The school bells rang, and Baekhyun found himself once again pacing back and forth in front of a certain someone’s locker. He had been nervous the entire day, debating in his mind whether or not he should press on the idea of slipping the small envelope into the younger male’s locker.

He finally stopped his legs, leaning his back against the cool lockers. He looked upwards, thinking of any possible excuse for when he gets rejected. He quickly shakes the ideas off when Chanyeol comes into sight, quickly shoving the letter into his bag.

“Hey.” Chanyeol says with a smile, crescent moons forming below his forehead. Baekhyun clears his throat, replying with a slight nod. “Hey.”

“What’s up?” Chanyeol asks, turning in his locker combination and slipping the lock out of the locker’s hook, opening the door fully so bring his stuff into view. Baekhyun had always seen Chanyeol’s locker, but ever since he decided to confess, it seemed a lot more foreign to him now.

“Uh, nothing.” Baekhyun replied with a toothy grin, hanging his backpack on one of his shoulders. “I just wanted to ask if you’re going to basketball club today.”

Chanyeol closes his locker door, taking the books he had previously taken into his bag. “Nope, so I guess we’re walking home together?”

Chanyeol had always walked home with Baekhyun, and would only ever not when either two was busy with club activities or exams. Baekhyun’s mouth forms a closed-mouth smile, because it’s been a while since they’ve walked side by side.

“Hey Baek, have you heard about the thousand crane challenge?” Chanyeol asks out of the blue, making Baekhyun turn his head towards the taller male. His eyes form a curious expression, which doesn’t entirely catch Chanyeol’s attention.

“Well, challenge seems a bit less romantic.” Chanyeol says with a manic laugh, his low and raspy voice reverberating through Baekhyun’s ears. “It’s when you fold a thousand paper cranes and pile them together. Once you make them all, you get one wish.”

Baekhyun stops walking for a while, keeping his eyes glued to the taller male’s figure. Chanyeol doesn’t realize this and keeps going. “Have you ever wanted that? For someone to give you a thousand cranes?”

Baekhyun feels his heart skip a beat, for the sunset perfectly bounced off of Chanyeol’s large build. His eyes trail down to the outline of his sides, the school uniform perfectly wrapping around his body in comfort.

“I—I’ve never thought about it.” Baekhyun says with a smile, resuming his small walk, making sure to take shorter strides so as to keep distance from the taller man.

Chanyeol lets his legs move on forward, awkwardly moving with the sound of Baekhyun’s distant rhythm. “I know someone who’s always wanted to make a thousand cranes for a certain someone he’s had his eye for a while. It may be cliché, but doesn’t it feel good to know someone would go through with the extra mile just to get a wish dedicated to him?” Baekhyun doesn’t see Chanyeol’s face, but he knew Chanyeol was smiling through his words.

Baekhyun felt his throat run dry. It was perfect, the moment was perfect, and Baekhyun was only a few movements away from taking the letter from his bag and handing it over to Chanyeol. No, it only took a few steps for Baekhyun to grab Chanyeol by the collar and to bring him down just to claim his lips.

But he never could.

“Someone confessed to me today!” Chanyeol shouts, his back still turned to a now expressionless Baekhyun. His jaw had dropped, as Chanyeol turned around to face him again. “He’s really cute. He said he really liked me and looked like he tried his best to pull the courage to say so, so I accepted.” He adds, mouth still forming a perfectly big smile.

Baekhyun quickly shook his head, discarding any type of expression he had come to form. “T—That's great!” He quickly says, stepping a few steps ahead just enough to pass Chanyeol even with the short capacity of his limbs. He doesn’t turn back when he’s only a few meters away from his house’s gate, stopping only to greet Chanyeol goodbye.

“Goodnight, Yeol.” He croaks out, not turning back—slightly missing the disappointed expression smudged on Chanyeol’s face.






It had been months since Baekhyun had last spent time with Chanyeol, the constant reminder of his unrequited love wrapping itself around Chanyeol’s arms. Wherever Chanyeol was seen around the school, a smaller, doe-eyed male would have his arms completely linked with his.

Baekhyun watched from afar as Kyungsoo shyly sat beside the taller man, his eyes drenched in complete happiness. Chanyeol seemed happy too, the smile he showed to others never running out of power.

Baekhyun grew jealous each day, knowing that it should have been him linking himself around Chanyeol’s arm. But then one day he saw the most terrible sight his heart could take, Kyungsoo’s heels lifting slightly upwards, a hand tightly holding unto Chanyeol’s necktie, and a link between the lips he had always yearned to touch.

If that wasn’t enough for Baekhyun to admit defeat, then nothing else could.







Slowly, Baekhyun had learned to accept his fate. Chanyeol barely hung around him anymore, since he was too busy eating Kyungsoo’s face out. Baekhyun no longer had the strength to sit at his usual lunch table, since he’d spot Chanyeol and Kyungsoo across the end of the cafeteria, exuding hormones that everyone else in the cafeteria tried to avoid.

He found safety in the confines of the school rooftop, where he’d chain his legs to the ground in order to stay leveled. He’d bring his legs up to his chest, making away with his lunch until he was finally done.

Everyday, he’d remain alone in the small expanse, but slowly, he’d see another pair of legs outstretched, sitting a few feet away from him. He had never noticed, but he knew why he was there.

Baekhyun knew that that man heard his tears, deciding to sit at a distance by Baekhyun until he’d come to a stop. He never felt the need to feel embarrassed, since he no longer had the dignity to find and prove himself strong.

It was only on the day Baekhyun decided to edge off the ledge that the man spoke up.

“What the hell are you doing?” Baekhyun quickly turns his head around to face the man who was seated against the wall, one leg folded against his chest, an expressionless face still carved and formed together. “If you’re going to jump because of some douche bag, then that’d be an incredibly lame death.”

He stands up, inching closer to the trembling Baekhyun, feet halfway across the edge of the ledge. “Come on, come back here.”

Baekhyun feels his throat run dry, his legs still completely glued to the cement. When the man took a stop forward, his body automatically moved backward, causing for him to slightly tip out from the side.

The man quickly lunged after him, taking his hand to pull him back to safety. There was silence for a while, Baekhyun’s pulsing chest still linked together to the man’s warm, calm beat. “If you want to cry, you can.”

Baekhyun had lost all sense to function, breaking down unto the man’s chest in incoherent sobs. His fists balled together small inches of the man’s loose polo shirt, the need for caring about drenching him with his tears long gone.

The taller male remained silent, just letting Baekhyun’s tears flood the expanse of the rooftop and his own ears, using himself as the cloth to absorb it all.

It took a while, but Baekhyun had finally come to. He lifts his head up, pushing himself backwards. He realizes he was sitting on top of the man’s lap, the embarrassment suddenly flowing into his common sense.

“Oh my god, I’m sorr—“

He’s cut off when the man places his hands on Baekhyun’s hips, stopping him from getting off. The man’s face remains completely calm and serious, but Baekhyun saw the solitude and comforting feeling in his eyes.

“It’s alright.” He remarks, stretching out an arm to wipe away Baekhyun’s tears using his sleeve. They sit there in silence, the pulsing of Baekhyun’s heart the only one replacing the sound of silence.

“I’m Jongin.” He says with a smile, finally breaking the wall he had formed in between him and Baekhyun. “If you wanted to die, you should die when your time comes. Don’t take away something some people have so little left of. Trust me, I know.” And if Baekhyun hadn’t looked up to interlock their range of sight, he would have never seen happiness.







Chanyeol had crookedly fixed his tie in the mirror, the weight of his eye bags burying him down into the ground as he tried to adjust his suit. He feels anxious, and feels like he’d puke his guts if he had no self-control.

Kyungsoo had quietly slipped out of the bathroom, hair still wet from the bath he had previously taken. His face is marked with a sour expression, one he had on since he woke up.

“Do we really have to go?” He mumbles, throwing on his own white polo and black suit and slacks so as to get ready. He didn’t even mind when his hair drenched the collar, since wherever they were going to go to wasn’t as enthusiastic to be part of.

“You know he likes you. He probably still does, too.” Kyungsoo says in a low tone, finally finishing up his bowtie and walking towards Chanyeol who stood motionless in front of the mirror.

There was silence between them, and Kyungsoo sensed that something was wrong. He softens his expression, a mixture of a jealousy and selfishness wrapping his small face. He quickly brings Chanyeol’s face away from in front of the mirror, taking both of his cheeks into his hands.

He quickly plants a kiss on Chanyeol’s lips, which later flowed into a full out session of a mixture of tongues. Painful for Kyungsoo to say, it was Chanyeol who had ended it.

Chanyeol remained quiet, smudging a light smile on his face. “Let’s go.” He says quietly, avoiding Kyungsoo’s body so as to make his way to the door.

Chanyeol had done the inevitable, dating Kyungsoo until he reached college, and then later tying himself down when they finally graduated. He knew that it was what he was supposed to do, and that it shouldn’t really make him regret as soon as 2 years into the whole thing.

But as Chanyeol slowly drowned out Kyungsoo’s constant ramblings in the small, shared apartment they had together, he realized that maybe he made the wrong decision.








Chanyeol parked his car into the only open space left, avoiding the sight of the large white structure that stood before them. Kyungsoo rolls his eyes, muttering curses, along with the mixture of words such as extravagance and show offs.

It was Kyungsoo who first got out of the car, slamming the door so as to let Chanyeol know he was unhappy about being there. Chanyeol ignored this, quietly dealing with Kyungsoo’s debates in his mind.

They make their way inside, keeping a safe distance so as to not get into a larger fit. They are come face to face with flowers draping the entire expanse of the main entrance. Kyungsoo doesn’t lie about the factual beauty before him, but his expression remained sour otherwise.

They take the pews at the last row, Kyungsoo immediately shutting his eyes so as to pretend to sleep, warding off any questions as to why he was present. Chanyeol remained quiet, a soft smile still draping the tiredness in his eyes.

People had slowly started to spill into the hall, occasions of small talk and slight whispers. Their eyes would drift unto the awkward pair seated at the back, and would go back into a small storm of mumbles.

Chanyeol knew they were taking about him and Kyungsoo, and how odd it was for the pair to be present at the man Chanyeol proclaimed his love for over the phone, just to break his heart as he waited for another man at the end of the aisle.

Chanyeol lied to Kyungsoo, saying the Baekhyun had confessed to him on that day, rather than him confessing to Baekhyun. He was scared; scared to see the situation unfold in front of him for when Kyungsoo decides to get rid of Baekhyun.

Chanyeol is discarded from his thoughts when the sound of the rift of the piano flooded the hall, all the guests quickly standing up in unison. All their heads turned towards the aisle, genuine smiles plastered unto their faces.

Everyone donned beautiful dresses and posh suits, but the one that caught everyone’s attention was the man that glowed as he walked down the aisle. Draped in his ivory suit, Baekhyun had the smile Chanyeol had always loved to see on his face.

But this time, it wasn’t directed to him.








Slowly, Chanyeol had lost the feeling of intoxication he’d usually get whenever he saw Kyungsoo. He told himself to believe that whenever he saw Kyungsoo, he’d fall in love all over again. That he’d forget about Baekhyun, and marvel at the man he had proposed to and married.

Kyungsoo saw the changes in Chanyeol too, and would go the extra mile to bring his husband back to the reality he was in. He felt the security as he himself placed the ring around Chanyeol’s finger right before he went off to work, knowing that he was Chanyeol’s, and Chanyeol was his.








With the pass of each day, Chanyeol’s eyelids slowly grew heavier. Whenever he saw Kyungsoo, he’d feel the need to lock himself into his study that he had purposely set aside in the apartment for whenever Kyungsoo would have his fits.

It was inevitable, and Kyungsoo had seen it in Chanyeol’s eyes as well. Chanyeol was slowly slipping out of his grasp, and was slowly making his way back into Baekhyun’s. Kyungsoo saw the way Chanyeol would smile at his phone, and the way it would disappear whenever the one person he had vowed to love forever caught his attention.

If he hadn’t seen the last text message in Chanyeol’s inbox, he wouldn’t have gone mad that night. He wouldn’t have pounded unto Chanyeol’s chest, the tears in his eyes staining his pale cheeks.

Kyungsoo had reached out for Chanyeol on the day he had had enough, right before he had one of his feet out of the door.

With tears in his eyes, his mouth quivering and his entire body shaking, he mutters words that made Chanyeol stay.

“I’m dying.”







Baekhyun sat across the hallway, the sofa outstretched to the ends of the turn. His eyes are still red, stinging them until they were red. In his hand was his husband’s coat, creased with every tighter hold he unleashes unto it.

The lights of the hallway are dim, not enough to let Baekhyun’s skin shine as it normally did. His throat is soar, and he feels as if his legs are paralyzed from all the pain.

He feels his heart stop when the door across him opens, a man draped in a white lab coat exiting and making his way to the hallway. Baekhyun hurriedly stands up, the coat his only sense of security.

The man remains expressionless, only making Baekhyun shake in his stance. When the man reaches out a hand to place on top of his shoulder, Baekhyun feels his legs give up on him, making him crumble to the ground.

The hospital was once again filled with the tears of a lover who had lost his other half.







Chanyeol feels his throat dry with every movement he made, once again donning the suit he had on for the same two people. Except this time, it wasn’t some festivity.

Kyungsoo remained expressionless, knowing that no matter who involved this occasion, he would never retort or complain. He knew what Chanyeol was feeling, and he knew all he had to do was be by Baekhyun’s side.

But he knew that that wasn’t something he could give away.








Kyungsoo had slowly opened his heart towards Baekhyun, allowing him to befriend his husband on the grounds of complete friendship. Baekhyun obviously agreed to this, since it didn’t really affect him any longer. His eyes remained genuine, and he no longer found the need to confine within Chanyeol.

But it couldn’t escape Kyungsoo’s eyes for whenever Chanyeol was with Baekhyun, his eyes would glimmer once again. It had the same sparkle he had fallen in love with, and the his laugh would be a lot more light as compared to when he was with him.

But Kyungsoo reminded himself daily that Chanyeol was his. Around Chanyeol’s finger was a band that he would never take off even when Kyungsoo said he could. He’d shake his head, saying that he needed to keep it on, followed by the small kiss on his forehead.

And that’s what Kyungsoo found security in. He knew Chanyeol would never leave him.

Even if it were pretend, maybe dying wouldn’t be as bad.







Chanyeol realized how much life he had gotten when Baekhyun started to appear around him a lot more. He was surprised to see Kyungsoo allowing him to spend time with Baekhyun, but he knew he was only doing this because the man had lost someone dear to him, and he needed someone around.

With every moment they spent together, the glimmer in Baekhyun’s eyes slowly began to reappear. But along with the moments was something that weighed Chanyeol down in regret.

It was as if he was falling for his best friend all over again.








One morning, Chanyeol had received a text message on his phone. It had come from Baekhyun, making Chanyeol cautiously look from behind him to see if Kyungsoo was awake. When he saw that the man was still fast asleep, he quickly slipped out of bed and got into the bathroom.

He unlocked his phone, revealing the invitation to dinner back at Baekhyun’s house. His heartbeat raced, only to be slowed when he saw the words you can bring Kyungsoo along marked along the end of the message.

But he didn’t want Kyungsoo there.

He didn’t want him to be in between him and Baekhyun.

He didn’t want him to interfere.

Chanyeol felt his heart pulsing, knowing that not telling Kyungsoo about the innocent invitation was something he might later on regret. But he quickly dissolved this idea, since it was just an innocent dinner.

He kept telling this to himself as he changed for the day.








Chanyeol had left a text message for Kyungsoo that night saying that he would be working overtime at the firm. Kyungsoo had graciously replied with an it’s alright! I’ll eat dinner, don’t come home too late, okay?

He had quickly discarded his phone, turning it off and throwing it into his bag as he closed up his laptop, waving his colleagues goodbye.

He takes the taxi to Baekhyun’s house in the suburbs, the excitement piling up on his chest with every second and mile he neared the man that he believed he was falling in love with all over again.

He had quickly gotten out of the white mobile, half-sprinting towards the door. He cleared his throat and straightened his work suit before pressing the doorbell, met face to face with one of the most beautiful faces he had ever seen.

“Hey.” Baekhyun hums, his shirt neatly pressed against his body. Chanyeol notices the wavering Baekhyun’s eyes, along with his constant movement to see from behind Chanyeol.

“Kyung’s… not here.” Chanyeol reassures him, making Baekhyun’s eyes slightly widen. He shakes it off, nodding in reply. “Alright, come inside.”

Chanyeol hastily takes off his shoes, walking into the two floored home. There was several picture frames that graced the living room, all remaining empty except for one photo that had both Baekhyun and his husband.

Chanyeol slowly walked towards it, unable to find what to feel as the intimacy in between the two pulled him into jealousy.

“He was a great man.” Baekhyun remarks, making Chanyeol turn around to face Baekhyun in surprise. “Uh, I’m—sorry.” Chanyeol mumbles in embarrassment, unable to push away the face that he may have offended the elder.

“Why are you apologizing?” Baekhyun asks, still keeping the soft smile on his face. “Anyway, dinners ready.” He then turns around, making Chanyeol desperately follow after him.

Dinner in between them was quiet and awkward, neither two of them do not have the courage to speak up, nor making eye contact at all.

When they finally finish up, Chanyeol looks at his watch. “Half past 11.” He sighs, knowing Kyungsoo must be wondering how much longer will he take. Chanyeol didn’t want to go home, home to where stale exchange of smiles took place.

“Do you have to go home already?” Baekhyun asks, Chanyeol noticing the slight disappointment in his tone. He, however, shakes this off when he believes it’s just him thinking to much. “I can stay for a little longer.”

“Are you sure? Isn’t Kyungsoo expecting you?” Chanyeol hated how Kyungsoo’s name escaped Baekhyun’s lips. He didn’t understand why he despised it so much, watching Baekhyun’s lips curve to a name he didn’t want to hear for the next few moments of freedom he had left.

“He said its fine.” Chanyeol resorts to lying, which he thinks Baekhyun believes. The elder replaces his concerned face with a smile, soft and genuine in its glory.

There was silence, and Chanyeol slowly regretted the inability to speak up and start a conversation. He drafted in his mind what topic he could come up with, drowning in several others that seemed a bit too sensitive to touch up on.

“Do you know why… I’m still with Kyungsoo?” He suddenly blurts out, making Baekhyun slightly jump in surprise. His mouth is open and Chanyeol slowly feels the regret washing over him. He feels at a lost for words, but still manages to blurt out his trains of thought.

“Because he’s dying.” He says rather bitterly, his rasp voice scraping against his throat. “He told me he’s dying, and he doesn’t want me to leave. All we’ve done is fight for the past 2 years, and I believe that he’s sick because of me. All I’ve ever done is make him fall into the depths of pain, and it’s killing me to know that everyday he still drapes himself with the same smile.”

Baekhyun only watches as Chanyeol slowly broke down, hands still tight and shivering against the glass in his hand. “I can’t leave him because I know if I did, I’d have to live with it for the rest of my life. And falling in love with someone else isn’t helping.”

Chanyeol comes to a stop bringing his head back up to face Baekhyun in the eyes. “Falling in love with you isn’t helping.”

Baekhyun doesn’t reply, his shocked expression carving into a soft smile. He understands, and he knows what Chanyeol is trying to tell him. Chanyeol’s sight slowly blurs, insensitive tears suddenly filling up his eyes as he saw Baekhyun’s expression of acceptance.

“It’s alright, I know.” Baekhyun says as he stands up and takes Chanyeol’s head into his arms, bringing them to his torso in attempt to comfort him. “I’m sorry.”

“I’m sorry too.”







In the corner of Baekhyun’s room stood a large box, filled to the brim with colorful pieces of paper. They were neatly folded, perfectly forming the body of a crane. They said if you made a thousand cranes, you’ll get a wish.

On that night, Baekhyun sat against the wall, his legs tightly wrapped against his chest. He runs a hand through the bundle of cranes, smiling as he looked on forward.

“Hey Jongin, I’ve made 999.” He says with a smile, hand immersed into the bundles of papers. “I know I never made it in time for you to see, and I hate how I tried so hard to make a thousand to wish for you to comeback, but I don’t think finishing them any longer is going to work anymore.”

“And I hate myself, continuing them thinking I could wish for someone else, someone for a replacement you.”

“Someone who I loved long ago, someone who I thought I could easily take.”

“Even if I make a million of these, no wish can bring you back., and no wish can take the man I now long for.” He says bitterly, a tear falling down and marking against his cheek.

“The death of the two most important people in my life is enough already.” 

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real__pekpekcy #1
Chapter 1: oh my god i love and hate how this has an open ending??? so did pcy and kai die??? or that no matter what happens, kai will never be back AND he will never have pcy since he cant leave kyungsoo????? ARGHJD !!!!!!!!
Chapter 1: Um excuse me, no. I'm going to be a complete mess tomorrow at school. Are you trying to kill me?
Chapter 1: wait i don't get it ;; did chanyeol died too? or what? I'm crying legit tears damn it thank you for breaking my heart at 8:40 in the morning huhuhuhuh
Chapter 1: Is Chanyeol died too???? (I'm blur right now)
Chapter 1: What the!Chsn aldo died! SUPER ANGST!@!@
Chapter 1: "The death of the two most important people in my life is enough already." THIS LINE MAKE ME BREAK DOWN! BAEK LOST JONGIN AND CHANYEOL
Chapter 1: This was beautiful..
And the thought of Jongin dead... I can't. It just breaks my heart. For Baekhyun to go through that experience of the one you love so much. And then you lose them. The wedding didn't help on this feel. It felt like they were happy... but it just all collapsed so quickly.
And when Baek said "The death of the two most important people in my life is enough already"
did he mean, losing the love Chanyeol felt for him? and losing his husband as well?
But either way... this was just so good.. Now I feel like crap. I thought the paper cranes were for Chanyeol, but Baek decided to make them after he met Jongin...
Awesome story authornim... ;-;
Chapter 1: Wait... you mean CHANYEOL DIED TOO?! Or it's just an expression that means he can't bring back Jongin to life and he can't have Chanyeol anymore. EITHER WAY THAT WAS A NICE ANGST. Life is sooo unfair~ :/
Chapter 1: It's great!
The ending is perfectly mind boggling , but I think when he said "The death of the two most important people in my life is enough" I think this includes Jonign's death, I kinda get the picture but it's kinda hard to put into words but. . maybe when he says death, it also means saying goodbye? maybe when chanyeol said "Falling in love with you isn't helping" that's when baekhyun thought he had lost another person who is important to him. . .so maybe when he said death, he means saying goodbye.

(what do you think author_nim? :D )
Rizu-Q #10
Chapter 1: I hate this fic, really
it makes me think how curel life is,
how stupid they are, for not being honest to themselves, for not reaching out their happiness
and, Jongin's presence, briefly but meaningful.
I can't stop scanning my eyes to finish this story and made my own conclusion,
and it doesn't stop me to lift my thumbs for you....
one question, the crane, who did Baekhyun make it for?
Chanyeol? or Jongin?