Late-Night Snacks

Late-Night Snacks

‘are you asleep yet?’


‘wanna sneak out and buy some snacks?’

‘still hungry, Tae?’

‘kind of, but mostly bored’

‘okay, meet me in the hallway and we’ll go’

Minho took a brief glance in Key’s direction, grateful that the other boy was sleeping with an eye mask and earplugs tonight.  Key had started doing this whenever Minho would stay up late to rehearse lines for his drama.  Tiptoeing quietly past, Minho slipped out of their bedroom and gently closed the door shut.

Minho turned from the door and was met by two lean arms wrapping around his waist.  A soft pair of lips came in contact with his chin and he smiled.  Minho grabbed Taemin’s hand and led him through the pitch dark hallway with the backlight of his phone.  Outside their dorm and in a lit area, Taemin tugged Minho towards him for a proper kiss.

“Yah, do you want snacks or not?” Minho chuckled.

“Yes and no.  I like what we’re doing right now though,” Taemin mused.

“Lee Taemin, I won’t always do your bidding, you know,” Minho pressed his lips against Taemin’s.

“Yes you will,” Taemin lightly laughed in response.

Minho pulled back to give Taemin a firm look, but only managed to smile hopelessly at the charming maknae.

“Well let’s go get those snacks then, huh?”

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Chapter 1: Kyaaaa~ Minho is so sweet! :D
kara224 #2
Chapter 1: aww so cute :)
Chapter 1: ahhhh so sweet!!! i so want it to be true... T.T