


"Okay mooom, I'm going to do it later."

Luhan yelled at his mother from his room. He was sitting in front of his computer as always and watching a movie. Not some stupid action movie but Leon. He always loved that movie and watched it whenever he was feeling down or he was confused or he needed a laugh, which he need all three of them right now.

"Don't make me come Luhan! I said clean your room, not tomorrow, not later, NOW!" Luhan's mother yelled at him again from the kitchen. He choose not to answer her question. He looked at his belongings. They moved 1 week ago but Luhan's books were still in their boxes all tidied and peacefully lying there on the ground. Which looked pretty in order to him unlike his mom telling that it looks like a "total mess". She even tried to blackmail him telling him if he don't tidy his room she will go to his room and throw all of his books away.

Of course he didn't bought it. He knew his mother knew that his books are his most precious things in this whole world. Well except for his computer, of course.

But things got serious when Luhan heard his moms steps coming near to his room. He only heard one slipper sound, which meant she was already holding her other slipper with her left hand, ready to throw at him.

He slowly get up from his seat and walked to his door and stand next to his new bed. Ready to dodge from the flying slipper but he couldn't hear his mother's steps. He frowned but waited, ready to jump or run. Luhan was holding his breath, waiting for a sign to move but nothing happened.

Maybe she was going to the bathroom he thought and looked at his door. The he slowly moved and held out his hand to open the door.



Luhan tried to open the door but when he moved the holder a little bit the door opened all of a sudden and the last thing he saw was a flying slipper which he dodged with his good reflexes thanks to his soccer trainings. But his mother also had a training which was scolding his younger brother almost everyday because of his sharp tongue.

He tried to run across the room but then he realized that his mother never missed the spot she wants to hit. She was really skilfull about that, he needed to tell. It was included his arms and even his left ear which hurted like hell when it get hit.

He then turn around to see his mother grabbing his laptop and turning away.

"Nooooo! Not my laptop!" Luhan yelled and run back at his desk.

"No. No laptop for you till you finish unpacking those books." her mother said.

"But moo-"

Luhan get cut off with her mother's serious tone which he knew very well.

"Im serious Luhan, if you don't unpack those boxes now I will make your brother put a new password to your computer and will give it to him."

Luhan was speechless now. He knew his brother. That bastard, he thought. He would be really happy to see his older brother begging him for his computer and he knew his brother well enough to guess that he would have probably ask for money too. But how was his mother so cruel right now to tell something like that. She was probably on her period or something like that. Because he couldn't find a better explanation for that right now. Taking away his computer and giving it to his younger-bastard brother? He was really speechless.

"Treats you right." she said, happy about Luhan's face which was angry but desperate at the same time.

She then turn away and left Luhan behind.


Luhan murmured to himself. Maybe it was that, his mother was already on her last years of 40's so that must be it. He should have known better to keep his thoughts to himself..

He didn't saw the flying slipper this time and get hit by his left ear.






Luhan throw his 10th grade books to the garbage. He had no idea why he even carried them with him. He was already 20 years old now and a college student for two years now.

"Physics? Oh God, I was taking that class too right?" he looked at the book inside of his hands and then throw it to the other side of his room, trying to get away from it.

He always knew what he wants to study about, which is going to an arts school, which he is going right now. Of course physics had nothing to do with it.

He ignored his stupid decision and continued to unpacking, head banging with the music coming from his ipod. Until he saw that book again.


XX SCHOOL '10-'11


He stared at the yearbook for awhile then put it to his desk, continuing to unpack his books with a poker face on his face right now. He was not listening the music too. He was hearing things but he couldn't understand the lyrics, well he didn't try to do so.

When he was finished after 3 hours, he tried his best to make his bookshelf look good and tidied he even put his series in alphabetic order just to spend more time make them look even better. He finally get up from his place, and looked at his shelfs again to find something wrong but couldn't find anything so went back to his bathroom and washed his hands, trying to sweep the dusts from his hands then washed his face too, just to get away from the sweat then he noticed he was sweating like hell so he decided to take a loooong shower.

He put his clothes next to his bathrobe and went into his bathtub. He checked the water before going in and when he was sure about the heat he get in. After awhile the warm water make him feel relax and he let the water flow while he was just standing there, his eyes closed, remembering his face again. He couldn't stop thinking about him since he saw that yearbook.

"Sehun..." he whispered to no one. But he felt the chills when he said his name and felt a sudden urge to see him again. He quickly took his bathrobe and stepped out of the bathtub not caring about drying his hair and just putting another towel to his head and rushing towards to his desk, only to find the yearbook he put almost 5 hours ago.

He slowly reached for it and opened the first page. Their school's name, the year and their national anthem right after that page. He didn't rush things, he looked at all of the pages. He looked at his old principal who was a tough man. He would always wonder around with his black shoes and his red tie if it's monday and his gray tie if it's wednesday and his black tie if it's friday. other than that days he never saw their principal in the school corridors.There were gossips about him and his secretary having an affair. Of course Luhan didn't try to learn more about it and just let it go, doesn't even caring about it.

There was his so called "P.E teacher" that did nothing but only humiliate him in front of his whole class and later in the whole school by making him the water guy for their basketball team when he was in his first year of highschool. He was really irritated about that and the way he announced it in front of the whole class. He remembered the words too:

"Since our Lulu can't play basketball maybe we should make him our water guy, than he can be at least useful somehow. What do you think Lulu? Can you serve water to our boys without spilling or dropping them everywhere?"

Of course everyone started to make fun of him after that nickname and it was still annoying to him, even remembering it was giving him goosebumps. But he was somehow happy now that his teacher make him do that, or else he wouldn't have met with his friends and him...

He turned the page and saw the picture he was looking for.

Our school's basketball team:The Hawks

There he was, standing next to the boy with brown caramel hair, smiling like it was for a teeth commercial. He could see the happiness in his own eyes and then looked at the other boy with caramel hair.

He drifted his fingers to the edge of the picture only to brush his fingertips at the boy's hair. He knew that didnt help at all but he couldn't help himself, only thinking about his smooth, fluffy hairs. The way he move his bangs from his eyes when it was starting to get too long and the way he calmed his hair back with lots of gel, making his forehead stand when they were going to pick up some chicks.

Then his fingertips drifted to his face how much he loved his face. The way he furrowed his eyebrows when he was confuse or too focused on playing basketball. Or the way he laughed, he always hated his laugh for some reason that Luhan would never understand. He always loved the way Sehun laugh and couldn't help but stare at him with an admiring face. Sehun would always misunderstand it as Luhan was looking at him because he was looking hilarious when he laughed so he would stop immediately even Luhan told him not to billion times. And that wasn't the only thing Sehun misunderstood about Luhan.

"Luhaaaan! Aren't you done yet? The dinner is ready!" Luhans mother called him from the kitchen again. He looked at Sehun one more time and sighed heavily then turn to his closet and picked out some clothes to wear.







Luhan waited for his mother to look at him which didn't happen.

"Mom?" he asked again trying to gain her attention.

"What Lu?" his mom answered this time looking at him.

They were currently eating their dinner ,his favorite dish Galbijjim, with his younger brother and his mother.

"Do you remember Sehun?" Luhan asked still looking at his mother face, trying to read her face.

"Uhm..." his mother stopped chewing for a second and lifted her head, looking at the ceiling trying to remember where she heard that name before.

"Oh, Oh's son? He was your friend in highschool right? You would study physics together." she blurted out after couple of seconds.

"Yeah, its him."

"Why? What happened?" his mother asked this time.

"Nothing, you were good friends with his family right?"

"Yeah, I remember his mother, she was a lovely woman."

"Uhum." Luhan said nodding his head and then turning his gaze to his food again.

"Luhan? Why did you ask honey?" his mother asked this time.

"For nothing, i just asked." he said and shrugged his shoulders. He didn't know why he asked too, or maybe he knew it but couldn't say it out loud.

After dinner when he was going to his room a hand pulled him. He turned around only to see his brother pulling him towards to his own room.

"What now Kai? I don't have time for you right now. And if it's about the money I borrowed from you, you have no chance right now. I'm broke." he said tired from his brothers .

"It's not about that and believe me or not this is not about me but you." Kai said and tried to pull his brother again.

"Do I have to get into your room? It creeps me out." he said gazing his room behind the door.

He really did get scared of his brother sometimes. He was a lovely child when he was younger, he did tried to blackmail his brother time to time getting some money from him for not to tell his secrets to his friends and his mother but still he wasn't into weird stuff like he is into it right now. Luhan would hear weird noises coming from his bedroom and swear to not go into his room when he heard a loud bam sound coming from his room at 2 in the morning.

When Kai saw Luhan hesitating again he dropped his hand and give up while rolling his eyes.

"OKay, then let's go to your room." he said and started to walk towards to his brothers room.

"What the hell are you doing right now?" Luhan asked stopping him one more time.

"Look Lulu I don't have time for your problems but as a good brother like I am, I'm going to help you." Kai said.

"What problem, I don't have problems unlike you." Luhan said pointing at his brother a little bit offended.

"Oh really Lulu? Really?"

"Why? I thought you liked getting called with that name, at least from him. Sehun." Kai said pointing out and happy to see his older brothers shocked face.

"So, are we going to talk now?" Kai said and turned his back again, walking to his room.



Luhan was looking at his younger brother, which was looking at his posters hanging on the walls of his room right now.

"Soo?" Luhan said motioning him to continue talking.

"Is that real bronze?" Kai asked, pointing at his medal, ignoring his question.

"Yes, forget about that, why do you even care. Just start talking." Luhan said quickly not caring about his brothers stupid questions.

"Hmm. Can I take it?" Kai asked again without breaking his gaze with the medal.

"No, of course not. I get that when I won the painting competition in my first year of highschool, it's important for me." Luhan said getting annoyed.

"If you give me that medal, I think I can make you and Sehun hyung meet again." Kai said now looking at his brother.

Of course he would ask something. When did he do things to only make people happy? He always wants things Luhan thought and rolled his eyes. The medal was really important for him. If Sehun didn't give courage to him to join the competition he wouldn't have get it though. He remembered the way he tried to convince him and smiled without noticing.

It's just an old medal he thought.

"Okay you can take it. " Luhan said and saw the evil smile on his brothers eyes, but it wasn't like his normal evil smile when he get something through blackmailing or with force. It was like he was an innocent child that found his lost teddy bear again and it creeped the out of Luhan and decided not ask him why he was taking his medal.

Kai put the metal into his pocket and turned to face with Luhan.

"Sehun, his younger brother is in the same class with me. If you come to my school to get me you can see him again because Sehun always does that and sometimes he even drive me back to my house too." Kai said simply.

"Wait, that was it? You could have just told me that." Luhan blurted out now angry because of his evil brother.

"No one does things for free. Only idiots." he said and winked at Luhan than closed his door, leaving an angry Luhan behind the door.




"Hey! Water boy! Get me some water." one of the idiots yelled. He knew that guy, his name was Kris and he was one the most popular guys in school because of his "amazing basketball skills". But of course he knew it was not just that but also his love life. The girls were going crazy for him and he was even tempting the guys in his class, including the boy in his history class named Tao.

Luhan sighed heavily and get up from his seat next to the table with full of bottles and energy drinks. He grabbed one cup and poured some water in it.

He was still in school after class, with his headphones on, listening music and trying to ignore the whole team in front of his eyes. Except for those times that they would mock with him and want stuff from him.

He turned his back to the table and started to look around for the guy who wanted him to give some water. The guy waved at him mockingly and pointed himself. Luhan fight with the urge to roll his eyes and looked around to dodge from the ball which could hit him any time since he was in the basketball court now.

When he was finally next to Kris he held out the cup to him. The boy looked at the cup and smirked.

"I didn't want water you idiot. I wanted some energy drink." he said and hit the cup with his left hand, making the water poured out to Luhan's sneakers which get soaked out immediately and made his feet sticky and cold. It was his favorite shoes and he was wearing his lucky socks, which was never giving him luck.

He would have drop it and go back to get him his energy drink like as usual but this time it was different. he felt the sudden urge to punch him on the face but hold himself and didn't move either. Luhan just stand there and looked at him until he would drift his gaze over to Luhan.

"You wanted me to get you some water. I heard it really clearly." Luhan said trying not to sound so angry but his voice was cracking because of the excitement he was getting right now.

"What?" Kris asked looking at Luhan, with his proud face. After all he was mocking with Luhan in front of everyone as always and he was gaining popularity by doing that.

"You didn't want me to get you some energy drink but water. I heard it clearly." Luhan insisted again this time with a confident voice.

The boy frowned to his answer. Obviously Kris was not expecting the water boy to answer back at him.

"Then you heard me wrong because of those stupid headphones, you head." he said and pulled the headphones from Luhan's ear harshly.

Luhan looked at him ready to attack any time. He didn't fight even one time in his whole life but he couldn't believe that idiot really pulled his headphones without asking him. His precious 300 dollar headphones that he bought with his 4 weeks of pocket money.

The boy saw the fierce in Luhan's eyes and smirked again making the little boy cringe. He pulled out the headphones and dropped it to the ground, into the water he poured a while ago.

"Noooo!" Luhan yelled and tried to grab it but he was too late. The headphones dropped into the little water lake with a small splash sound. He kneeled in front of it and get it from the water as quick as possible trying to check it if it's still working or is it too wet.

"Are you going to cry too princes? What are you even doing here I thought girls are not allowed to get into our practice room. If you have needs you should have waited for me outside of the practice room, I would love to help you out."

The boys laughed at his stupid words and Luhan felt himself trembling because of anger. He lifted his head and looked right through the boy and when he was going to attack he felt something on his shoulder.

He turned his head to the person who is holding his shoulder right now. He saw the half-wet caramel brown hair first, it was just too shiny than the guys face which was even more shiny than the boys hair itself. He felt his head going blank for a second.

"Okay Kris, that's enough. Let the boy alone." the boy said looking at Kris now.

"What dude, we were just having some fun." Kris said still laughing.

"You were having fun." the boy corrected him and drifted his gaze to the boy in front of him again.

"Okay, get up." the boy said and held out his hand to help Luhan. Kris just shrugged and went to his friends side not caring about Luhan anymore.

"Are you okay? Let's go to the bathroom it looks like you need some fresh air." the boy said and smiled at Luhan. Luhan was still speechless and he felt his mind going wild when he saw the boy smiling at him. He just nod and followed the boy.




Luhan put his headphones on again. He loved listening music ever since. It was just soothing him and making him enjoy the things going around him even more. Not a lot of people understand him but one person did. The person who gave him the headphones after his old ones get out of order when it fall into the water.

The person gave it to him when it was his birthday but the person had one condition. He wouldn't have listen sad songs with it, because than he would have cry and the thing he hated the most was seeing Luhan cry. So Luhan only listened happy songs with it and didn't listen music when he was feeling down just to keep his promise to the person.






"Are we going to be okay? What if the principal is still here? I mean we shouldn't be here at this hour..." Luhan said.

"Dont worry, he is not here." Sehun said.

The two was at the school after their basketball training, well more like Sehun's training, Luhan was just giving them water and energy drinks since he was the "water boy" of the team. But since Sehun dragged him out of the practice room when Kris mocked with Luhan they become good friends and the other boys stopped mocking with him because of some reason. He wasn't sure either. It wasn't like Sehun was older like them, actually he was at his age and they even had same classes.

They were in the same philosophy, English and Korean class. Luhan had no idea why Sehun was taking philosophy classes first but then he learned Sehun like philosophy too. Actually they even liked arguing about the books they read and try to convince each other for their opinions. Luhan was not stepping back easily since he was really sure about his opinions and Sehun was stubborn enough to make him do so since he was really talkative and convincing when it comes to defending his own opinion.

They become good friends through weeks and now they would even do stupid things together like teenagers would do;like getting in detention just to secretly observe girls.

"Can you tell me again, what are we doing here?" Luhan asked one more time.

Sehun sighed but still controlled his urge to punch Luhan in the face. Not that he would or he could do it but still the little boy was testing his nerves.

"You forget to give your project to the art teacher and since she is an she wont take your amazing painting tomorrow. And since we don't want you to fail the class we will put your painting into her class without her noticing." Sehun explained again.

"And how are we going to do that? I don't think the door is open." Luhan said this time pointing another reason to get the out of there and return to his computer, listen some music and then cry over his painting which will never go to the competition because of his stupid brain.

"Don't worry about that." said Sehun and Luhan heard some tingling voices coming from Sehuns pockets.

When they were in front of the door Sehun grabbed the keys from his pocket and opened the door after his third try.

"Where did you find that keys?" Luhan asked pointing at the keys in Sehun's hand.

"Don't look a gift horse in the mouth." Sehun said and shrugged.

Sehun took the painting from Luhan's hands and put it to the teachers desk. Under some of the other paintings of course.

Luhan heard some noises coming from the corridors.He turned to Sehun immediately and tugged his arm.

"Sehun we are screwed, I'm hearing voices. We are so screwed oh God I will never be able to go to the art school anymore. I can see them Sehun, I can see Van Gogh and Dali waving at me from the other side and I can see Beethoven flipping at me." Luhan said his eyes wide as ever and looking at the space with a panicked face.

"Shh! Don't panic, it will be okay." Sehun said quickly trying to make Luhan shut up.

"They should cut my fingers, I'm a freaking cheater and liar, they are going to cut my fingers! Oh God, I will never be able to play piano again..." Luhan said this time still panicking.

"What even- Luhan its not the 16 century, no one will cut your fingers but if you don't shut up now I will choke you." Sehun hissed under his breath.

"Im dead, Im a freaking corpse. My mother will kill me and my father is probably turning in his grave." Luhan said.

Sehun understand that he couldn't make Luhan move by talking so he just put his hand to Luhan's mouth and dragged him to the other side of the room and opened on the the lockers and when he heard the footsteps coming closer he throw himself and Luhan to the locker at the same time which caused him to scratch his back and his right arm. He closed the lockers door and motioned Luhan to be quiet.

The thing he didn't know was Luhan wasn't even be able talk in that situation, this close to Sehun, feeling his breath on his forehead while their bodies are pressed together. He couldn't even breath and hold it until he feels like he is going pass out. He felt his heart racing and he couldn't hear anything but his heart until Sehun moved his head closer to Luhan's, looking at him with concerned eyes.

He saw Sehun moving his lips but couldn't hear or understand what he was trying to say to him.

"Luhan? Are you okay? You are all red, it's okay don't worry we won't get caught they are already gone." Sehun said looking at the little boy.

Sehun opened the lockers door again and stepped outside taking Luhan with him holding his hand. Sehun looked at Luhan and he was confused about his reactions a second ago he was talking like a machine and then he was red like tomato and now he was trembling? At least his hands were trembling.

"Luhan? Are you okay?" Sehun asked again, concerned about his best friends mental health.

Luhan slowly nod and took one step, looking at Sehun's confused eyes. He took one more step and now they were standing next to each other like before. Luhan didn't take his eyes from Sehuns eyes and slowly lifting himself till he is in the same height as Sehun. Than he get closer to the taller boy, looking at his every mimic trying to read his mind. It looked like he was lost.

Luhan took some energy from Sehun's hand which is still holding his hand and put his other hand to Sehun's shoulder trying to gain his balance back. He moved closer til there is no space between his nose and Sehun's nose, breathing the same air at the same time.

Sehun opened his mouth to let out a low "what" sound and then Luhan kissed him.

It wasn't a passionate kiss and they didnt even moved their lips, Luhan just pressed his lips on to his slowly and waited for his reaction. Sehun was surprised but he did nothing to block Luhan for kissing him. He just stood there, looking at his best friends beautiful hazel eyes while he is kissing him.

Luhan took his lips after 2 or3 seconds and took 2 steps back waiting for Sehun's reaction. The boys just stood there, looking lost with a poker face.

Sehun wasn't looking at him but looking at the space. Then he touched his lips with his left hand. Luhan finally felt the courage in him and spoke.

"Im so-" he get cut off with Sehun's hand. He lifted his hand to the air motioning Luhan to stop and he did stop. Then Sehun turned his back and left the room. Leaving a broken Luhan at the back too.




Luhan's phone vibrated for the 8th time. Not that he was counting or anything but still he knew he had to answer them at some point but he just ignored the texts he is receiving and turned to his yearbook again.

There was she, standing with all of her "glory."

"That little ..." Luhan murmured to the yearbook.

The girl was in their school and if he is not remembering wrong- of course he was not- her name was Mei. She was a transfer student and Sehun started to date with her with her when they were on their senior year, with lots of others girls too...




Luhan texted Sehun when he was at home but Sehun didn't answer him. He tried to call him and even thought about going his house but then he remembered that he doesn't know where his house his. He tried to contact with him in every possible way but he couldn't and since it was weekend he was really frustrated too.

Luhan sighed heavily as he sat to the couch and buried his head to one of the pillows.

"Why? Why it's weekend?" Luhan murmured to the pillow.

He felt something on his head. He turned his head from the pillow, still hugging it like it's his teddy bear and Luhan saw his mother caressing his hair with her hand.

"I thought you were an average student. Since when you are so into the school?" his mother asked, still caressing his hair.

"It's not because of the school, its just..." Luhan stopped talking and looked at his mother, trying to make her understand from his eyes.

"Girl problems?"

It was close enough.

"Yeah." Luhan said not caring about the girl part. It wasn't like she was going to scold him for being gay but he just couldn't find the energy in him to tell about that yet. Especially when he was trying to deal with his own emotions.

"What happened Lu? Talk to me." his mother said.

"There is this..." Luhan stopped for a second. He was almost going to say boy.

"Girl, in my school. We are friends since, well almost since we started highschool. And I kissed him yesterday and he just left without telling me anything. And he doesn't answer my calls or return my messages and I don't know what to do mom, what if we never talk? I love her and spending time with her. I just don't want to break our friendship but I think I just did by kissing him and I'm going crazy right now.. "Luhan blurted out, raising his voice a little bit higher every time he starts another word.

"Wait, decide honey. Is it a boy or a girl?" his mother asked, still caressing his hair.

"What?" Luhan looked at his mother with a confused face.

"You said him time to time. It's okay if you like a boy honey, no need to hide it." his mother said. Luhan just lowered his head, acknowledging it quietly.

"What am I going to do mom?" Luhan asked still looking down. He felt warm tears escaping from his eyes.

"Dont worry honey, when he feels it's about the time he would come and talk with you. Just don't get depressed so quickly, everythings going to be fine."

"But what if he doesn't like me back?" Luhan said now looking at his mother's eyes, trying to read her thoughts.

"Than its his lost and there is more fish in the sea." his mother said and stopped caressing his hair.

"And if he doesn't like you back, dont talk with him again. Who can say no to my beautiful son? Look at your face and you shiny hair and your eyes... I love your eyes Lu, they remind me of your father." Luhan's mom said looking at his eyes, trying to search for something that Luhan will never understand.

"I miss him too mom, I wonder what would he say if he knew that Im... Im..." Luhan couldnt say gay for some reason.

"He would have smacked that guys for making you cry, I'm sure about that. Maybe he would have run after him with his kalashnikov." Luhan mother said and smiled at the thought.

"Thank you mom." Luhan said after laughing along with her. Than he get up to go to his room.

"Look at that , who could say no to that? I made that, of course it's perfect." he heard his mother yelling at his back.





Luhan tried to talk with Sehun Monday but Sehun just started to walk away and didn't even looked at Luhan. Luhan tried to gain his attention whole day and finally he saw him when the school end. He quickly walked to his side.

Sehun saw him and looked at him for a second. It didn't seem like a second though. Luhan felt Sehun burning holes on his face. He felt his face getting blushed and stand where he is.

Luhan said Sehun's name. He was suspicious about him hearing his voice though. But it felt like Sehun heard him. He turned his head to his side and grabbed someone from the hand. Sehun pulled the girl towards to his body and kissed her harshly, in front of whole school.

Luhan felt something breaking. He wasn't sure what was is though. It wasn't his heart, he knew that. Because he couldn't feel his heart, he felt his heart stopping. It just his heart, he was sure about that. Luhan felt something inside of him breaking and heard someone sobbing. Then he realized it was himself.

Sehun looked at Luhan, he was just standing there breathing heavily. He saw his moving harshly and tears beside his cheeks. He regretted what he did and broke the kiss immediately when he saw Luhan turning around and starting to run from the place.

"Se-Sehun? What?" the girl asked. He wasn't even sure who was she. And he didn't care either. He just wanted Luhan to see that he is into girls, not boys. He should be into girls, not boys or Luhan. He shouldn't be feeling this way when Luhan kissed him or he shouldn't be think about Luhan whole weekend instead of going out and picking some chicks.

But he did. He knew it when he saved Luhan from Kris, he always knew it but he hadn't have balls like Luhan to tell him that he has a crush on him. He always thought it was something like a bromance but when he felt the butterflies flying around in his stomach when Luhan kissed him, he knew it. He had a crush on Luhan.

Sehun looked at the girl and simply said "Nothing, just wanted to do it." and then ran after Luhan to catch him. he looked around and couldn't see Luhan anywhere. He stepped towards and looked behind the school, the gates and Luhan was nowhere to be found.

"Screw this..." Sehun said and went into the school. He looked at the corridors and Luhan's locker then he heard someone sobbing quietly. Sehun noticed it was coming from the Physics lab and ran there without thinking twice. He opened the door and saw Luhan sitting of the desks, his head buried to his arm, trying to muffle his voice.

Sehun couldn't take it anymore and walked towards to him. It looked like Luhan was in his own world because he didn't even reacted to his steps coming closer to him. Sehun stopped when he was in front of Luhan. He didn't know what to do so he put his hand to his shoulder.

Luhan lifted his head immediately with a shocked face. His face wet with his own tears, and his forehead red because of the pressure his hand was giving to it. Sehun never saw Luhan like that in their friendship for almost 1 year. He was used to Luhan singing lazily when he was bored at English class or drawing sketch of Sehun's back, since Sehun was sitting in front of him in English class. Or sometimes he would show him his paintings, his eyes full of concern and expectation at the same time, waiting for Sehun to say something nice for his paintings, and Sehun would do so, not disappointing him. And his face when he said so was just priceless.

Luhan would make him smile even when he was angry at his father, talking about his child memories when his father was still alive and make him laugh saying his mother was the only woman who could make his father cry. Sehun was jealous of Luhan's parents relationships sometimes. From the things Luhan was telling him Sehun understand they were really close and open to each other. They were their best friends and lovers at the same time and it was something Sehun never saw. Neither of his own relationships and his parents relationship.

But Luhan's father died when he was 8 so Sehun never talked about his feelings about them. But he knew he always wanted a relationship like that;a relationship with your best friend. And now Sehun was feeling guilty because his best friend was crying because of him. And Luhan's face when he saw it was Sehun who is holding his shoulder was making his heart ache. His best friend looked somewhat scared of his face?

"I'm sorry Sehun, I will go now. You don't have to see me like that." Luhan said and drifted his gaze to the windows next to him then tried to stand up but Sehun didn't let him do so.

"You are right. I don't want to see you like that." Sehun said with a cold voice but still keeping his hand on Luhan's shoulder.

Luhan felt his heart sinking. He knew that already but hearing it from Sehun's own mouth was somewhat more effective.

Sehun felt Luhan trembling. He looked so faint and it looked like he was pitying himself. Sehun turned his body towards to him and lifted his other hand to hold Luhan's face. He forced Luhan to turn his face and now they were looking each other. Sehun wiped away the tears with his fingers.

"I don't want to see you cry, never ever cry in front of me again. Especially if it's because of me." Sehun whispered and Luhan tried not to sob.

Sehun leaned closer and now they were breathing the same air, their noses almost touching each other.

"Wh-What are you doing?" Luhan let out quickly. He tried to back away but Sehun hold him in place.

"Isnt it obvious?" Sehun answered, well, said simply.

"But you just kissed that girl..." Luhan said lowering his eyes to the floor.

"Does that mean I can't kiss someone else?"

"No, but-"

"Great then." Sehun said and cut Luhan's words with his lips. He wasn't sure what he was supposed to do but something told him he was doing it right. He moved his lips and pecked Luhan again. Sehun felt something was off, Luhan was not answering back and he felt something warm touching his lips, something wet.

"Are you crying?" Sehun said breaking their kiss and looking at Luhan.

"N-no..." Luhan said trying to hide his face while sweeping away his tears. He let out a chuckle too.

"Why are you crying now? I thought you like me?" Sehun said confused.

"I'm not crying!" Luhan said this time his voice is stronger than before and he saw Luhan's face then. He wasn't trying to hide his tears, he was trying to hide his red face Sehun thought and smirked.

"Than what do you want me to do? You cry when I kiss someone, you cry when I don't kiss you, you cry when I kiss you too."

"Oh shut up you idiot!" Luhan said and playfully hit Sehun's arm while laughing still with his bright red face.

"I'm sorry." said Luhan after he stopped laughing but still looking at right into Sehun's eyes.

"For what?"

"For kissing you without even telling you anything..."

"Its okay, Im the one running away after you did so. So it looks like I'm guilty because running away from you and you are guilty because you didn't tell me about your feelings. We can say we are even now. So let's let it go." Sehun said and waited for Luhan's answer.

"No more running away?" Luhan said after a while. "I tried to talk with you whole day long and I even skipped lunch, trying to look for you. I swear if you ran away again I won't try to catch you, it's so fricking tiresome..." Luhan said nagging.

"I promise Lu, no more running away..." Sehun said and kissed Luhan again.

That night both Sehun and Luhan went home late. They went to a restaurant to eat some dinner and celebrate their new relationship. Both of their mothers was angry at them and while Sehun was listening a loooong speech about him going home late, using drugs and alcohol is bad, Luhan was running in the house trying to dodge from his mother's slippers. Both of them was tired that night (Luhan had two red spots, one of them on his left ear and one of them on his right arm) but they lied on their beds happily, looking at their good night messages and slept their phones on their hands...






Luhan dropped the yearbook to his desk and went to change into his pjs. He couldn't get his computer from his mom and he didn't insist either, knowing his mother. He decide that he could read a book since he had nothing to do and he was excited about tomorrow. So he throwed his torso on his fluffy bed and nuzzled under his blankets, holding a book in his hands.

He started to read it and when he heard his phone vibrating he was surprised and the he remembered the messages he get before the dinner too. He opened his phone:

14 new messages, 2 missed calls

Luhan read all of them and answered them with a simple:

"I'm sorry, I was unpacking"

and then dropped his phone again, returning his eyes to his book,ignoring the new messages one more time.




Luhan and Sehun started to date, they were friends as usual but when they were alone they were more closed to each other. Luhan knew that Sehun doesn't wants to tell everyone they are dating so he insists about it and keep it as a secret. Actually it was funny too. When girls come and confess to Luhan, Sehun would gone crazy and he was having fun with it.

When they were in the 10th grade Luhan started to take physic classes too, just to spend some time with Sehun and since he had no idea about the class ,he was watching Sehun's back whole time, trying to do a sketch of him and get amazed by his hair when the sun hits him. Luhan would always want to caress Sehun's hair but he never do that when they were in the school but when he comes to his house to study physics with him he wouldnt help but play with his hair all the time.

They would go to dates time to time too, but it was never like real dates. They couldnt hold hands, they couldn't kiss or they couldn't even sit in a cafe and only look each others eyes while sipping from the same bubble tea. Luhan would always thought his relationship would be like that but it wasn't. And he wasn't unhappy about that, since he was with his Sehunnie everything was great to him. And there were times that they would go to the park far far away from their school and Luhan's house but Luhan guessed it was near to Sehun's house. He never saw Sehun's house though.


"Which is a derived quantity?
C-force ?"
Sehun asked Luhan, fully concentrated on the book. Sehun waited for Luhan to answer the question. Luhan was not interested in the question though.
He was watching Sehun. They were in a park, far far away from the people they know and they were leaning onto a big tree, their books on their lap. Sehun looked just amazing with the jacket on his shoulders and the way he was frowning was just making Luhan breathless. The way he rolled up his sleeves and the way he hold the pen with manly hands... Luhan ,as always, couldn't concentrate to the subject and watched Sehun instead of that.
Sehun turned his head to Luhan when he couldn't get his answer and when he saw Luhan's face he knew what was wrong.
"Common, Lulu concentrate. We need to study physics, the exam is coming soon." Sehun said, rolling his eyes. Of course he liked the fact Luhan was mesmerized with his looks but they really needed to study, especially Luhan, since his first grade was not that good either.
Luhan leaned closer to Sehun
"I can study physics... How about I study yours?" Luhan said trying his best to make his voice sound y. It looked like it was working since he could feel Sehun's heart beat under his hand, pumping really fast.
"Not now, Lulu. You need to get a good grade..." Sehun said trying to make his voice sound as normal as possible.
"You know what, Sehunnie?" Luhan said and leaned closer to Sehun again, lifting no space between them.
Sehun couldn't answer, he was just loking at the fact how close Luhan's face to his own face.
"I really love the way you call me Lulu... The way you rolled the letter in your mouth with that tongue of yours... Its just heaven to my ears..." Luhan said leaning closer with every word he says.
Sehun couldn't take it anymore and kissed Luhan with all his might, rolling Luhan under him and interlocking their hands immediately.Luhan smiled onto the the kiss, knowing they were not going to study physics anymore...

When they were in the 11th grade they were both studying hard. Sehun wanted to be a doctor and Luhan really wanted to go into that art university, and for that he needed to have some good grades along with his talent. But still, Luhan continued taking physics, just to spend more time with Sehun since they were not seeing each other that often now.
"Have you seen his ?" one girl said to the girl who is sitting next to her.

"Whose?" the girl whispered back, immediately concentrating to the subject.

Luhan was trying to sleep, his head on his arms, his eyes closed. But he couldn't listen music because its battery was low and he didn't want to go home without listening music. It would be boring. So he had no choice but listen hear the two idiots sitting right behind him.

"Oh Sehun of course!" the girl 'whispered' back. It was more like a quiet scream but when Luhan heard his lovers name he couldn't help but tried to listen carefully.

"Who did not? I mean even the Baekhyun boy from the Korean class was talking about how greatly shaped his , I think whole school knows he has a nice ." the other girl 'whispered' back.

Luhan rolled his eyes and tried not to hear them.

"I heard he is dating with Mei."

"WHAT!" the girl couldn't lower her voice and so did Luhan. He lifted his head and turned his back, looking at the girls now.

"Sorry..." the girl who yelled apologized for waking Luhan up and then turned back to her conversation with his friend.

"Where did you hear that?" Luhan asked.

"Hu-huh?" the girl blurted out with a shocked face.

"Sehun is not dating with her." Luhan said sharply. He was okay with the 'He has a nice ...' talks but rumors like that? He was so not okay with that.

"How do you know?" the other girl asked this time.

"They are best friends, of course he would know!" the girl said answering her question instead of Luhan.

Yeah, best friends...

The classes went quickly just like Luhan wanted it to be and soon enough it was lunch time. They would always eat with Sehun and Luhan's friends and time to time with the basketball team. Luhan was not the water boy anymore but Sehun was still in the team, actually he was the captain. Kris was the captain since this year but when the coach decided it was Sehun's time to shine now (at least Luhan said it so) so now Sehun was the captain.

So Luhan would take him from the training room and they would walk to the cafeteria, talk and hold hands if no one was there. He remembered the time Sehun pinned him to the wall and kissed him harshly when Luhan come to the practice. Of course they were in the locker room and since everyone was still practicing no one disturbed them.

Luhan dreamed about something like that happening again so he wanted to surprise his boyfriend with going to his basketball practice.

"Luhan!"he heard someone calling his name. He turned his face and saw Baekhyun with Chanyeol, as always.

"Oh, hi guys!" Luhan said smiling at the couple in front of him. They were dating like for a year now and before that they were best friends. Luhan always knew Baekhyun and they were good friends in middle school and now they were going to the high school. Baekhyun was really one of his true friends. He was there when he lost his father and there when his mother burned the dinner. Since their mothers were friends too he was really comfortable hanging out with Baekhyun. Even if he was an idiot time to time, but it was one of his "charms"... At least Chanyeol would have said it like that.

"Going to pick Sehun up?" Baekhyun asked.

"Yup. His training must be ending soon." Luhan said looking at his watch.

"Tell that head that he owes me 10.000 won." Chanyeol said and gaining a smack from Baekhyun from the head immediately.

"Watch your mouth!" Baekhyun said.

"Maybe you should watch my mouth." Chanyeol said ignoring the "angry" looks Baekhyun was giving to him right now.

"Shut up Channie, we are in school." Baekhyun said. But it was hopeless, Chanyeol was already leaning closer to him and one second later they were kissing right in front of Luhan.

"Get a roooom!" Luhan said and couldn't look at the scene in front of him any more. He wanted to be like that with Sehun too. Baekhyun was his best friend, that was true but he was really jealous of the things he had sometimes.

Chanyeol broke the kiss and looked at Luhan with a proud smile.

"Don't be jealous Lu." Chanyeol said, like he was reading Luhan's mind.

"Why would I be jealous? I don't want someone to eat my face in front of whole school..." Luhan murmured angrily.

"Oh, and about that. One of my friends wants to meet with you Lu!" Baekhyun said, couldn't help but jump like a 5 year old kid.

"What?" Luhan said couldn't understand why Baekhyun was jumping around like they found the solution to cancer.

"One of my friends saw you when we were walking to home and he wants to meet with you. Ohh c'mon Lu, it will be fun, we can go to a double date if you want?" Baekhyun asked making those hideous puppy eyes to Luhan.

"A double date with you two? Hahah, no thanks, I think I will pass that." Luhan said and laughed at the thought. Sehun would have killed him if he did something like that.

"Hey, don't decide too quickly!"

"Whats wrong with us!?"

"We are the perfect couple!"

Luhan ignored his stupid friends and started to walk again. He liked his friends but sometimes they were really such pains in the .

Luhan looked to the court and couldn't find Sehun. His hopes were raising, he was probably at the locker room, changing his wet t-shirt... At least Luhan wanted it to be like that. He went to the locker room quickly and when he was going to open the door he heard someone talking. He stopped immediately and stand right behind the door. Actually it was forbidden to someone from not the team to get into the locker room so he was breaking the rules by doing so. And since he didn't want to give a head ache to Sehun because of that, he just stand still, not knowing what to do.

"So, Sehun..."

Luhan recognized the voice, it was Kris.

"Hm?" he recognized his boyfriend's voice too.

"I heard about you and Mei, good job bro." Kris said. Luhan stopped again.

"What? What Mei?" Sehun asked, confused.

"The girl you are dating, aren't you guys dating?" Kris asked.

"No, I'm not dating with that girl." Sehun said, chuckling about the thought of him dating with someone else other than Luhan.

"Really? We thought you were dating with her, everyone is talking about that." another boys said this time.

"Than who are you dating with?" another one asked. Luhan recognized the voice, it was Kim Jongdae. He was one of the kingkas in the school but he was pretty sure he was a nice guy.

"Why you guys are so curious about that?" Sehun asked without answering their questions.

"Dude..."Jongdae said but couldn't finish his sentence.

"Okay, look. We know you like for almost 3 years now and you are our captain. But we never saw you dating with a girl, or banging a girl or I don't know just holding hands with a girl. You always hang around with that Luhan boy. And we were curious... we were curious about..."

"We are curious if you are a or not?" Kris said, couldn't wait for the other guy to finish his speak.

"What?" Sehun asked shocked with the sudden pressure.

"We are curious if our captain is gay for someone in our school or not." someone else asked.

"Sehun, you can tell us." Jongdae said, it was like he was trying to help him but he wasn't helping at all.

"I'm not gay." Sehun said his voice cracking a little bit at the end.

"Im straight and just because you don't see it, that doesn't mean I dont sleep with girls. Dating is just not my style and I don't show off with the girls I'm sleeping with."

"But what about Luhan? I mean we are pretty sure the water boy is gay..." Jongdae said. Now, Luhan was not that so sure about Jongdae.

"Who cares about that , right Sehun?" Kris said and Luhan heard a spanking sound coming from inside. Kris probably hit Sehun's back with his hand Luhan thought. He was tensed up now, waiting for Sehun's answer.

"Yeah, who cares..." Sehun said and let out a chuckle.

Luhan couldnt take it anymore. He walked back and never turned his back again. Yes, he was crying because of Sehun again but this time he didn't had any intentions to show him that. Luhan cried his eyes out until he felt he couldn't breath anymore. But it didn't matter because his heart was not bumping anymore, he didn't need any air.




Luhan woke up, breathing heavily. He was seeing a nightmare, he couldn't remember the dream but he felt his cheeks, they were wet. Luhan went to the bathroom and washed his face.

"You can do this Luhan, you are strong enough to meet with him!" Luhan said, looking at the mirror in front of him.He didn't sound so convincing though.

It was 9 am and his brothers school-well his old school- was ending at 3pm so he decide to watch some movie and eat cereal. His mother was not at home but at work.

He tried everything to make the clock tick quickly. He played piano, watched a movie, do some sketches about someone's back, not knowing whos was it and it was still 12 pm.

"Aaaaahhh!!!" Luhan yelled at the empty corridor. He was going to lose his mind if he would stay at home a little bit more. So he went upstairs and changed his pjs into his daily clothes.

He was wearing his shoes when he heard the bell ringing. He opened the door.

"Yixing?" Luhan said, with a shocked voice.

"You were going somewhere?" Yixing asked showing Luhan's shoes with his finger.

"Oh, yeah. I was just going to take a walk, I'm bored. I guess I couldn't get used to the new house yet." Luhan said.

"Great, can I come with you?" Yixing asked, showing his dimples.

"Yeah, of course." Luhan answered back, smiling too.

They went to the Han river and talked then drink some bubble tea at a cafe. It was almost 3 am when they were still sitting.

"I need to take my brother from school today." Luhan said.

"Oh, really? Do you want me to come with you? I didn't see Kai for a long time and if you want I can drop you guys with my car." Yixing asked as the polite person he is. Luhan felt he needed someone's help, someone to lean onto it and he took Yixing's offer without thinking about it twice.

When they arrived at the school Luhan didn't stepped out of the car. He was looking at the old place. He was not there for 3 years now and the memories was just coming to him like ocean. He remembered the art class from the windows of it, the first place he and Sehun kissed. He looked at the gates and remember Sehun kissing with the other girls when they broke up. Actually Luhan was pretty sure Sehun ed all the girls going to their school. And he would kiss them inappropriately in front of whole school, making everyone know that he is going to "bang" that girl that night, making sure that no one thinks he is a "".

Luhan felt Yixing touching his shoulder.

"You remembered that guy again, right? Your first boyfriend." Yixing said with a soft voice.

Yixing would always understand Luhan, he was always there to console him even Luhan didn't even know he needs someone to console him. Yixing would know if he lied so Luhan just nod.

"It's okay. Everyone had bad relationships, just relax. It's not like you will see him again." Yixing said and give him a assuring smile, showing his dimples one more time.

"Yeah, you are right." Luhan said and tried to pull himself together. He heard the bell ringing and stepped from the car along with Yixing.

Luhan started to walk to the gates and saw his brother coming with someone shorter beside him. He saw both of them going towards o the opposite way and looked there, seeing Sehun standing there with all of his glory.

Luhan held out his hand and Yixing took it without saying anything. They walked towards to them. Sehun was laughing with them. He was the same but he looked much more cooler with his regular clothes and his checkered shirt. His sleeves were rolled up, like always and Luhan felt his heart skipping a beat.

Sehun stopped when he saw Luhan.

Luhan? No, it can't be....

Sehun looked at him again and he was sure now he was Luhan. He was walking towards to him. His hair was perfectly shaped as always, he was wearing a blue lacoste and it was fitting his body perfectly, making his slim but shaped body look hotter than always. He felt his heart skipping a beat with the every step Luhan was taking. There he was, standing in front of him after 3 years and he couldn't find anything to say.

Sehun would come to pick up his step brother. He started to do that when his brother, Kyungsoo started to talk about his friend from the chemistry class. When he told him about his dark skin, Sehun was sure it was Luhan's brother. Than he started to take his brother and Kai from the school everyday, even skipping his university time to time, hoping to see Luhan one day. And now, it was happening but he was speechless.

Kai knew why Sehun was looking like that so he turned his face and saw his brother. Of course, he thought and waved.

"Hyung! We are here!" Kai yelled at them. Luhan smiled to his brother and quickened his steps.

"Hi." Sehun said looking at Luhan. Luhan felt his heart melting with Sehun's gaze. He embraced Yixing's hand harder and answered.

"Hi." They were looking at each other and the three get uncomfortable with that. Yixing cleared his throat with a loud noise.

Sehun finally looked at Yixing, only noticing him now and then he drifted his gaze to their interlocked hands.

"Do you guys know each other?" the shorter boy next to Kai asked.

"Ah, yeah." said Sehun simply not taking his eyes from their hands.

"We were in the same physics class." Luhan answered.

"Yeah, since my brother is an idiot he needed your hyungs help to pass the class." Kai answered this time. Luhan wanted to smack his brothers head but he felt Yixing holding him in place.

"Oh and about class, here I brought you something." Kai said and grabbed something from his bag. It was Luhan's bronze medal.

Sehun recognized it at once, it was the medal Luhan get from the competition Sehun forced him to take and it was the first time they kissed when they were trying to put his painting to the art room.

"Wouw! Is that really bronze!? I can use that on my project!" the shorter boy said smiling at the present he just got. Luhan looked at his brother, he was smiling too. He knew that smile, it was the smile Luhan was giving to Sehun when they were younger.

"Isn't that your medal Lulu?" Sehun asked. And he wanted to smack himself immediately. He couldnt help but call him with his nickname but it didnt look like Luhan was uncomfortable about it.It was like he was used to hearing that all the time, it felt like they were talking again as usually and they never break up.

"Yeah, its mine. It doesn't have a meaning for me anymore, it's just a medal. If it's going to be useful why wouldn't I give it away?" Luhan said looking at the medal.

"Yeah, you are right." said Sehun. He knew it was not like old times. He knew his Lulu had a boyfriend now and he knew they were never going to meet again, still he was happy to see him one more time. He was just someone from his physics class now, why wouldn't he forget about him by now?

"We need to go." said Luhan looking at his brother. "The dinner will be ready soon and you don't want to get late right?"

Kai shook his head like no. Of course he didn't want to get late to dinner or get shot with a slipper.

"See you tomorrow Kyungsoo." said Kai only looking at the shorter boy.

"Okay Kai, thank you for the bronze again!" said the shorter boy smiling like a cute puppy. Luhan smiled at the boy, he was really cute.

"Are you going to come again?" Sehun asked. It was like he wanted Luhan to come again.

"I don't think so..." Luhan answered honestly.

Sehun wanted to ask for his phone number or his new address or that can they be able to see each other again, but his boyfriend was right next to him and Sehun already knew the answer to all of them.

"Then see you around I guess?" Sehun asked. At least he wanted to be sure that they will see each other again.

"Yeah." Luhan answered this time smiling. "See you around..."

Sehun smiled at the answer he got, even if he knew that they will never see each other again.




Luhan, Yixing and Kai get into Yixing's car and Yixing dropped them to their house. Luhan waved at Yixing and thanked him again. When Yixing drove off he turned his face to his brother, only to mock with him. And it looked like Kai was waiting for that to happen so he was looking at him too.

"I thought only idiots does things for free."Luhan said knowing he shoot his brother from his weak spot. He was sure that Kai liked Kyungsoo, or else he would have never give anything to someone for free.

"And I thought lying was bad." Kai said ignoring his question.

"Why would you remind that to me?" Luhan asked.

"Oh, comon Lu. We both know Sehun thought Yixing was your boyfriend. And I can't believe you used his feelings towards to you just to make Sehun jealous. You are so not that nice, angelic guy that everyone thinks you are."

Kai was right. Baekhyun introduced Yixing and Luhan after the incident happened with Sehun. And he was there for him since then. Luhan told him that he was not ready for a relationship back then but still Yixing stood beside him, getting through everything with him. He was always there for him even though he knew that he will never get anything back. He would buy him gifts like headphones and tell him not to cry anymore for anything. He knew Yixing was better than Sehun in every way but still he couldn't help but love that pretty boy he saw when he was at the 9th grade. And he knew that would never change and he would always love Sehun for no matter what.








Ooh God, don't judge me too hard guys, its my first one shot and it took me like 4 days to write it? I know I should probably check the mistakes and typos but it's too loong and I'm lazy, so ignore them okay ^^ And please leave comments ^^



Edited the typos- 2 May 2016


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296 streak #2
Chapter 1: Uhhh so sad..
I hope sehun and luhan can be together again...
Maybe sehun can explain what happened...
Maybe they have a chance to be together...
naimiestrella #3
Chapter 1: I agree with so many comments.... this needs a sequel
naimiestrella #4
Chapter 1: I agree with so many comments.... this needs a sequel
ToppDoggstan #5
Chapter 4: Dijdsjssjsjjjsjdjdjdjsjss :^D
Chapter 4: there's layhan tag on its sequel D:
Chapter 4: there's layhan tag on its sequel D:
Chapter 1: I Donna know what to feel.. I want HunHan to ended together.. But it's not fair for Lay... But I just.. Shajxbsjsb
LongLegsGirl #9
Chapter 1: in the end,
hunhan weren't together
layhan weren't together
only baekyeol that ended together LOL
Chapter 3: Umm maybe this is just me but i'm pretty satisfied with the ending (hunhan aren't together) ...sehun doesn't deserve luhan again ....
Or maybe layhan is so much better