When Alcohol Strikes

Top Secret


“I hate my job!”  Jongdae whines as he received a text from his boss.  He was asking him to buy some special kind of fertilizer for his plant.


“Surprise, surprise! Don’t you have anything new to say? You have said that for the nth time already.” Xiumin replied as he’s taking a spoonful of the strawberry sundae that they bought from a food truck a while ago.


They are having a walk in the streets of New York as it is their last day to stay there. They both attended some kind of a conference/training on how to improve your journalizing skills. Jongdae sees it as an expensive kind of crap. He sees it as an impractical kind of . Maybe some companies are doing this just to show that they are rich enough to send their trainees into such conferences and trainings that would make an impression that they are very dedicated in giving good service to their readers.


“He’s asking me to buy some for his plant. It’s not even part of the job I signed up for.”  Jongdae said as they reached another food truck to buy some cheese burgers.


If there’s anything good about Jongdae’s work, it’s the travelling and eating different kinds of delicacies from other countries. He once even thought that he could just be a food blogger or something. He likes it. But his wallet can’t handle the expenses. Maybe, some other time, when he’ll learn how to be thrifty. Apparently, being thrifty is not part of his vocabulary. When he receives his salary, he’s actually a one day millionaire.


“Why don’t you just resign? Find a good job that you really like. Just make sure that your new boss is not obsessed with plants.”


Xiumin let out a little laugh as he said that. He was laughing at his own “joke”. Jongdae finds it really weird on Xiumin. He’s used to it. He actually had a thing on Xiumin before when they are not really close. But when he knew the true Xiumin after the conferences and trainings they both attended, all the feels have been drained. He’s the corniest person he has known existing.


“You know I couldn’t do that. This is my only way to show to my parents that Im living the dream.”  is all Jongdae’s response to Xiumin.


 Xiumin choked on the cheese burger he’s eating. “What living the dream are you talking about dude.  You are giving me a Disney princess vibe!” now Xiumin is laughing so hard. Jongdae cant help but rolled his eyes on his friend’s beyond weird humor.


“You know what, nevermind. Let’s just finish this food up and then we’ll go to a plant store or whatever you call it. I have to buy for my boss’ plant.”




Upbeat musics are booming and different colors of light are blinking in millisecs as more people are entering the club since the peak hour is starting. Jongdae and Xiumin wanted to end their 14-day stay in New York by partying hard and getting wasted and probably, making out with someone. That’s how they always end their stay in a certain place; ending it with a bang .. and some unbearable headaches and body sores by the next day.


Xiumin is on his fifth glass of his tequilla and Jongdae is on his 3rd. it’s not like Jongdae is not a hard drinker, he really is. It’s just that Xiumin is a hardcore drinker that even tequila is like water to him. You wouldn’t know that he is if your basis is his physical appearance only because he’s too cute and too young looking. He’s like 5. There once even a time that the bouncers asked for his id to justify that he’s in a right age to go to places like this. After that,he always brings his id.


After an hour of drinking and partying, they began to start laughing on little things and everything is just hazy. Xiumin is already dirty dancing with a foreigner. He’s doing some twerking in which he already knows by heart. Chen just watched his friend from their table. He knows that Xiumin is going to get laid tonight. He, surprisingly, doesn’t feel like getting laid tonight. He’s actually kind of tired. So he got up, put on some bills on their table and left. He doesn’t need to tell Xiumin he’ll be leaving. His friend is too drunk to comprehend. They’ll just see each other tomorrow. It’s actually part of the routine.


Jongdae thought of walking up to his new found love coffee shop before he heads up to their hotel.  The new found love coffee shop that he’ll be leaving by tomorrow.  How ironic. It is one of the things that Jongdae will be missing in this state. Their coffees fit Jongdae’s pallet as he thinks of it .. and truth be told, there is also someone that he wanted to see before leaving this place.


It’s only a 5-minute walk from the club to the coffee shop. The wind was cold but bearable. Thanks to the tequila he took a while ago. As he arrived, he took a deep breath before entering the coffee shop hoping that the one he’s looking for aside from the coffee he’s craving is also there. He opened the door and a “cling” emanates to the shop.  The crew greeted him with all smiles. He gave them a sly smile but his are eyes not on them. He’s looking for him. And there he is, still on the same table, sipping his cup of black coffee with those blood-colored like lips. His forehead is creasing, and his perfect eyebrows are a little colliding as he is typing on his expensive looking laptop. The man is too preoccupied with what he’s working on.  Jongdae sighed in relief.  He is here! If an angel and a vampire are going to have a baby, that man would probably the result.  His porcelain skin is like lighting up the shop. He is glowing.


‘He’s perfect’ Jongdae thought. ‘Perfect as always’.  He contemplates that if there is something he wanted to do in his last night in NY, he would do it with him.. and in a heartbeat,  a “ding!” rang into his mind.

‘Why not?’ he thought. He’ll be leaving by tomorrow after all. He’ll just be one of those strangers he met at the other places. He’ll just do a stupid thing with him and and the latter will be forgotten after. He’s a total stranger. He is safe. He doesn’t know if he’s going to thank the alcohol for giving him enough courage to do this.



“This is it. It’s is now or never” Jongdae told himself. 





A/N IT IS CHAPTERED! lol. Ok, so this is my first chapter! This is unbeta-ed. Im sorry for the wrong grammars or some things that you might notice that are wrong. The update is too short too. Booo.  I am open for suggestions and reccommendations! You can also give me some scenes that you wanted to add in the story. They might be more awesome than mine! ;) I'll try my best to incorporate your ideas in this story! It's like we are writing this fic tgt. (: Ok, thank you for reading! 

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Chapter 1: Can't wait for the next chapter!
Interesting! Wonder who the make out buddy is? LOL poor jongdae
can't wait! Hope you make it chaptered (• u •)
wonder7th #4
I can't even wait to read this! Your prologue is very interesting! Update soon, pls!
Oh god, I can't even. This is going to be so good. I vote for it being chaptered! Can't wait
D_S_H_ #6
Please make it Chaptered. This sounds frickin hilarious and I'm so excited to read it!