Chapter Two

Bubble Gum and Kisses
Sora POV:

"So, you're not kidding." I stated flatly as I watched Baekhyun swinging on the swing, chewing his bubble gum obnoxiously loud. Baekhyun shrugged. "Well, honestly speaking, I don't think this is a joking matter." He mumbled.

I rolled my eyes. "Okay, I'm sorry. Now remind me why I'm out here with you." Baekhyun stared at me. "You're such a sassy pants for an 11-year old." He muttered under his breath. "I don't know how you're gonna function without me."

Scoffing, I sat on the swing next to him. "Get over yourself. I function perfectly fine without you. If Chanyeol oppa is with me then everything is good." Baekhyun went quiet for a moment. The only sound that filled the air was the creaking sound of the swings. Suddenly, Baekhyun got off his swing and stood in front of me. "You must really like Chanyeol, don't you?"

I blinked. "Why does that even matter?" I mumbled shyly. Baekhyun sighed quietly before taking a step closer to me. I leaned back slightly. "Because...I care." He leaned down and and brushed his lips on mine. I widened my eyes as he did so, barely able to process anything.

Here he was, 14 year old Baekhyun, kissing the 11 year old me. I didn't know what was happening. And before I could think, I did what a normal 11 year old would.

"What are you doing, Baekhyun?" I pulled backwards and stood from the swing. He looked up and stood also, now staring down at me. "What do you mean?" He snapped.

I coughed. "Baekhyun, you're moving in two weeks, TO AMERICA! I'm only 11, like..." I stared at him with nothing to say.

"Is it wrong for me to like you?" He asked, suddenly speaking softly. I looked up at him. "You can like anyone else. Just not me." I sighed. Baekhyun kept his gaze on me for a little while more before taking a step away from me and shaking his head.

"Fine." And with that, he walked away.

I watched him as I sat down on the swing. I was just a middle schooler. Why was this happening? I felt a large lump in my throat. I swallowed back any tears that wanted to come up.

Because I knew that inside my heart and mind, I felt the same towards him.


I sighed as I was brought back to reality, the rumbling sound of the subway ringing in my ears. Chanyeol oppa sat beside me, listening to music calmly, as if nothing was wrong. As if we werent going to see our best friend after 7 long years, in mere minutes.

After that day, nothing had been the same. Baekhyun wouldn't look at me, talk to me, or even tease. And that's the way it stayed up until the day he left. Our goodbyes hadn't even been proper. He looked past me and said his farewells to my parents as well as Chanyeol oppa, but left me hanging hopelessly.

Those days still remain in me. They still left me hurting. I know it shouldn't mean much since it was 7 years ago, when I was simply 11 years old, but he was my first first love. And for some reason, my heart wasn't letting it go.

So the the thought that I would be meeting him after all these years of nothing, of wishing I could see him was overwhelming.

I was honestly scared to death.

I never wanted it to end the way it did. And I was hoping that itwould be all left behind...

"This station is...Seoul Station. Seoul Station." I snapped out of my trance, yet again, as Chanyeol oppa nudged me.

"That's us." He grinned, pulling me up. I smiled back and followed him out the doors. "So how do you feel about this?" He asked. I blinked and tried to play dumb.

"About what?"

Chanyeol oppa chuckled and rolled his eyes. "You know what I mean. I sighed and shrugged, hoping my thoughts wouldn't appear on my face. "Eh, I'm indifferent." I lied. He glanced at me.

"Your face says otherwise." I felt myself turn pink. "W-well, what else am I supposed to say say?" I demanded. Chanyeol oppa laughed. "Okay okay, no need to get defensive, I was just wondering."

I huffed as we walked towards Chanyeol oppa's house. "But honestly speaking...I really don't know what to feel." Chanyeol oppa nodded. "I mean, that's understandable. Suddenly hearing of him after all these years...that's just odd, no?" He commented. I nodded in agreement. "Well, we'll just have to wait and see." He smiled and ruffled my hair before opening the door.

"We're back!" Chanyeol oppa called out. We entered the house hesitantly and stopped as we saw the Byun family from the distance.

Baekhyun's parents spotted us first. "Chanyeol? Is that you? Oh my, Sora! You've grown so much!" Their comments slowly faded as I stared at the back of a guy. He sat on the ground still, staring at the ground quietly. My brain filtered out any other thoughts. It wasn't until I heard "Baekhyun-ah, come say hi!" that I focused back to my surroundings. That's when the lean figure stood and turned around.

That's when my heart stopped.


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Kenzie8590 #1
Chapter 2: Baekhyun and sora 100% lol and update soonnnn pwetty please
SMfan4evrAKB48 #2
Chapter 1: I lub this story! Update ASAP!