New Seatmate

Hey, Mine!

“Hmm” Rira left out a heavy sigh. She knew that this would happened. That guy, hansol. A hyper, mean, yet a famous guy would be her new seatmate. Hong Songsaenim arranged this all. So, the smart ones had to sit with the low-grade-ones. Hansol had low grades last semester and Rira had a kind of high grades last semester especially in maths which was hansol’s lowest grade. Rira imagined teaching him maths, science, chemistry and all those kinds of things. She frowned, and without her noticing, Hansol was infront of her. Smiled like an idiot. “Hello, Miss!” he said while he winked at her. Rira screamed immediately and she pushed him aside.

“Ugh, you ruined my day, Hansol-ah!!”

“Mwo? Mworago? I just greeted you okay. Ah no fun” said Hansol while walking away. Jisoo, Junhui, Doyoon were waiting for him to play basketball

Whatever, Chwe Hansol she mumbled. Then, she put on the earphones, and started searching for some songs. Ideas, notebook, and, the pink pen were there for her when she felt so bored. Naega ni namjayeosseulddae jal haesseoyajiyo maeil neol deryeodajugo neoman barabodeon geunamjan ijen eobseoyo BTOB’s When I Was Your Man was heard. She hummed along while working on her story.

“Ding Dong!” the bell was ringing. School time! The students were all running in the hall. As you all know, Hansol would came late. He still played basketball with his friends.

“Oi, hyung! Give the ball to me!”

“Here, Hansol-ah! Hit it yo!”

Hansol was a basketball player in his school. People knew him as the basketball boy because, he was so good at that. Not just good but, great. He scored almost in all games. He was a beast when he played basketball. He also liked football, baseball, and.. everything. He was so great at sports. His scores in sports were all high but, his academic scores were all low. But, he never thought of those. As you know, Hansol never paid attention much.

The teacher came to the class. Rira bit her lips. She knew that Hansol was her responsibility because she was his seatmate. To calmed herself down, she continued working on her story while singing a bit. But then, the teacher approached her.

 “Rira-yah, who’s your seatmate?”

“Uh.. it’s Hansol, sir”

“What is he doing out there? Go find him!”

With heavy steps, Rira walked out of the class. It was a hot day. She didnt want to go anywhere and got super sweaty. She was so upset at him. Why me? Why not anyone else? i hate him! Well, for now i guess. She serached at the hall to the garden but, she cant find him. She gave up and she sat on a bench near to the canteen, thinking about everything.

“RIRA-YAH!” said Hansol while tapping on her shoulder

She was so shocked and automatically jumped and screamed

“IGE MWOYA, HANSOL-AH!” she chased him and smacked him. Hansol ran away while laughing hysterically. Rira pouted and she walked to the class

Physics was so fun because, Rira and Hansol talked and they were sharing experiences. Now Rira knew the real Hansol. He wasnt that tricky and bad, he was actually a mature guy and he was kinda a thinker. He was so smart but he didnt show it to the class. Rira changed her mind and she would help him with all her heart. So, after school, Hansol came to Rira’s house to studied. Rira was actually so happy. Thoughts about him then came up. She felt like the butterflies in her stomach increased. Why would she feel these butterflies? She didnt really know him. Was this love? These questions repeated in her head over and over again.

The dismissal bell rang. The students were now spreading all over the school. Rira kindly waited for Hansol. 

“Rira-yah, kajja”

“Ne, kajja”

Although it was a short conversation between them, Rira felt those butterflies came to her and tickled her to death. She was confused and kind of annoyed.

They walked silently. Awkwardness approached them. They wanted to talk but, they were not sure if it was the right time or not. 

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Chapter 3: Update please! TT_TT
Chapter 2: Cute and Fluffy Can't wait for the next chapter ;)