Chapter 3

The Fangirl From Mars
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C H A P T E R  T H R E E



WHEN Dara heard the message alert tone of her phone, she immediately grabbed her phone expecting the text was from Bom. An unregistered number flashed on the screen of her phone.

She read the message and instantly, she saved the number with a smile on her face.


From: Unknown Number

            Hey, Dara Park. It’s me, Mr. Mysterious. :)


She doesn’t know why she was comfortable with this stranger. Granted, he helped her when they were in Coffee Cojjee but what he did wasn’t that big at all. But still, she felt… like she had known him for so long.


To: Mr. Mysterious

            Yah! Why did it take you two days to text me? Kekeke~ I don’t have money yet so… >_<


From: Mr. Mysterious

            Mianhe. I was busy. Don’t worry. Treat me when you have the money. Arasso?


To: Mr. Mysterious

            Okay~!! You better wait!


From: Mr. Mysterious

            Do you always do that?


To: Mr. Mysterious

            Do what? (O_O??)


From: Mr. Mysterious

            Posting a sticky note on DBSK’s albums at CoffeeCojjee.

            PS: Cute emoticon ;)


To: Mr. Mysterious

            Ahh, neh~ I love doing that even though I know it was impossible for my JJ to read my note. I’m pathetic, right? (-_-“)


From: Mr. Mysterious

            “My” JJ? Hmm. You like him that much?


To: Mr. Mysterious

            Kekekeke~ In my world, I could imagine that he’s mine. In the real world, he owns himself ^_^ Yep! I like him sooooo much~ I love how much he loves his friends, how much he loves his family, how much he loves music and the way he treats his fans. He’s so good, kind-hearted and I know he has his shortcomings but he’s still great. Kekekeke.


From: Mr. Mysterious

            The world owns him. When he became an Idol, he doesn’t own himself anymore.

            It seems like you know him very well? Or maybe all those good traits were an act.


To: Mr. Mysterious

            Aniyo~ Even though he’s an idol, he has a mind of his own so he still own himself (^_^)V Or maybe Yunho owns JJ. Kyaaa~ YunJae FTW Kekekeke~ And my JJ is good, Mr. Mysterious! It wasn’t an act, I could see it! You could see how much he loves Junsu, Yoochun even Yunho and Changmin. That’s why I could still see them five performing together :)

            Aist~ Mianhe!! I’m being a hardcore fangirl again. Sorry, sorry~ m(_ _)m


She pouted when she didn’t receive any reply from Mr. Mysterious. Maybe she bore him to death because of her fangirling tendencies.

She decided to open her Twitter account. She smiled when she saw Jaejoong’s latest tweet.


kimjaejoong @bornfreeonekiss

Thank you for the kind words… :)


She knew she didn’t have any rights to be jealous because she was just a fan. Just like what she had texted to Mr. Mysterious, Jaejoong owns himself and no one else could own him aside from himself. But at the corner of her heart, there was this certain want she was feeling towards her idol. She wanted to be the one who could make him smile, who could make him happy.


kimjaejoong @bornfreeonekiss

Be happy.


Dara Park-Kim @JaejoongsOnlyWifre

@bornfreeonekiss It’s good to know you’re happy right now, oppa ^_^


And no matter how hard she prayed, she knew she would not get any response from him. He was an Idol after all and she was just his mere fan.

“Aist. Babo. Why am I being so melodramatic today? It’s your entire fault, Mr. Mysterious!” she said to herself.

Her heart almost dropped when her cell phone rang. The caller was Bom.

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Fr0zenMus1c #1
Chapter 14: JAEJOONG! JAEJOONG! JAEJOONG!!! :* Authornim, please update. I love this story.
betchay1131 #2
Chapter 14: i love jaedara moments...and i think jiyong can pass as the bff kkkkk
betchay1131 #3
Chapter 14: updateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee pls.......
Jmgirl #4
I have red this ff in one go and I must say Im loving it like how the bunny loves his jaejoong..kekeke I hope you will be able to update this ff soon...fighting!!!
yssassyla #5
Chapter 14: Please update authornim! My heart is all over the place with JaeDaraGon! Hahahaha
bluefairy07 #6
Chapter 14: authornim please update, JaeDara lover here...i love your fanfic please update pretty JaeDara heart <333333333

kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...JaeDara FOREVER !!!
KaHyun #7
Chapter 14: Dying huhu JD.
Authornim, I'm begging you...with every single cell in my body..update this juseyoooo? HUHU
kapoyani #9
Chapter 14: ok i was like Jaedara all the way!!!! but idaragon butterflies wooh.
still rooting foe jae though even ig ji seems like the badboy annoys you till they end up together drama type id rather have ji be a superclose friend to dara and jae as ... wooooohoohooo

but either guys would be crazy feels
bernie20 #10
Chapter 14: Interesting indeed!!!!pls update......thank u