Fresh Start

Actually, I Love You

Summer was about to end. Being Soo Jung "Krystal" Jung, an outcast student to my old school, this only means a fresh start. I was ignored by everyone in that school. I don't know why but I got a feeling that my race has something to do with it. I'm not saying that they're a bunch of racist kids who can't accept me as a Korean, but I actually heard them babbling about it.

I had lived in San Francisco, California since birth. My family, Sica unnie who is 5 years older than me, my eomma and my step-dad, barely visit Seoul. Compared to my life here, I would rather choose to live in Seoul.




"Eomma, I can't just let this opportunity go. Please understand", says Unnie who's apparently pleading Eomma to allow her to live in Ilsan. And I'm obviously eavsdropping behind the door.

"You know that you're dad won't allow you to live just by yourself there, my dear"

"But it's for my dreams eomma, besides I'm 23, I can handle myself", she retorted.

"Still a no dear."

"Eomma, jebal ~" I can imagine how my sister tries to put her cutest aegyo, I mentally puked.

"Quit it Sica. You're not living for Seoul. And it's final."

"But ~" before she could complain, Eomma exited and met my almost-glued-to-the-door face.

"What's my baby doing here?" I know that I instantly turned into a tomato because of too much embarassment.

"Eavsdropping huh?" added Eomma with that usual smirk,

"I-I'm just, ah we-well", I tried my best not to stutter but the thought of being busted makes me swallow all my words.

I'm expecting to be scolded and for a long speech about manners and so, but then she just laughed hysterically. She's literally rolling like a buffalo. She ruffled my hair and smile. I just scoffed at disbelief as I go inside Unnie's room. My mom, she's definitely unpredictable and bipolar.


A girly view hits me. Her room is nothing but pink. I'm not the type of girl who seems to like girly stuffs but my sister is. She is so down at the moment, I can't blame her, since we're young she always dreamt of working in Korea. There's something in that country that makes my sister love it so much. I mean, she lived there for years with our biological father so I really have no idea of what that 'reason' was.

"Unnie-yah, let's go shopping ~ I heard there's new beanies on sale.", I have this addiction to hats and beanies. It just makes me comfortable when I'm wearing one except when it's itchy.

"Unnie's not in the mood to go out, Krystal. Can you buy it yourself?", I know she's disappointed about their conversation earlier and I can't afford to see her this gloomy. I pouted and leave her. I can't believe she called me Krystal, she knows that I wanted to be called at my real name.


Jessica Unnie is my only sibling. Although our is quite big, we are so close to each other. We share common interests. We're both Ice Princess. I have a blunt personality and I normally don’t have any aegyo. I’m only like this to her. But if I do aegyo, she says I’m annoying and shoos me away. But I know she secretly like it.

Seeing her like that makes me uncomfortable, I know i have to use my aegyo to Eomma for the sake of Unnie. Aigooo.


I looked for my mom in her room, kitchen, living room, dad's office, and even in the comfort room but she's nowhere to be found.

A suddend thought came to my mind, she loves plants so she made this mini-garden at our backyard.

"Eomma ~" I shouted as I enter 'her paradise'

"Baby, don't shout. I can hear you." she said sweetly. I watched her as she carefully waters and removes the dead leaves from her roses. She looks so pleasant and calm. I can compare her to an angel. I remembered when I was so young and my unnie still lives in Korea with Appa, I always wanted to get their attention thats why my dad will scold me for being to naughty and for always messing up with his paper works. Then I will cry and it was only my mom who can make me stop. With her sweet voice and her cheesy lines, she manages to make me smile.

I cleared my throat to disregard my thoughts. "Ah, Eomma. It's about Jessica Unnie."

She stopped from t her plants and looked at me, "What's about her?."

I composed myself and tried to show my usual poker face, although I'm really nervously trembling inside. As forementioned, eomma is unpredictable, I'm scared that she might get angry. "I happened to overhear your conversation with Unnie a while ago, and I - uh, you said that dad won't allow her to live by herself, so uhm, I think I can accompany her.", I've been thinking of studying in Korea for a change. I didn't made any friends in my school so it won't really matter if I transfer there.

"You-" before she could decline my offer, I cut her off and retorted "It's her dreams eomma. You know how much I wanted to see my sister to accomplish and be contented, right? Please Mom. My studies won't be affected though. I can study there. I just want to see her happy. Please ~ Please ~ Jebal~"

"You really love your sister that much? You're even willing to sacrifice your life here in California for her", Apparently, my mom doesn't know how living here was nothing but hell for me. I didn't tell her about how I was treated in my school, I just don't want her to be bothered.

"Yes Eomma, please ~ ", I put the face like a child begging for her mom to buy her a toy, Jessica unnie owes me bigtime.


I rushed to unnie's room to be surprised that she's still lying on her bed with her polka-dots blanket covered over her. I can't stop myself from giggling because of her position, she looked like a baby. I'm taken aback when she finally noticed my presence. Before she could shoo me away like she always do, I excitedly exclaimed,  "Guess who's going to Korea ~ "




Ayyo, subbies !! Thanks for subscribing ^___^v oh and sorry for this crappy update and for the grammatical errors. I'll fix it soon :)


Saranghae bbuing ~

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Chapter 1: Don't fix it Authornim,it's nyc.....