
Is He The One?

Hwayoung and Chanyeol were just friends; that friendship started when they were just toddlers in kindergarten, having fun all day till they were now teenagers in university, trying they best to get good grades and make good friends. You can say that they have quite much of the ‘fate’ from the love cupid angels in heaven, since they are always in the same school. Sometimes even in the same class. In university, they have few classes together, and always meet up when break period came. They ate together as usual, chatting along about how life was going and such.


And sometimes, Chanyeol just likes to stick - literally - stick close to Hwayoung, making some of their friends misunderstanding what relationship they actually have.


Chanyeol's friends often called him a joker/crack head/happy virus/weirdo and the list can keep going on with Chanyeol's many names his friends gave him, but most of the people know him by 'Happy Virus'. And Chanyeol being Chanyeol doesn't mind, like always. Chanyeol loves to smile, no matter what; he'll just smile like an idiot while others would laugh for some reason.


Hwayoung really liked Chanyeol's bright and positive personality. He's always smiling to others, helping other people when they needed help. But, sometimes Chanyeol could be massively annoying. Sometimes he likes to go wherever Hwayoung goes, following her everywhere (except for the girl's bathroom, of course) and telling some utterly lame jokes that not a lot of people can understand. But other than that, Chanyeol is a really good friend.


And honestly, Hwayoung really likes it when Chanyeol is around. He can always make things more exciting than it is.


Besides being around each other for a really long time, Chanyeol never really knew what was his feelings for Hwayoung, all his knows is whenever he is with her he feels extremely happy and all bubbly in the inside. While Chanyeol is having lots of feels, Hwayoung is having lots of questions.


She never got to actually understand her feelings for the taller male. Did she like him? As a friend? Or a brother? Or maybe even as a crush? Hwayoung really didn’t know. But anyways, they are going to find out if they can fill up that tiny spot in they heart for one another.




It was just another for Chanyeol and Hwayoung in school. Chatting when they can and going to they classes after each bell rang. They would wait for each other when school ended, it was just the usual. Usually Chanyeol would wait for Hwayoung. Since once class ended, Chanyeol will be flying out to the gates to wait for the other. Chanyeol always have a huge smile plastered on his face when he sees Hwayoung walking towards him.


“Hi!” It was always that one word that starts up the whole conversation.


“You’re early as usual, Chanyeol-ah…” Hwayoung chuckled, walking the same direction like everyday with Chanyeol skipping happily beside her. “The professor let us out early.” Chanyeol lied, and obviously that isn’t true. No professor would let they students out early, especially Chanyeol’s. “I see…”


Chanyeol simply nodded and continued they long journey back to they homes. “Ah! Are you free next Sunday?” Chanyeol suddenly asked out of the blue, smiling - maybe that was a grin? - Widely. "Erm, I'm not so sure... Why?" Hwayoung asked back, tilting her head to face Chanyeol. "Hmm~ Just tell me if you're free by tomorrow, okay?" Chanyeol chirped, he was eager for some reason. "Okay..." She nodded, a small smile plastered on her flawless face.


The two continued to talk till they reach to the front of Hwayoung’s house. “So… See you tomorrow?” Chanyeol smiled, even if it’s obvious that they are going to school together, like usual. “Yeah, sure! I mean, like usual right?” Hwayoung replied, waving as he walked in her house. “Bye!” Chanyeol chirped, waving back furiously as he walked to his house that is just a couple houses away from Hwayoung.


Hwayoung chuckled, shaking her head as she watches Chanyeol jumped away. “Such a kiddo…”


Hwayoung hurried got in, greeted her parents and immediately went in her room. She places her bag beside her bed, then falling onto the soft sheets of the bed and letting out a soft sigh. She then sat up, thinking about something a few minutes that Chanyeol had asked her before.


“Hmm~ Why did he wanted to know?” Hwayoung mumbled, asking herself. Hwayoung then search thru books of book, finding something. “There it is~” Hwayoung smiled, opening her schedule book and flipping from page to page, finding the date that Chanyeol had asked her. When she finally found it, nothing was written on that section. Guess I am free that day...


Hwayoung then proceed to go bath, eat dinner and do the homework that some jackass professor gave and lastly, get some sleep in her cozy bed!




It was early when Hwayoung heard the phone rang loudly, disturbing her peaceful slumber. She groggily forces herself to wake up, roaming her hand around the nightstand, finding the loud, stupid ringing device. When she finally found it, she answered the phone.


“Good morning, Hwayoung-ah!” Was the first thing that she heard and she immediately recognize that voice. “Chanyeol?”


“Yep! Sorry if it is too early…” he paused for a second before speaking again, “But I want to ask you something!” Hwayoung hummed softly, a sign to tell Chanyeol to continue. “Are you free that day?” Chanyeol asked, and Hwayoung can tell how eager Chanyeol wants to know the answer. “Yep, Chanyeol-ah~” Replied Hwayoung, chuckling softly.


“Really? Really? Reallyyyyyyy~?” Chanyeol was like a broken record; he kept repeating that word over and over. “Yes, yes, Chanyeol-ah…” Hwayoung literally face palmed, the other was so happy just because of her answer. “Can you tell me why now?”


“Hmm…~ Nope, not yet!” Chanyeol replied, mumbling a few more ‘Nopes’ thru the phone. Hwayoung whined childishly while Chanyeol grinned widely. “You’ll know, eventually~” Chanyeol told Hwayoung, and Hwayoung groaned in frustration. “Meanie pants!” And Chanyeol snorts, “Me, Park Chanyeol, is no where near evilness.”


“Yeah right, Park Chanyeol.” She scoffs, cursing how wicked Chanyeol is under her breath. “Yah, I heard that!” And while the fight continues…




Magically, now is the date that Hwayoung and Chanyeol are going to they little ‘date’~


Hwayoung was dressed in a beautifully designed floral dress; Chanyeol wore a white T-shirt with a formal jacket and a pair of skinny jeans. And in a flash, they met up in the restaurant that Chanyeol chose. “Looking good, Hwayoung~” Chanyeol grinned as his eyes traced around Hwayoung.


“You too, Yeollie~” Hwayoung gave a thumbs up to the other as she has never saw Chanyeol wore like that before. Chanyeol thanked the others’ compliment as they went in the restaurant. Both sat down, called some meals and chatted the all night.


“By the way, why did you invite me out?” Hwayoung asked as they walked out the restaurant, heading to Chanyeol’s car. “O-oh…” Chanyeol scratched his head, “I wanted to ask you something…” Hwayoung hummed softly, curious and wants to know the question that Chanyeol is about to ask. Chanyeol took in a deep breath before he held onto both of Hwayoung’s hand. “C-chan-“


“Will you be my girlfriend?” Chanyeol confessed, biting his lips as he gulps. “When we were in secondary, I really really liked you. But as we grow up, I find that I just really like to be around you and my mind goes a little crazy when I’m with you… I know this is stupid, but… I love you, Hwayoung.”


And that’s when Hwayoung goes bonkers. She had asked herself some questions too, but it wasn’t clarified… No one answered her question. And now she has Chanyeol’s confession, which makes her more confuse.


So… Is he the one to fill that hole in her heart? The one to answer all of her unanswered questions?

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