Ghost Story

Ghost Story

"Let me tell you a story" smiling, D.O beckoned me over. Skipping over to him, I settled my head in his lap. 

"Did I hear story? You're not as good as Kris gege at telling stories but go on anyway Kyungsoo hyung" Tao poked his head around the kitchen door and grinned at us. He came out holding a bowl of ice cream and jumped onto the couch, slumping down into a comfortable position before nodding at D.O to continue. D.O rolled his eyes and started.

"One day I was just minding my own business, cooking in the kitchen, when I heard a knocking coming from Xiumin hyung's room. Thinking that it was only one of the boys being silly, I went over and yelled 'Hey, shush up or just open the door, won't you?'. Hearing no answer, I opened his door. There was no one there. Thinking that I had imagined things, I went back to cooking. Hearing the knocking again, I started to get scared. At that point, I had realized that none of the boys were home. I was the only one there" 

"Wait stop! You never said this was a ghost story!" Tao suddenly interrupted. Holding his hand up in a stop sign, his eyes were round saucers. However, he still paid rapt attention to D.O and D.O smirked, obviously enjoying himself. He glanced down at my own awestruck expression and he grinned, taking a deep breath and picking up where he had left off. 

"So as you can imagine, I'm very scared by then and I completely forget about my cooking. I go into Xiumin's room again and look around for the source of the noise. Just then, I hear a voice, the same voice that appeared in our music video, Mama, that we didn't record. 'Xie xie nimen' it says very softly and I'm about ready to scream my head off because I thought it was the same uninvited ghost coming back to haunt us. I ran out of Xiumin's room and locked the door, as if that could stop it, which obviously it wouldn't be able to because as you know, ghosts can walk through walls. in a breath I-" 

"Oh my god, what if the ghost is here for my Gucci? No, please no!" Tao interrupted D.O and he swiveled his head around, scanning the apartment for any unwanted visitors. Shivering, Tao scooted closer to us and buried his head in my shoulder. 

"You'll protect me right?" Tao whispered in my ear and I chuckled.

"Yeah of course. I'll make sure no one takes your precious Gucci either" I play along, answering him. Tao nodded then stared at D.O, silently asking him to continue. D.O sighed and narrowed his eyes at Tao before continuing with his strangely enchanting story.

"You better not interrupt again. Anyway, so I in a deep breath and tell myself to be a man. I storm into Xiumin's room again and yell out 'hey ghostie! come out and play!". Nothing happens, not even a movement in the room. Suddenly, there is a tremor in the sudden stillness and I whip around, searching for the source of the noise that sounded very much like the voice that I had heard earlier. And you know what I saw? Do you?" he raised his eyebrows at us and Tao shook his head, terrified but entranced. 

"I see wind chimes hanging by the open window, whispering what sounded so much like 'xie xie nimen'. Feeling stupid, I go back into the kitchen and then guess what happened?" pausing again, he glanced down at me and I shrugged, disappointed that the 'ghost' had only been wind chimes. 

"My food was burnt! That's the true horror to this thriller" finishing with a flourish, D.O clicked his fingers then began to laugh. I punched his arm playfully and Tao rolled his eyes, embarrassed for thinking that it was a real horror story. We pulled him up and forced him into our dance, sweeping him across the room. Suddenly, the door burst open and all three of us saw the most horrifying thing of our lives. Ten dirty, muddy monsters stood in the doorway, each holding something that looked like a weapon, also caked in mud. Tao and I screamed, running behind D.O. 

"AHHHH GEGE IT'S THE GHOST AND SHE'S BROUGHT FRIENDS. SAVE YOURSELVES, I'M GETTING MY CHANEL BAGS" Tao screamed as loud as he could at the top of his lungs and D.O cracked up into laughter. 

"Tao it's just the boys back from their labour day. We're feeling a reality show, remember?" looking around for the disappeared Tao, he knitted his eyebrows together in confusion. Suddenly Tao came running in, wheeling humongous suitcases with him. 

"C'mon! We need to run before THOSE things get us!" 


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Chapter 1: kekeke trolling DO:D