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About Me

Real name: syiqin Korean name: sangjoon Interests: netball,basketball,soccer,badminton Likes: music,want to learn how to play music instruments,learn how to compose song role model:B1A4 Dreams: singer,dancer,composer,writer I like to eat any kind of food except spicy fo I rarely drink fizzy drinks because my tongue hurt whenever I drinks fizzy drinks I'm jist an ordinary girl--> active,talkative,likes to love,hate to cry I like to meet new friends well I prefer funny people the first time you meet me,you will think that I'm cold (I have to smile very wide so that people know that I'm smiling...sometimes when I gave people a light smile,my expression is still blank and idk why),quiet,anti-social bit once you get to know me you'll find that I'm a bit crazy,ehehehe so feel free to add me