weird dinner

Is this how love feels like?

Mi Sun P.O.V

1 new message – mama <3

Darling! I’m still having meeting with the client. Don’t think I’ll be coming home for dinner tonight. Eat without me. Sorry! I love you!


“Love you too mama…” I muttured and chuck my phone back on the table.

I walk out to the balcony and do some stretches.

“Alone. Again.” I sigh.

It’s 7.15pm now. I’ve been studying for 3hours? No wonder I feel so tired. Maybe I should grab myself some dinner instead of cooking.

I went into my room and take a quick shower before leaving for my house for dinner.


Jin Young P.O.V

“Jin young, don’t you think it’s time to go home?”

“It’s okay, shin woo. Besides, where is my dessert you promised me?”

Shin woo shake his head and sling a tower on his shoulder. “Pick one.”

“I want this, this and this.” I grin as I pointed at the menu.

“I said one! Seriously, I don’t understand how can you eat so much and be so skinny.”

“Shin! Customer!” I heard shin woo’s father calling from the counter.

“Coming! Be right back.” He said to me.


“Hey, I’ve got you a company.” Shin woo came back after few seconds.

“Hmm?” I look up from my book.

“Oh, hello.” I smile.


Mi Sun P.O.V

What is shin woo sunbae doing here wearing a tower on his head?

And what is jin young sunbae doing here too?


“Oh hello” Jin young smile at me.

“Erm, hi.” I said and sat opposite him in a booth at the end of the restaurant.

“Alone?” he asked me, closing his book.

“Yeah. You’re here for dinner too?”

“Let’s say I’m here since afternoon.”

“Since we left school?” 

He nodded.

Ahh of course, he was still wearing his school uniform.

“Oh, does shin woo sunbae works here? Why is he wearing like that?”

He laughed. “He’s father owns this ramen restaurant.”

“Really? So you mean for the past few months I’ve been coming to his father’s restaurant?”

He laughed again. “You can say that.”


“Here’s your dessert.” Shin woo came and drop a bowl of patbingsoo on the table. “And for the lady, what can I get for you?”

“I’ll get a set A please.” I said, pointing at the menu. “Oh, hot tea please.”

He nodded and wrote it down. “’Okay, I’ll be back!” he wink and did a salute to me.

“He’s always doing that.”

“That’s how he gets girls.”

“Hmm, smart move.”

“You like it?” jin young ask me.

“It’s cute.”

“You think?” he winks at me and did the same thing.

“Not on you.”

“Hey!” he pouted and ate his dessert.


Jin Young P.O.V

Ever since mi sun came, I can’t concentrate on doing anything. All I did was stuffing myself with shaved ice while watching her eat her ramen.

She blew her noddle twice before putting it in , biting it happily.

I smile as I watch her eat, until she looks up at me, I quickly look away.

“Do you want to try some?”

“Eh?” I said, shocked by her question.

“Here.” She blows the noodle and put it in front of my face. I smile and ate it.

“It’s good.”  I said. She nodded.

“It’s my favourite.”

I continue biting until I realize something. “Hey.”


“Do you know what just happen?”

She shakes her head.

“You just feed me.”

She nodded.

“With the same chopstick you ate.”

She nodded then looks at me.

“Oh! I’m sorry I should have changed it.”

I laugh. This girl….


Mi Sun P.O.V

Did I just feed jin young? I don’t usually do that!

“Oh! I’m sorry I should have changed it.” I said, when he mentions about it.

He laughs. “That’s not my point.”


He leans closer to me. He then put a finger on his lips and smile.

“Indirect kiss.” He winks.

“Indirec- omgosh sunbae!”

He laughed louder this time. “shh not so loud.”


“Hey, I’m not a ert. And stop blushing.”

“I-I am not!” although I can feel my face heating up.

“My turn.” He said and scoops up his dessert. “Say ahh…”

“No thanks.” I said; continue eating my own meal, not looking at him.

He chuckled. “You still call me sunbae, why.” He sigh.

“It’s only a name. Don’t be so sad about it.”

“But I am sad.” He pouted.

“Move.” Someone came over and push jin young aside.

“Hello, shin woo sunbae.” I said. I was kinda glad he appears at the right time.

“I’m tired.” He said, eating jin young’s dessert.

“Hey that’s mine!”

“But I paid for it.” he said. He then flip open a book on the table and start reading it.

“Have you figure this out?” he asked jin young, pointing at a page.

“Oh right. It’s like this.”

I look at jin young explaining the question while shin woo nodded, both looking very serious.

They can be goofy and serious when they want too. Typical boys.


“You don’t have to pay for me, now take my money.”

Jin young held my wrist when I was trying to put the money into his pocket.

“No. I insist on paying.”


“Because I want to.”

“But I didn’t ask, so take it back.” I continue stuffing the money into his pocket. Why is it so hard to get in?

He laughs and grabs my wrist, both of them this time. He pulls me closer to him that now my face is in his chest.

“What are you-”

He put my hands around his waist.

“I know you just want to touch me, stop using the money as an excuse.” He whispers.


I pushed him away on his chest. “Okay I’ll just keep the money.”

I walk away before he could see me blushing.

Damn girl, you need to stop blushing in front of him!

I heard him laughing behind me.

“You’re really funny, mi sun.”

“Shut up.” I muttered, putting my hands on my cheek making sure it’s not red.

“And why are you following me? Where is your fancy car?”

He jogs a little so he can walk next to me.

“Fancy car can wait. But first, I have to make sure you get home safe.”

“Thank you but my house is just across the street.” I said, pressing the pedestrian traffic light button.

“Well, let’s get you across the street shall we?” he smile at me.

I can’t help but to smile. It really nice of him to walk me home when he could have just get into his car and go home.

I didn’t realize the traffic lights turns green until I feel a hand slip into mine.

Jin young pull me along with him as we cross the road. I tried to let go after we crossed the street.

He laughed and holds our hands up.

“I knew it when you didn’t cross the road. You wanted me to hold your hand right?”

“N-no! I didn’t know it was green!” damn you jin young.

He laughs and shakes his head. “Well.” he looks at our hands. “Since I’m in a good mood today, I’ll give you the permission to hold my hand.”

“No one ask for it.” I said, trying to pull my hand from his but he grips it tighter.

“So which way do we go now?” he smiles at me.

Gosh jin young, stop smiling at me will you?


Jin Young P.O.V

Yes! I’m holding her hand! Shin woo, you should be proud of me now!

“Sunbae, you can let go of my hand now.”

I shake my head. She sighs.

“Oppa, you can let go of my hand now.”

I shake my head again.

She sighs again and shake her head.

“Please, people can see.”

“So? What’s wrong with it?”


We continue walking until we reach the entrance of her condo.

“Okay, here will do. Thank you for walking me home.” She smiles at me, trying to take her hand away.

“That’s all? Just a thank you?”

“Well, what do you want?”

“Hmm…” I tap on my lips. “Kiss.”

She shakes her head. “Or I can bow if you want me to.” She took a step back and bows down at me a few times.

“Come on, get up.” I hold her shoulder.  “It’s embarrassing.”

She stops bowing and look at me, laughing.

Just then, the wind started blowing and her long straight hair was flying all over her face.

“omgosh.” She laughed, trying to pull her hair back. But she was struggling with only one hand.

“I need my hand.” she said, pulling her hand that I was holding.

“Or I can help.” I said, walking up to her, pushing her hair back to her ear.

The wind stop blowing and she open her eyes, our face are just inches away.

“ommo.” She jerks her head backwards.

I ruffle her hair and pull her closer to me.


Mi Sun P.O.V

Omgosh what is he trying to do? He’s not trying to kiss me right? He mentions the word ‘kiss’ twice today.

He pushes my hair back to my ear again, but his eyes never left mine.

“oppa?” I said.

He grins. “You finally call me oppa.”

Omgosh I called him oppa!

He patted my head and step back. “Let’s go in, shall we?”

I nodded and follow him.


He press the elevator button while I was looking anywhere but him.


“Thank you for today. Have a save trip home.” I bowed at him. “And my hand…”

“Mi sun?” someone called. I turned my head.


He looks at me then to jin young. “Sunbae?”

“Baro? What are you doing here?” jin young asked.

“I should be asking you the same question.” Baro said, steppin out from the elevator. “Why are you both holding hands?”

I quickly pull off my hands, this time jin young didn’t hold back.

They both look at me with the same face expression.

Sigh, this is going to be a long night…


weee! updated another chapter as promised! =)

for those who wants more baro/mi sun moments, i shall write some for you! =)

thank you for subscribing and commenting! although i cant reply all of you, i do read all of ur comments. love you guys! heartheart 


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Joon_A #1
Chapter 73: Yeah..its been awhile..i just found 'is this how love feels like" and finally I just finished reading it....OMG I love it so much,I really love all the endings
*this is my new acc.,I forgot whats my old username and password so I make a new acc.
Btw,excellent story ;)
khatz17 #2
Chapter 42: i really want her to be with baro :-P
BlackPearl96 #3
Chapter 2: Hi, I keep seeing this story and it makes my interested every time. But every time I realize it can't read the font :/ I may be the only one but it would be much appreciated if I could enjoy your story like the others, please change the font author nim
Chapter 72: Hello!! New subscriber and new reader here~ \(´▽`)/ hbshjsahsahjsahsajhsd I love your story!! ♥ like seriously how do you do that.. I was blushing from beginning until the end!! I love all the endings ;_; cant express it well but the point is I love this story very much! Thank you for making this author-nim!!
gongchan. gongchan. gongchan.
Thank you all for reading! =D
Daenaelysa #7
ohgawd I liked Gongchan's more than Jinyoung's even though I'm Jinyoung biased. CHANNIE WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME.
congrats on completing your story!! i hope mine becomes as successful as yours is!!! <3<3<3<3<3