels on tv

"alright man and remember think hard about your decision" he said leaving

"I go so I can think" I waved him off

I spend about 10 mins scan through the TV before I turned off
"Maybe I should go to the gym..nah I dont feel like moving" I debated with myself

I wonder Sohee is doing without another thought
I picked up the phone and dailed her number


"....Hello" her cute voice sang through the ear piece

"Hey Sweets its me just calling to see what your doing"

"Oh hey Tae...Im doing ok" she said softly into the phone
"Im glad you called"

"Im sorry I've been not available just a lot of stuff going on"

"Oh its ok understand *sniff*" she didnt sound like her normal self

"Sweets are you ok you sound a little down" I asked worried

"Um just a little..."

"Tell me what happen" I said calmly

"Um well yesterday my Daddy.." she got quiet
"He had a heart attack" she cried softly

"Oh my god really omo is he ok baby?"

"yeah *sniff* he is *sniff* ok they said he got to the hospital in time before it got worse"

"Well thats good thats good....wait where are you?"

"I'm at home..." she sniffed

"Then who's with your Dad"

"My mom.." she said in a whisper

"Your Mom really...when did she come back"

"2 days ago..she told me stay home because she knows i hate the hospital"

"Well I can come keep you company, thats if you want me too"

"I'd like that a lot" I could see her smile

"well I'll get dress and did you eat yet?"

"No" was her reply

"ok then I'll bring food"

"ok see you when you get here"

"ok bye"

I was at Sohee's house in 15 minutes
I got out of the car with bags of food
I wanted to cook for her
before I got half to to the door
Sohee was already opening the door and coming my way

"Hey.." kissed me "are you cooking me something?" she smiled


She took a few of the bags and we had into the house
and placed them in the kitchen

I made us seafood spaghetti she really enjoyed it
for some reason the spaghetti tasted better than its ever had...
I think cause we ate it together
We cleaned up the dishes and rested on the couch

"I've missed you these pass couple days" she said rubbing my chest

I gently ran my fingers through her hair "Yeah me too"
The whole time I was with Sohee not one time, not even one minute
did I think of Sunmi until this very moment

As I held Sohee sweetly into my arms
I thought about my choice

 (Sunmi's POV)


I scrambed for my phone
when I looked at the clock it was 1:15am

"Aissshhh who is calling this late"
I open the phone and it was Sohee

"Yah! Sohee ah you ok" I asked really worried cause she never calls
this late unless something is wrong

"Sohee?!" there was a sigh into the phone

"Sunmi ah we need to talk" it was him.......

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Hello its been like 7 years since I've updated this story. I had chapters done but i guess i never posted them and left you all hanging. My bad. I got writers block and i didnt like one of the chapters ending and it irked me so much i stopped writing. I Just want to say sorry guys.


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It has been three hard years...although it highly unlikely you'll update I just wanna say I love this story
Please update *^*
llynbhb #4
update as soon as possible pleaaase :DDD <3
eejiyoo9752 #5
Oh my god it's been a long time! Another great chapter. Hope to see you updating this soon! <3
Finally update
Seungri really thoughtful by ask sunmi to get married
thx for update
fydapanda #7
pleaseeee update TT.TT
your story is too good ..
damnit...your story seems good. but i can't be distracted right now -___- <br />
i've been taking a break every few minutes and decided to come on then i found your story<br />
it seems promising and i like your cover :D sunmi has always been my fave in wg and she always made a cute couple w/seungri. i'll read again in a few minutes :D so expect another comment from me soon :)
binnie #9
what a great story!! i like this story.. ^^
arahbear #10
How sweet! I love Seungri so much in this story...<br />
He's gonna be a best dad!