Chapter IX

Maybe. Maybe I do.


Hieee, thank you for the subcriptions, although there aren't many but this really encourages me to write better. Thankyou all so much <3

You put your hands onto your face. 


You looked into the mirror and arranged your hair.

"Ok. I'm ready for this. Act normal." you said to yourself.

You walked out of the toilet and went back to the table. 

"HAHAHAH I know right!" you heard Chen laughed. 

The atmosphere was good. 

You sat at your seat and watched the conversations going on. 

Suddenly, a girl came to the table and went over to Kris's side. "Oppa!"


She even a finger on his back.


Your fingers clenched into a fist. You didn't know what she wanted. How she was related to Kris or whatsoever. 

Kris didn't move a single bit, like as if she wasn't there and nothing happened. 

"What do you want Jisoo." Luhan raised his voice.

"What I do is none of your business." she scoffed. 

"None of my business? It's our business because Kris is our leader. Now get lost." Tao said firmly.

Even hungry Xiumin stopped his eating and stared at her. 

"Aww! What sweet dongsaengs you have have Kris." she said sarcastically. "By the way, you know that we're going over to your house tonight right? My mom and dad too."

"I don't give a damn Jisoo. Go away." Kris pushed her finger.

What is going on. Why is she going over to his house. WITH HER FAMILY. ARE THEY TOGETHER?   

Your heart squeezed and you felt upset. You were dying to know the truth. 

Bomi couldn't stand the sight of her anymore, "Why are you still here Jisoo. You're not welcomed here. Leave.

Jisoo glared at her and bent down to Kris's ear, "See you handsome~" she winked at him and left.     

You looked at her in disgust. "Who is she." you were rather pissed. 

"Kwon Jisoo. She's from a rich family. She's known as the iest girl in Hanyoung Academy." Bomi replied.   

"Yeah. I can see that. But, what about those two girls at the back??" 

"Oh. Minji and Sooyoung. Jisoo's... dogs?" 

"Hahah that was mean but I have to agree." 

Minji and Sooyoung followed wherever she went and obeyed all her orders, like Bomi said. But this wasn't the point. You were about to rip out your heart,dying to know what was Kris's and Jisoo's relationship. 

"I need a word with you Bomi." you said sternly. "Probably after school."

"Y-yeah. Sure. We'll meet at the lockers." she shot you a weird look, thinking why were you so serious all of a sudden. 

"Okay then. I'll see you there. I'm going to explore more parts of the school before the next lesson begins. OH AND I NEED YOUR NUMBER BOMI."

"Ohya..." she typed her numbers into your phone.     

"Jiwon ah, are you leaving us already? But we haven't talked much yet!" Lay said pulling a face. 

We'll still get a chance to talk i believe!" you waved at him and to the rest as well. 

Everyone said goodbye, except Kris. He looked really busy so you didn't dare to call him or anything. 

"Bye Kris. See you soon." you muttered to yourself and left.

It's quite a long update hehe. And thankyou for waiting! 

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DatFreakGirl #1
Hey I'm new readers on your fanfict. I really love this fanfict so please update soon^^